
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Coast Guard Civil Rights Modernization Update Report

Guest Post from Ms. Terry Dickerson, Director, Civil Rights


As we begin our first week as a restructured Civil Rights Directorate, our efforts these past few months are already in sharper focus. That was obvious when I sailed aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Eagle speaking with permanent crew members and cadets who clearly demonstrated that civil rights and related issues were very much on their mind. As I have traveled around the country meeting with Coast Guard members - both civilian and uniformed - it has become clear that a strong civil rights program infused with inclusivity, integrity and accountability is exactly what our men and women deserve.

This month, we wholeheartedly acknowledge passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the most sweeping legislation of its kind since Reconstruction. It prohibited discrimination based upon race, color, religion or national origin and mandated desegregation. That's a compass point for us, meaning it is the basis for much of what we enforce. A cohesive civil rights program is a top priority for the Commandant and our reorganization underscores its importance in the vitality of our organization.

While the words reorganization and modernization may not resonate, I wanted to share what they mean to us in the Civil Rights Directorate. As the Coast Guard transitions into a more updated organization, we have crafted ways to deliver services with accountability. We developed solutions that realigned our Directorate, allowing us to deliver Equal Employment Opportunity/Equal Opportunity /Civil Rights services through a centrally managed, national structure by full-time specialists. These practitioners receive standardized training, tactical focus and direction from three national regions. Regions are further subdivided into 14 subordinate locations, known as zones. The coverage ratio will be approximately one per every 1,000 employees, but the critical point is that providers will be working full time on civil rights issues. That translates into optimal service to the men and women of the Coast Guard - both civilian and uniformed.

Our overall goal is to deliver civil rights services with professionalism, integrity and accountability. We have already implemented a few critical milestones and our initial work was praised by Chairman Elijah E. Cummings, when we appeared before the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation June 18, 2009.

?Initial reports indicate that significant progress has been made,? he said. ??we applaud the long overdue professionalization of Coast Guard Civil Rights services.?

Our achievements to date include:

- Development of a Civil Rights Program EEO/EO Compliance Checklist for Coast Guard field commands. This will further enhance standardization in delivery of civil rights services.

- Establishment of three regional Civil Rights Detachments with full-time, professionally trained Civil Rights Service Providers (CRSPs).

- Restructuring of the reporting chain so Civil Rights Service Providers (CRSPS) report directly to our Directorate at Coast Guard Headquarters.

- Designation of a privacy and Records Manager responsible for ensuring confidential information is always secure and adheres to DHS privacy records management policy and procedures.

- Implementation of toll free 24/7 access point for EEO matters while deployed or underway, through the Executive Officer (XO).

- Initiation of a Workload Analysis to determine staffing needs and to maximize workflow.

As we make more headway towards a Full Operating Capability on 30 September 09, I pledge to keep you informed on this blog, on our website and in our monthly newsletter, Civil Rights On Deck. Our goal is inclusiveness, education and creation of a streamlined and responsive civil rights program infused with integrity and accountability. We welcome your feedback via e-mail at

Terri A. Dickerson, Director

Related Links:

Video -- The Value of Diversity in the Coast Guard

Coast Guard Compass:
Coast Guard Workplace Climate
The Coast Guard Academy and Other Commissioning Sources: A look at diversity
Getting AND Keeping a Diverse Workforce

Civil Rights and Diversity Hearing
Coast Guard Diversity Roundtable
Understanding Civilian Recruiting Opportunities
Affinity Group Participation -- "Not just a check in the box"
Coast Guard Reports on Civil Rights and Diversity Progress
Civil Rights Update 10/24/2008
Commandant's Diversity Advisory Council

DHS Leadership Journal:
Diversity and Readiness


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Last Modified 7/23/2009