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                       SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES



   FIRST SESSION  convened january 6, 2009          DAYS OF SESSION 63


                          CALENDAR OF BUSINESS

                         Tuesday, April 28, 2009

                      SENATE CONVENES AT 10:00 A.M.

                            PENDING BUSINESS

                          S. 386 (ORDER NO. 28)

    A bill to improve enforcement of mortgage fraud, securities fraud, 
financial institution fraud, and other frauds related to federal 
assistance and relief programs, for the recovery of funds lost to these 
frauds, and for other purposes. (Apr. 22, 2009.)

                  (Unanimous Consent Agreement on P. 2)


                         SECRETARY OF THE SENATE

              By Kathleen Alvarez Tritak, Legislative Clerk


[[Page 2]]

                       UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT

                          S. 386 (ORDER NO. 28)

    Ordered, That at noon on Tuesday, April 28, 2009, the Senate resume 
consideration of S. 386, a bill to improve enforcement of mortgage 
fraud, securities fraud, financial institution fraud, and other frauds 
related to federal assistance and relief programs, for the recovery of 
funds lost to these frauds, and for other purposes, and notwithstanding 
Rule XII, paragraph 4, vote on passage of the bill, without further 
intervening action or debate. (Apr. 23, 27, 2009.)

    January, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
    February, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.
    March, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 09, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31.
    April, 01, 02, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28.

[[Page 3]]

    January, 2.
Days Senate met during Second Session, One Hundred Tenth 
Congress, are marked (---).

[[Page 4]]

     January, 03, 07, 09, 11, 15, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31.

     February, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.

     March, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 21, 24, 27, 31.

     April, 01, 02, 03, 04, 07, 08, 09, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30.

     May, 01, 02, 06, 07, 08, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 29.

     June, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 09, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30.

     July, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.

     August, 01, 05, 08, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29.

     September, 02, 05, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30.

     October, 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 10, 14, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30.

     November, 03, 06, 10, 13, 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 29.

     December, 02, 05, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30.


Days Senate met during Second Session, One Hundred Tenth 
Congress, are marked (---).

Boxed area indicates a scheduled non-legislative period.

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     Senate Membership, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, First Session


 1    Akaka, Daniel K.....................................    HI
 2    Alexander, Lamar....................................    TN
 1    Barrasso, John\1\...................................    WY
 2    Baucus, Max.........................................    MT
 3    Bayh, Evan..........................................    IN
 2    Begich, Mark........................................    AK
 3    Bennet, Michael F\4\................................    CO
 3    Bennett, Robert F...................................    UT
 1    Bingaman, Jeff......................................    NM
 3    Bond, Christopher S.................................    MO
 3    Boxer, Barbara......................................    CA
 1    Brown, Sherrod......................................    OH
 3    Brownback, Sam......................................    KS
 3    Bunning, Jim........................................    KY
 3    Burr, Richard.......................................    NC
 3    Burris, Roland W\2\.................................    IL
 1    Byrd, Robert C......................................    WV
 1    Cantwell, Maria.....................................    WA
 1    Cardin, Benjamin L..................................    MD
 1    Carper, Thomas R....................................    DE
 1    Casey, Robert P., Jr................................    PA
 2    Chambliss, Saxby....................................    GA
 3    Coburn, Tom.........................................    OK
 2    Cochran, Thad.......................................    MS
 2    Collins, Susan M....................................    ME
 1    Conrad, Kent........................................    ND
 1    Corker, Bob.........................................    TN
 2    Cornyn, John........................................    TX
 3    Crapo, Mike.........................................    ID
 3    DeMint, Jim.........................................    SC
 3    Dodd, Christopher J.................................    CT
 3    Dorgan, Byron L.....................................    ND
 2    Durbin, Richard J...................................    IL
 1    Ensign, John........................................    NV
 2    Enzi, Michael B.....................................    WY
 3    Feingold, Russell D.................................    WI
 1    Feinstein, Dianne...................................    CA
 1    Gillibrand, Kirsten E\4\............................    NY
 2    Graham, Lindsey.....................................    SC
 3    Grassley, Chuck.....................................    IA
 3    Gregg, Judd.........................................    NH
 2    Hagan, Kay R........................................    NC
 2    Harkin, Tom.........................................    IA
 1    Hatch, Orrin G......................................    UT
 1    Hutchison, Kay Bailey...............................    TX
 2    Inhofe, James M.....................................    OK
 3    Inouye, Daniel K....................................    HI
 3    Isakson, Johnny.....................................    GA
 2    Johanns, Mike.......................................    NE
 2    Johnson, Tim........................................    SD
 2    Kaufman, Edward E\3\................................    DE
 1    Kennedy, Edward M...................................    MA
 2    Kerry, John F.......................................    MA
 1    Klobuchar, Amy......................................    MN
 1    Kohl, Herb..........................................    WI
 1    Kyl, Jon............................................    AZ
 2    Landrieu, Mary L....................................    LA
 2    Lautenberg, Frank R.................................    NJ
 3    Leahy, Patrick J....................................    VT
 2    Levin, Carl.........................................    MI
 1    Lieberman, Joseph I\**\.............................    CT
 3    Lincoln, Blanche L..................................    AR
 1    Lugar, Richard G....................................    IN
 3    Martinez, Mel.......................................    FL
 3    McCain, John........................................    AZ
 1    McCaskill, Claire...................................    MO
 2    McConnell, Mitch....................................    KY
 1    Menendez, Robert....................................    NJ
 2    Merkley, Jeff.......................................    OR
 3    Mikulski, Barbara A.................................    MD
 3    Murkowski, Lisa.....................................    AK
 3    Murray, Patty.......................................    WA
 1    Nelson, Ben.........................................    NE
 1    Nelson, Bill........................................    FL
 2    Pryor, Mark L.......................................    AR
 2    Reed, Jack..........................................    RI
 3    Reid, Harry.........................................    NV
 2    Risch, James E......................................    ID
 2    Roberts, Pat........................................    KS
 2    Rockefeller, John D., IV............................    WV
 1    Sanders, Bernard\*\.................................    VT
 3    Schumer, Charles E..................................    NY
 2    Sessions, Jeff......................................    AL
 2    Shaheen, Jeanne.....................................    NH
 3    Shelby, Richard C...................................    AL
 1    Snowe, Olympia J....................................    ME
 3    Specter, Arlen......................................    PA
 1    Stabenow, Debbie....................................    MI
 1    Tester, Jon.........................................    MT
 3    Thune, John.........................................    SD
 2    Udall, Mark.........................................    CO
 2    Udall, Tom..........................................    NM
 3    Vitter, David.......................................    LA
 3    Voinovich, George V.................................    OH
 2    Warner, Mark R......................................    VA
 1    Webb, Jim...........................................    VA
 1    Whitehouse, Sheldon.................................    RI
 1    Wicker, Roger F\1\..................................    MS
 3    Wyden, Ron..........................................    OR


Class 1=Senators whose terms expire in 2013 (Dem. 22  Ind. Dem. 1     33
Ind. 1  Rep. 9).
Class 2=Senators whose terms expire in 2015 (Dem. 19  Rep. 13)....    32
Class 3=Senators whose terms expire in 2011 (Dem. 15  Rep. 19)....    34


                          Totals (Dem. 56  Ind. Dem. 1  Ind. 1        99
                          Rep. 41).

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[Page 7-9]

                         COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 

                          STANDING COMMITTEES 

[[Page (7)]]


Room SR-328A. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first and third 
    Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Tom Harkin, of Iowa, Chairman
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Max Baucus, of Montana
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Ben Nelson, of Nebraska
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota
Michael F. Bennet, of Colorado
Kirsten E. Gillibrand, of New York


Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
Mike Johanns, of Nebraska
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
John Thune, of South Dakota
_____ , _____


Room S-128. The Capitol. Meetings at the call of the Chairman.
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii, Chairman
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin
Patty Murray, of Washington
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Ben Nelson, of Nebraska
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Jon Tester, of Montana


Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Susan M. Collins, of Maine
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska

                             ARMED SERVICES

Room SR-228. Russell Office Building. Meetings, Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Carl Levin, of Michigan, Chairman
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Ben Nelson, of Nebraska
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Jim Webb, of Virginia
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Mark Udall, of Colorado
Kay R. Hagan, of North Carolina
Mark Begich, of Alaska
Roland W. Burris, of Illinois


John McCain, of Arizona
James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
John Thune, of South Dakota
Mel Martinez, of Florida
Roger F. Wicker, of Mississippi
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
David Vitter, of Louisiana
Susan M. Collins, of Maine


Room SD-534. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, last Tuesday of each 
    month at 10:30 a.m.
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut, Chairman
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
Jon Tester, of Montana
Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin
Mark R. Warner, of Virginia
Jeff Merkley, of Oregon
Michael F. Bennet, of Colorado


Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
Mel Martinez, of Florida
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
David Vitter, of Louisiana
Mike Johanns, of Nebraska
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas


Room SD-624. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota, Chairman
Patty Murray, of Washington
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island
Mark R. Warner, of Virginia
Jeff Merkley, of Oregon


Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
John Ensign, of Nevada
John Cornyn, of Texas
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee


Room SD-508. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first and third Tuesdays 
    at 10 a.m.
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia, Chairman
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Barbara Boxer, of California
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota
Tom Udall, of New Mexico
Mark R. Warner, of Virginia
Mark Begich, of Alaska


Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
John Ensign, of Nevada
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
John Thune, of South Dakota
Roger F. Wicker, of Mississippi
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
David Vitter, of Louisiana
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
Mel Martinez, of Florida
Mike Johanns, of Nebraska

[[Page 8]]

                      ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES

Room SD-366. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, third Wednesday of each 
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico, Chairman
Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Mark Udall, of Colorado
Jeanne Shaheen, of New Hampshire


Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
John Barrasso, of Wyoming
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
James E. Risch, of Idaho
John McCain, of Arizona
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Bob Corker, of Tennessee

                      ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS

Room SD-458. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first and third 
    Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Barbara Boxer, of California, Chairman
Max Baucus, of Montana
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Frank R. Lautenberg, of New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island
Tom Udall, of New Mexico
Jeff Merkley, of Oregon
Kirsten E. Gillibrand, of New York


James M. Inhofe, of Oklahoma
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
David Vitter, of Louisiana
John Barrasso, of Wyoming
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee


Room SD-219. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, second and fourth 
    Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Max Baucus, of Montana, Chairman
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware


Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Jon Kyl, of Arizona
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
John Ensign, of Nevada
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
John Cornyn, of Texas

                            FOREIGN RELATIONS

Room SD-419. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts, Chairman
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Barbara Boxer, of California
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Jim Webb, of Virginia
Jeanne Shaheen, of New Hampshire
Edward E. Kaufman, of Delaware
Kirsten E. Gillibrand, of New York


Richard G. Lugar, of Indiana
_____ , _____
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
James E. Risch, of Idaho
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
John Barrasso, of Wyoming
Roger F. Wicker, of Mississippi


Room SD-428. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, second and fourth 
    Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts, Chairman
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
Patty Murray, of Washington
Jack Reed, of Rhode Island
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Kay R. Hagan, of North Carolina
Jeff Merkley, of Oregon
_____ , _____


Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
John McCain, of Arizona
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma
Pat Roberts, of Kansas


Room SD-340. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings, first Thursday of each 
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut, Chairman
Carl Levin, of Michigan
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Thomas R. Carper, of Delaware
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Jon Tester, of Montana
Roland W. Burris, of Illinois
Michael F. Bennet, of Colorado


Susan M. Collins, of Maine
_____ , _____
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma
John McCain, of Arizona
George V. Voinovich, of Ohio
John Ensign, of Nevada
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina

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Room SD-224. Dirksen Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Patrick J. Leahy, of Vermont, Chairman
Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota
Edward E. Kaufman, of Delaware


Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Jon Kyl, of Arizona
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
John Cornyn, of Texas
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma

                        RULES AND ADMINISTRATION

Room SR-305. Russell Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Charles E. Schumer, of New York, Chairman
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois
Ben Nelson, of Nebraska
Patty Murray, of Washington
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Tom Udall, of New Mexico
Mark R. Warner, of Virginia


Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
John Ensign, of Nevada


Room SR-428A. Russell Office Building. Meetings, first Thursday of each 
Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana, Chairman
John F. Kerry, of Massachusetts
Carl Levin, of Michigan
Tom Harkin, of Iowa
Joseph I. Lieberman, of Connecticut
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Jeanne Shaheen, of New Hampshire
Kay R. Hagan, of North Carolina


Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri
_____ , _____
David Vitter, of Louisiana
John Thune, of South Dakota
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
Roger F. Wicker, of Mississippi

                            VETERANS' AFFAIRS

Room SR-412. Russell Office Building. Meetings at the call of the 
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii, Chairman
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Patty Murray, of Washington
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio
Jim Webb, of Virginia
Jon Tester, of Montana
Mark Begich, of Alaska
Roland W. Burris, of Illinois


Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
Roger F. Wicker, of Mississippi
Mike Johanns, of Nebraska
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina

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                       COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS

                    Room SH-838. Hart Office Building

Byron L. Dorgan, of North Dakota, Chairman
Daniel K. Inouye, of Hawaii
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Daniel K. Akaka, of Hawaii
Tim Johnson, of South Dakota
Maria Cantwell, of Washington
Jon Tester, of Montana
Tom Udall, of New Mexico
_____ , _____


John Barrasso, of Wyoming
John McCain, of Arizona
Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
Mike Johanns, of Nebraska

                       SELECT COMMITTEE ON ETHICS

                    Room SH-220. Hart Office Building

Barbara Boxer, of California, Chairman
Mark L. Pryor, of Arkansas
Sherrod Brown, of Ohio


Johnny Isakson, of Georgia
Pat Roberts, of Kansas
James E. Risch, of Idaho



                    Room SH-211. Hart Office Building

Dianne Feinstein, of California, Chairman
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Barbara A. Mikulski, of Maryland
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island


Christopher S. Bond, of Missouri, Vice Chairman
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Olympia J. Snowe, of Maine
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia
Richard Burr, of North Carolina
Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma
James E. Risch, of Idaho

                       SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING

                  Room SD-G31. Dirksen Office Building

Herb Kohl, of Wisconsin, Chairman
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Blanche L. Lincoln, of Arkansas
Evan Bayh, of Indiana
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Claire McCaskill, of Missouri
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island
Mark Udall, of Colorado
Michael F. Bennet, of Colorado
Kirsten E. Gillibrand, of New York
_____ , _____


Mel Martinez, of Florida
Richard C. Shelby, of Alabama
Susan M. Collins, of Maine
Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania
_____ , _____
Bob Corker, of Tennessee
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina

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[Page 11]

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                        JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE

                  Room SD-G01. Dirksen Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Charles E. Schumer, of New York, Vice Chairman
Edward M. Kennedy, of Massachusetts
Jeff Bingaman, of New Mexico
Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota
Robert P. Casey, Jr., of Pennsylvania
Jim Webb, of Virginia
Sam Brownback, of Kansas
Jim DeMint, of South Carolina
James E. Risch, of Idaho
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah



                  Room SR-305. Russell Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Christopher J. Dodd, of Connecticut
Richard J. Durbin, of Illinois
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Thad Cochran, of Mississippi


                       JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Charles E. Schumer, of New York
Patty Murray, of Washington
Tom Udall, of New Mexico
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah
Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia


                       JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION

                  Room SD-G18. Dirksen Office Building

                             SENATE MEMBERS

Max Baucus, of Montana
John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia
Kent Conrad, of North Dakota
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Orrin G. Hatch, of Utah



                             SENATE MEMBERS

Harry Reid, of Nevada
Dianne Feinstein, of California
Robert F. Bennett, of Utah


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[Page 12]

 Cross Index of General Orders Measures With Corresponding Order Numbers

Measure Number                                              Order Number

[[Page 12]]

S. 1..............................................................    1
S. 2..............................................................    2
S. 3..............................................................    3
S. 4..............................................................    4
S. 5..............................................................    5
S. 6..............................................................    6
S. 7..............................................................    7
S. 8..............................................................    8
S. 9..............................................................    9
S. 10.............................................................   10
S. 33.............................................................   11
S. 34.............................................................   12
S. 49.............................................................   32
S. 146............................................................   33
S. 182............................................................   15
S. 256............................................................   38
S. 275............................................................   17
S. 277............................................................   34
S. 336............................................................   19
S. 350............................................................   20
S. 386............................................................   28
S. 454............................................................   45
S. 478............................................................   24
S. 482............................................................   25
S. 515............................................................   46
S. 542............................................................   29
S. 570............................................................   31
S. 651............................................................   37
S. 895............................................................   51
S. 896............................................................   52

S. Con. Res. 11...................................................   44

S. Res. 9.........................................................   40
S. Res. 20........................................................   41
S. Res. 46........................................................   22
S. Res. 56........................................................   42
S. Res. 90........................................................   43

H.R. 131..........................................................   49
H.R. 1256.........................................................   47
H.R. 1586.........................................................   36
H.R. 1664.........................................................   50

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[Page 13-22]

                             GENERAL ORDERS

                             UNDER RULE VIII


 Order  Measure Number           Title                 Reported or       
  No.     and Author                              Placed on the Calendar 

[[Page (13)]]

    1      S. 1      A bill to create jobs,    Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    restore economic          second time and placed 
          others       growth, and strengthen    on the calendar.
                       America's middle class 
                       through measures that 
                       modernize the nation's 
                       infrastructure, enhance 
                       America's energy 
                       independence, expand 
                       opportunities, preserve 
                       and improve affordable 
                       health care, provide 
                       tax relief, and protect 
                       those in greatest need, 
                       and for other purposes.

    2      S. 2      A bill to improve the     Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    lives of middle class     second time and placed 
          others       families and provide      on the calendar.
                       them with greater 
                       opportunity to achieve 
                       the American dream.

    3      S. 3      A bill protect homeowners Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    and consumers by          second time and placed 
          others       reducing foreclosures,    on the calendar.
                       ensuring the 
                       availability of credit 
                       for homeowners, 
                       businesses, and 
                       consumers, and 
                       reforming the financial 
                       regulatory system, and 
                       for other purposes.

    4      S. 4      A bill to guarantee       Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    affordable, quality       second time and placed 
          others       health coverage for all   on the calendar.
                       Americans, and for 
                       other purposes.

    5      S. 5      A bill to improve the     Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    economy and security of   second time and placed 
          others       the United States by      on the calendar.
                       reducing the dependence 
                       of the United States on 
                       foreign and 
                       unsustainable energy 
                       sources and the risks 
                       of global warming, and 
                       for other purposes.

[[Page 14]]

    6      S. 6      A bill to restore and     Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    enhance the national      second time and placed 
          others       security of the United    on the calendar.

    7      S. 7      A bill to expand          Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    educational               second time and placed 
          others       opportunities for all     on the calendar.
                       Americans by increasing 
                       access to high-quality 
                       early childhood 
                       education and after 
                       school programs, 
                       advancing reform in 
                       elementary and 
                       secondary education, 
                       mathematics and science 
                       instruction, and 
                       ensuring that higher 
                       education is more 
                       affordable, and for 
                       other purposes.

    8      S. 8      A bill to return the      Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    Government to the         second time and placed 
          others       people by reviewing       on the calendar.
                       regulations'' issued in 
                       the waning days of the 
                       Bush Administration.

    9      S. 9      A bill to strengthen the  Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    United States economy,    second time and placed 
          others       provide for more          on the calendar.
                       effective border and 
                       employment enforcement, 
                       and for other purposes.

   10      S. 10     A bill to restore fiscal  Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    discipline and begin to   second time and placed 
          others       address the long-term     on the calendar.
                       fiscal challenges 
                       facing the United 
                       States, and for other 

   11      S. 33     A bill to amend the       Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
        Mr. Ensign     Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
                       of 1986 with respect to   on the calendar.
                       the proper tax 
                       treatment of certain 
                       indebtedness discharged 
                       in 2009 or 2010, and 
                       for other purposes.

   12      S. 34     A bill to prevent the     Jan. 7, 2009.--Read the 
      Mr. DeMint and   Federal Communications    second time and placed 
          others       Commission from           on the calendar.
                       repromulgating the 
                       fairness doctrine.

[[Page 15]]

   15     S. 182     A bill to amend the Fair  Jan. 9, 2009.--Read the 
       Mrs. Clinton    Labor Standards Act of    second time and placed 
        and others     1938 to provide more      on the calendar.
                       effective remedies to 
                       victims of 
                       discrimination in the 
                       payment of wages on the 
                       basis of sex, and for 
                       other purposes.

   17     S. 275     A bill to amend title XXI Jan. 16, 2009.--Mr. 
        Mr. Baucus     of the Social Security    Baucus, Committee on 
                       Act to extend and         Finance, without 
                       improve the Children's    amendment. (An original 
                       Health Insurance          bill.) (No written 
                       Program, and for other    report.)

   19     S. 336     A bill making             Jan. 27, 2009.--Mr. 
        Mr. Inouye     supplemental              Inouye, Committee on 
                       appropriations for job    Appropriations, without 
                       preservation and          amendment. (An original 
                       creation,                 bill.) (Rept. 3.)
                       investment, energy 
                       efficiency and science, 
                       assistance to the 
                       unemployed, and State 
                       and local fiscal 
                       stabilization, for the 
                       fiscal year ending 
                       September 30, 2009, and 
                       for other purposes.

   20     S. 350     A bill to provide for a   Jan. 29, 2009.--Mr. 
        Mr. Baucus     portion of the economic   Baucus, Committee on 
                       recovery package          Finance, without 
                       relating to revenue       amendment. (An original 
                       measures, unemployment,   bill.) (No written 
                       and health.               report.)

   22   S. Res. 46   Resolution authorizing    Feb. 12, 2009.--Mr. 
        Mr. Schumer    expenditures by the       Schumer, Committee on 
                       Committee on Rules and    Rules and 
                       Administration.           Administration, without 
                                                 amendment. (An original 
                                                 resolution.) (No 
                                                 written report.)

   24     S. 478     A bill to amend the       Feb. 26, 2009.--Read the 
      Mr. DeMint and   National Labor            second time and placed 
          others       Relations Act to ensure   on the calendar.
                       the right of employees 
                       to a secret-ballot 
                       election conducted by 
                       the National Labor 
                       Relations Board.

   25     S. 482     A bill to require Senate  Feb. 26, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Feingold    candidates to file        second time and placed 
        and others     designations,             on the calendar.
                       statements, and reports 
                       in electronic form.

[[Page 16]]

   28     S. 386     A bill to improve         Mar. 5, 2009.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Mr. Leahy and    enforcement of mortgage   Committee on the 
          others       fraud, securities         Judiciary, with an 
                       fraud, financial          amendment in the nature 
                       institution fraud, and    of a substitute. (Rept. 
                       other frauds related to   10.)
                       federal assistance and 
                       relief programs, for 
                       the recovery of funds 
                       lost to these frauds, 
                       and for other purposes.

   29     S. 542     A bill to repeal the      Mar. 9, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Reid and    provision of law that     second time and placed 
          others       provides automatic pay    on the calendar.
                       adjustments for Members 
                       of Congress.

   31     S. 570     A bill to stimulate the   Mar. 12, 2009.--Read the 
      Mr. Vitter and   economy and create jobs   second time and placed 
          others       at no cost to the         on the calendar.
                       taxpayers, and without 
                       borrowing money from 
                       foreign governments for 
                       which our children and 
                       grandchildren will be 
                       responsible, and for 
                       other purposes.

   32      S. 49     A bill to help Federal    Mar. 12, 2009.--Mr. 
      Messrs. Leahy    prosecutors and           Leahy, Committee on the 
        and Cornyn     investigators combat      Judiciary, with an 
                       public corruption by      amendment in the nature 
                       strengthening and         of a substitute. (No 
                       clarifying the law.       written report.)

   33     S. 146     A bill to amend the       Mar. 18, 2009.--Mr. 
       Mr. Kohl and    Federal antitrust laws    Leahy, Committee on the 
          others       to provide expanded       Judiciary, without 
                       coverage and to           amendment. (Rept. 9.)
                       eliminate exemptions 
                       from such laws that are 
                       contrary to the public 
                       interest with respect 
                       to railroads.

   34     S. 277     A bill to amend the       Mar. 18, 2009.--Ms. 
       Mr. Kennedy     National and Community    Mikulski, Committee on 
        and others     Service Act of 1990 to    Health, Education, 
                       expand and improve        Labor, and Pensions, 
                       opportunities for         with an amendment in 
                       service, and for other    the nature of a 
                       purposes.                 substitute. (No written 
                                                 report.) (See also 
                                                 Order No. 35.)

   36    H.R. 1586   An act to impose an       Mar. 23, 2009.--Read the 
                       additional tax on         second time and placed 
                       bonuses received from     on the calendar.
                       certain TARP 

[[Page 17]]

   37     S. 651     A bill to amend the       Mar. 23, 2009.--Read the 
      Mr. Baucus and   Internal Revenue Code     second time and placed 
          others       of 1986 to impose an      on the calendar.
                       excise tax on excessive 
                       bonuses paid by, and 
                       received from, 
                       companies receiving 
                       Federal emergency 
                       economic assistance, to 
                       limit the amount of 
                       nonqualified deferred 
                       compensation that 
                       employees of such 
                       companies may defer 
                       from taxation, and for 
                       other purposes.

   38     S. 256     A bill to enhance the     Mar. 23, 2009.--Mr. 
      Mrs. Feinstein   ability to combat         Leahy, Committee on the 
        and others     methamphetamine.          Judiciary, without 
                                                 amendment. (No written 

   40    S. Res. 9   Resolution commemorating  Mar. 31, 2009.--Mr. 
      Mr. Lugar and    90 years of U.S.-Polish   Kerry, Committee on 
          others       diplomatic relations,     Foreign Relations, 
                       during which Poland has   without amendment, and 
                       proven to be an           with a preamble. (No 
                       exceptionally strong      written report.)
                       partner to the United 
                       States in advancing 
                       freedom around the 

   41   S. Res. 20   Resolution celebrating    Mar. 31, 2009.--Mr. 
         Messrs.       the 60th anniversary of   Kerry, Committee on 
      Voinovich and    the North Atlantic        Foreign Relations, 
           Casey       Treaty Organization.      without amendment, and 
                                                 with a preamble. (No 
                                                 written report.)

   42   S. Res. 56   Resolution urging the     Mar. 31, 2009.--Mr. 
         Mr. Lugar     Government of Moldova     Kerry, Committee on 
                       to ensure a fair and      Foreign Relations, 
                       democratic election       without amendment, and 
                       process for the           with a preamble. (No 
                       parliamentary elections   written report.)
                       on April 5, 2009.

   43   S. Res. 90   Resolution expressing the Mar. 31, 2009.--Mr. 
      Mr. Kerry and    sense of the Senate       Kerry, Committee on 
          others       regarding the Fifth       Foreign Relations, 
                       Summit of the Americas,   without amendment, and 
                       held in Port of Spain,    with a preamble. (No 
                       Trinidad and Tobago,      written report.)
                       April 17, 18, and 19, 

[[Page 18]]

   44  S. Con. Res.  Concurrent resolution     Apr. 2, 2009.--Mr. Kerry, 
            11         condemning all forms of   Committee on Foreign 
       Ms. Collins     anti-Semitism and         Relations, with 
        and others     reaffirming the support   amendments, and with a 
                       of Congress for the       preamble. (No written 
                       mandate of the Special    report.)
                       Envoy to Monitor and 
                       Combat Anti-Semitism, 
                       and for other purposes.

   45     S. 454     A bill to improve the     Apr. 2, 2009.--Mr. Levin, 
      Mr. Levin and    organization and          Committee on Armed 
          others       procedures of the         Services, with an 
                       Department of Defense     amendment in the nature 
                       for the acquisition of    of a substitute. (No 
                       major weapon systems,     written report.)
                       and for other purposes.

   46     S. 515     A bill to amend title 35, Apr. 2, 2009.--Mr. Leahy, 
      Mr. Leahy and    United States Code, to    Committee on the 
          others       provide for patent        Judiciary, with 
                       reform.                   amendments. (No written 

   47    H.R. 1256   An act to protect the     Apr. 20, 2009.--Read the 
                       public health by          second time and placed 
                       providing the Food and    on the calendar.
                       Drug Administration 
                       with certain authority 
                       to regulate tobacco 
                       products, to amend 
                       title 5, United States 
                       Code, to make certain 
                       modifications in the 
                       Thrift Savings Plan, 
                       the Civil Service 
                       Retirement System, and 
                       the Federal Employees' 
                       Retirement System, and 
                       for other purposes.

   49    H.R. 131    An act to establish the   Apr. 21, 2009.--Read the 
                       Ronald Reagan             second time and placed 
                       Centennial Commission.    on the calendar.

   50    H.R. 1664   An act to amend the       Apr. 23, 2009.--Read the 
                       executive compensation    second time and placed 
                       provisions of the         on the calendar.
                       Emergency Economic 
                       Stabilization Act of 
                       2008 to prohibit 
                       unreasonable and 
                       excessive compensation 
                       and compensation not 
                       based on performance 

[[Page 19]]

   51     S. 895     A bill to prevent         Apr. 27, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Dodd and    mortgage foreclosures     second time and placed 
          others       and enhance mortgage      on the calendar.
                       credit availability.

   52     S. 896     A bill to prevent         Apr. 27, 2009.--Read the 
       Mr. Dodd and    mortgage foreclosures     second time and placed 
          others       and enhance mortgage      on the calendar.
                       credit availability.

[[Page 20]]


[[Page 21]]


[[Page 22]]


From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 23-24]



When following the objection to a unanimous consent to proceeding to,
and, or passage of, a measure or matter on their behalf, a Senator has
notified the appropriate leader, or their designee, in writing and 
submits such objection for inclusion in the Congressional Record and 
the Senate Calendar of Business, it shall be placed in the section of
the  Calendar entitled ``Notice of Intent to Object to Proceeding''.
(Sec. 512, P.L. 110ΓΏ0981)


    Number               Title            Date  and  Senator 

[[Page 23]]



     When objection is heard to immediate consideration of a resolution 
or motion when submitted, it shall be placed here, to be laid before the 
Senate on the next legislative day for consideration, unless by unanimous 
consent the Senate shall otherwise direct. (Rule XIV, Paragraph 6.)


     Number                 Short Title       Date Submitted and Author 


     When objection is heard to the second reading of a bill or joint 
resolution, that measure is then laid before the Senate during morning 
business of the next legislative day for the second reading. (Rule XIV, 
Paragraph 2.)


     Number                 Short Title                 Date and Author 

[[Page 24]]



From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 25]

                          SUBJECTS ON THE TABLE

    Such subjects are business, usually bills and resolutions, placed 
here by unanimous consent. Once business has been given this status, it 
is in order to move to proceed to its consideration, even though it 
cannot be reached by a ``call of the calendar''.


     Measure                  Title                     Date           

                       MOTIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION

    After an action taken by the Senate, any Senator voting with the 
prevailing side or who has not voted may, on the same day or on either 
of the next two days of actual session thereafter, either enter a motion 
for reconsideration or move a reconsideration.  This section contains 
such motions not yet acted on as so provided by rule XIII, Paragraph 1.


       Date                               Subject                       

[[Page 25]]



From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 26-30]

                           BILLS IN CONFERENCE                          

  Jefferson's Manual, Section XLVI:
  ``And in all cases of conference asked after a vote of disagreement, 
etc., the conferees of the House asking it are to leave the papers with 
the conferees of the other * * *.'' The House agreeing to the conference 
usually acts on the report before the House requesting a conference.


  Number                            Conferees              Date Report  
 and Date    Brief Title                                    Agreed to   
Conferees                 ______________________________ _______________
Appointed                      Senate         House       Senate  House 


[[Page 26]]

 S. Con.  Concurrent      Senators        Representatives
 Res. 13    Resolution on   Conrad,         Spratt,
Apr. 22,    the Budget,     Murray, and     Boyd,
   2009     2010            Gregg.          DeLauro,
Apr. 23,                  (Senate acts      Ryan of
   2009                     first.)           Wisconsin, 
                                          (House asks.)

[[Page 27]]


[[Page 28]]


[[Page 29]]


[[Page 30]]


From the Senate Calendar Online via GPO Access

[Page 31-32]


[[Page 31]]

                                                                                                                                                     reported                            conference report agreed
                                                                                                                                                     or placed                 sent to              to                           public
          measure  number                                                short title                                        passed     received in      on         passed      confer-  --------------------------   became       law
                                                                                                                             house       senate      calendar      senate       ence                                   law       number
                                                                                                                                                     in senate                             senate        house
             H.R. 2642               Supplemental, 2008(\1\)............................................................    6-15-07       6-18-07     6-18-07   9-6-07(\2\)      (\3\)       (\5\)         (\4\)     6-30-08    110-252
              S. 3181                Homeland Security, 2009............................................................      * * *         * * *     6-23-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3182                Commerce, Justice, Science, 2009...................................................      * * *         * * *     6-23-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3230                Labor, HHS, Education, 2009........................................................      * * *         * * *      7-8-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3258                Energy and Water, 2009.............................................................      * * *         * * *     7-14-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3260                Financial Services, General Government, 2009.......................................      * * *         * * *     7-14-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3261                Transportation, HUD, 2009..........................................................      * * *         * * *     7-14-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3288                State, Foreign Operations, 2009....................................................      * * *         * * *     7-18-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3289                Agriculture, 2009..................................................................      * * *         * * *     7-21-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3301                Military Construction, VA, 2009....................................................      * * *         * * *     7-22-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 6599               Military Construction, VA, 2009....................................................     8-1-08        9-8-08      9-8-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 2638               Consolidated Security, Disaster, Continuing, 2009(\6\).............................    6-15-07       6-18-07     6-18-07   7-26-07(\7\      (\8\)       (\9\)         * * *     9-30-08    110-329
             H.R. 7110               Job Creation and Unemployment Relief Act, 2008.....................................    9-26-08       9-26-08   ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
              S. 3689                Economic Recovery Act, 2008........................................................      * * *         * * *    11-18-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 7110               Job Creation and Unemployment Relief Act, 2008.....................................    9-26-08       9-26-08    11-18-08   ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ...........  ..........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
\1\Originally Military Construction, VA, 2008.    \2\See H.R. 2764.    \3\May 15, 2008, House agreed to Senate amendment with amendments; May 22, 2008, Senate concurred in House amendment No. 2 to the Senate amendment, with an
  amendment; Senate concurred in House amendment No. 1 to the Senate amendment, with an amendment.    \4\June 19, 2008, House agreed to Senate amendment to House amendment No. 2 to the Senate amendment; House agreed to Senate
  amendment to House amendment No. 1 to the Senate amendment, with amendments.    \5\June 26, 2008, Senate concurred in House amendments.    \6\Originally Homeland Security, 2008.    \7\See H.R. 2764.     \8\Sept. 24, 2008, House
  agreed to Senate amendment with an amendment.    \9\Sept. 27, 2008, Senate concurred in House amendment to Senate amendment.


[[Page 32]]

                                                                                                                                                     reported                            conference report agreed
                                                                                                                                                     or placed                sent to               to                           public
          measure  number                                                short title                                        passed     received in      on        passed      confer-   --------------------------   became       law
                                                                                                                             house       senate      calendar     senate        ence                                   law       number
                                                                                                                                                     in senate                             senate        house
               S. 336                American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 2009.......................................      * * *         * * *     1-27-09   ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
             H.R. 1105               Omnibus, 2009......................................................................    2-25-09       2-25-09     2-26-09     3-10-09        * * *       * * *         * * *     3-11-09      111-8
            H.J. Res. 38             Further Continuing, 2009...........................................................     3-6-09        3-6-09       * * *      3-6-09        * * *       * * *         * * *      3-6-09      111-6
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........
                                     ...................................................................................  ..........  ............  ..........  ..........  ...........  ..........  ............  ..........  .........