
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hamilton's Charge to the Revenue Cutter Officers

Hamilton Circulat
Originally uploaded by uscgpress

There are times in your life when an opportunity is provided that is both personally extraordinary and professionally impactful.

This afternoon I had the distinct honor, along with a group of officers, enlisted, and civilian personnel to visit the National Archives. We were able to view (in a vault) original documents that form the DNA of our Service.

Included were Alexander Hamilton's Charge to the Revenue Officers that forms the basis for our Service Doctrine (Pub 1) and operational procedures that guide our boardings today (that's us looking at the hand written document in the picture).

We also viewed the original copy of the legislation enacted on 4 August 1790, which authorized the construction of our first cutters and laid out the basic authorities that can be found today in 14 USC 89. The Act was signed by George Washington.

We also viewed the log of the BEAR that recorded the discharge of cargo in support of the Overland Expedition directed by President McKinley in 1897. In that operation our heroes LT David Jarvis and E.P. "Bully" Bertholf drove reindeer over a thousand miles to rescue trapped whalers off the North Slope of Alaska.

Finally, I was allowed to view the emergency orders my Dad was given to come home when I became ill following by birth. My Dad, DCC (ret) Clyde Allen, was underway on the USCGC MINNETONKA when I was born. I later developed severe medical problems that prompted him to be sent home. As you can see, I survived.

We will be posting images of the documents in future posts. This was an extraordinary day.



Blogger scott.t.price said...

Thanks for posting this Sir, it's heartening to see our senior leadership demonstrate such a strong interest in our Service's history! It does set a great example to other Guardians to explore and discover Coast Guard history for themselves, especially in looking through primary sources--the "raw ingredients" of history--such as what you examined! Thanks again.

Scott Price, Deputy CG Historian

July 9, 2009 2:28 PM  
Blogger Donna said...

Dear Admiral Allen, you may never see this, but I wanted to tell you this. I received the 7/09 Government Executive Magazine at my office today. The newest issue of Government Executive has the rescue helicopter on the front page, I broke down and cried. I also have the 10/05 issue (1st page only) with you and President Bush on my office cubicle. My youngest son, Joseph E. Starnes enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard 10/02 until he was killed while on duty on 8/5/04. He was only 21, loved his job, and his country. He was riding on his motorcycle on that day in Charleston, SC and someone ran into him killed him instantly. Joey left a 21 year old widow on 8/5/04. What is amazing is two years after he was killed, I met someone in the Martinsburg USCG office and showed him my motorcycle which has Joey?s picture (in his USCG uniform) airbrushed on my bike. After telling him about Joey, he remembered Joey?s case, told me his office looked into his death, making sure Joey did everything right (no speeding, wearing a helmet, etc.). That day one of your USCG officers told me Joey did everything right (I cried all the way home).
Anyway, the reason I broke down in the office today was because all Joey wanted to do was become a helicopter pilot. As his mother, I am not doing very well because it's coming on his 5th year anniversary next month. I love the USCG and what you (the USCG) did for him for the little time he was in. I live in Martinsburg, WV and see USCG personnel all the time and go up to them and hug them. They are all getting to know me. Just wanted to say how I love you all, and Thank You for making my son happy! Sorry, crying now...!

Donna snoddy

July 9, 2009 6:44 PM  
Blogger Commandant said...

We thank you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts with us. I lost an older brother while I was at the Coast Guard Academy and it is a devastating event for parents and siblings. We thank you for your son's brief service and your personal commitment to our Coast Guard. We will keep you in our thoughts.
Best Regards

July 9, 2009 8:43 PM  

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