
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Friday, July 17, 2009

Colombian Partnership Results in Parallel Laws

Congratulations to Colombia for passing new legislation making it illegal to finance, construct, store, commercialize, transport, procure or use semi-submersibles or submersibles with illicit intent, susceptible to fines between approximately $246,340 and $17,243,800 and incarceration from six to 14 years.

A similar law, the Drug Trafficking Vessel Interdication Act, was passed in the U.S. in September and has already contributed to several successful prosecutions.

Colombian Naval Forces Commander, Adm. Guillermo Enrique Barrera Hurtado visited Coast Guard Headquarters yesterday and met with the Vice Commandant to discuss this and other ongoing counter-drug initiatives. We truly value their partnership in these efforts.

Related Posts:

Counter-drug Symposium of the Americas
Guest post on SOUTHCOM Blog: Transnational Threats Require Transnational Solutions
Presidential Meeting on Reduced Drug Use


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