
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Friday, May 8, 2009

Coast Guard Recapitalization Milestone -- Formal Acceptance of USCGC BERTHOLF

Originally uploaded by icommandant
Guest post by RADM Gary Blore, Assistant Commandant for Acquisition (CG-9):

Today, May 8, 2009, is an important milestone for our Coast Guard Recapitalization efforts: the Final Acceptance of our first National Security Cutter, Bertholf (WMSL 750). Final acceptance marks the completion of the acquisition warranty period for Bertholf and the cutter's readiness to transition from an acquisition project to the operations and sustainment phase of its service life. Preliminary Acceptance occurred on May 8, 2008.

Final acceptance is a major project milestone in our deliberative acquisition process. As part of that process, our contracting officer has reviewed and adjudicated all contractual requirements to ensure compliance with the contract. That process also included review and recommendations by Bertholf?s commanding officer (CAPT Stadt); a Final Acceptance Team led by the operational sponsor and comprised of experts from my directorate and our technical authorities (CG- 1, 4, and 6); and, the Coast Guard's Executive Acceptance Board comprised of senior leaders from Acquisition, our technical authorities and operations. Based on recommendations from these individuals and groups, the Vice Commandant, who also serves as the Component Acquisition Executive, recommended proceeding to final acceptance.

Since Bertholf's preliminary acceptance a year ago, her crew has successfully achieved numerous post-delivery and operational evaluation milestones. All of the eight identified pre-delivery deficiencies (or "starred" trial cards) which would have significantly degraded the ship's capability or safety have been addressed and closed, as well as the overwhelming majority of the less serious identified issues.

Other significant accomplishments include a ready for sea evaluation; homeport transit through the Panama Canal; commissioning; flight deck certification and aircraft dynamic interface trials; unmanned aerial systems testing; combat systems qualifications; and, information assurance and TEMPEST testing.

As Bertholf now moves into further Coast Guard operation, it will continue following the previously approved and scheduled post-delivery plan, including mission systems and weapons testing; follow on manpower and training analysis; and installation of additional communications and sensor capabilities.

This final acceptance is the result of the hard work and dedication of numerous internal and external stakeholders, but I would like to specifically recognize the crew of Bertholf. They have done so much to make this possible, and it gives me great pleasure to see the National Security Cutter project achieve this milestone, and the Bertholf come to life.


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