
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Military Times Coast Guardsman of the Year

Congratulations to EM2 Charles T. Newton on his selection as the Military Times Coast Guardsman of the Year. I was unable to attend this evening's award reception on Capitol Hill but was represented by the Chief of Staff, VADM Cliff Pearson and the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard.

EM2 Newton was selected for his performance onboard USCGC NEAH BAY and his contributions to the local community. He has since been reassigned to Coast Guard Sector Boston.

You can read the entire story and citation of EM2 Newton's award here, but the below quote is a great snapshot into the qualities that earned EM2 Newton this great recognition as a Guardian:

Some lead with force. Some lead by example. EM2 Newton leads with charisma, positive attitude and contagious enthusiasm. He is described as being dedicated to shipmates, devoted to the mission, committed to his wife and two small children, and active as a volunteer in his community. His ability to prepare his ship while reducing waste has gone beyond his training, experience and responsibility level.

Bravo Zulu!



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Last Modified 7/10/2009