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Neutron Sciences Visitors Program

Research Opportunities in Neutron Science

Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) Neutron Scattering Science Division (NSSD) would like to draw your attention to new opportunities existing for graduate students to pursue thesis related research using neutron scattering at ORNL. It is anticipated that funding will be available for short and long term research placements, allowing students and their academic mentors to participate in exciting world leading research in collaboration with ORNL scientific staff, using unique state of the art facilities at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). Additional benefits include the chance to meet and interact with many other leading scientists, who visit ORNL’s neutron scattering facilities to pursue their own research. A similar program will enable postdoctoral fellows to enjoy research placements at ORNL and engage in collaborative research with both university faculty and ORNL staff. The scientific areas are open to any branch of materials based research that can use neutron scattering, including Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, and Physics.

Student Intern and PhD Research Program

The Student Intern and PhD Research Program offers short and long term opportunities for graduate students to pursue thesis related research using neutron scattering at ORNL.

Post-doctoral Research Program

The Post-doctoral Research Program offers short and long term opportunities for joint-funded research and development opportunities for conducting independent research using neutron scattering as a primary research tool, mainly on the HFIR and SNS instruments. This also includes working with other members in the NSSD and collaborating with scientists in other divisions of ORNL.

Research Sabbaticals

The Research Sabbaticals Program offers summer and academic year sabbatical programs that will draw the best scientific talent from institutions all over the world to interact with the resident staff and user communities.

A detailed announcement of the program will be made in the near future, with formal applications for the first round are due December 15, 2009. For more information please feel free to contact us at nsvisit@ornl.gov.

For more information, visit the Career Development Program website.


  Information Contact: Bob Martin  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science