
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Honoring our Wounded Warriors

Originally uploaded by uscgpress

Last week I visited Walter Reed Army Medical Center with our Chaplain, Monsignor Bill Cuddy, and YN2 Jessie Fuller, our front office support and superb USO volunteer.

We had a chance to talk to courageous warriors who are overcoming significant injuries with a fierce desire and positive attitude that is humbling. It is hard to walk away from these visit and not believe the future of our country is in good hands.

We also had a chance to talk to the spouses and parents of these remarkable individuals. We snapped the picture for this post in the hallway talking to a spouse and mother of one of our warriors.

I chose this picture for another reason. If you look to the right and rear of our group you will see another individual. That is Bruce Perry who was our host, guide, and liaison for the visit. Bruce performs a special duty coordinating visits of high ranking officers, dignitaries, and a wide range of entertainers and athletes who take time to visit our recovering heroes.

Bruce is a former running back from the University of Maryland and an ACC Offensive Player of the Year. Bruce spent three years with the Philadelphia Eagles.

We thank Bruce for his support of our visits and his dedication to our Wounded Warriors.

We also thank YN2 Jessie Fuller who is a tireless volunteer for the USO in the Washington DC area.



Blogger Mike Russell said...

Greetings Commandant (Admiral Allen),

This is my first time blogging on the iCommandant blog. It seems like a great tool to share info and spark discussions throughout the CG, but I do not see to many people leaving comments. I don't know if they are, 1. Fearful since it is coming from the COMDT, 2. Too busy working issues (probably the most common), 3. Or just don't know about it.

Oh well I found it, and being a "Generation X" guy, I figured I would leave a comment.

It is good to see our service honor the heroes at Walter Reed. These people should be honored everyday for their sacrifices for our country. I just recently read an interview with Colin Powell yesterday that honors the heroes at Walter Reed, like your visit. These injured soldiers are surely good reminder for me when celebrating the 4th of July this year. Thanks for sharing.

July 6, 2009 9:38 AM  

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