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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

teacher with college students

Mental health is critical for personal well-being at every stage of life. Mental illnesses are real, disabling health conditions that have an immense impact on individuals and families in the United States and internationally. Mental illnesses vary widely in type and severity. About 1 of 4 adults in the United States suffer from a diagnosable mental illness in a given year. Depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States for individuals aged 15–44 years.

Two-thirds of people with diagnosable mental disorders do not seek treatment. Treatment is individualized and might include counseling, psychotherapy, medication therapy, rehabilitation, and attention to other mental and psychosocial problems. Research findings in genetics and neuroscience are providing important new insights and approaches for more effective interventions.

People at risk
Mental disorders occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Although the specific causes of most mental disorders are not known, many risk factors have been identified or suggested. These include biological factors (e.g., brain trauma), psychological factors (e.g., stressful events), and sociocultural factors (e.g., poverty). A family history of mental and addictive disorders also can increase a person’s risk for mental illness.

Genetics and family history
Scientists believe that many mental disorders result from the complex interplay of multiple genes with diverse environmental factors. Family studies, often with identical twins that share the same genes, have provided evidence of genetic contributions to depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, autism, and other mental disorders. Even for those with genetic risk, however, environmental factors can play a significant role in whether or not a person develops a disorder, or the severity of an illness.

CDC Activities

Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention (EGAPP) This reference links to a non-governmental website
CDC's National Office of Public Health Genomics (NOPHG) funds the EGAPP initiative to develop methods for systematic, evidence-based evaluation of genetic tests in clinical practice. In December 2007, the independent, nonfederal EGAPP Working Group released a recommendation statement This reference links to a non-governmental website on whether testing for specific variations of CYP450 genes in patients with depression might be useful to guide clinicians in selecting the dosage of a widely prescribed class of antidepressant drugs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs). In the absence of supporting evidence, and with consideration of other contextual issues, the panel discouraged use of CYP450 testing for patients beginning SSRI treatment until further clinical trials are completed. The EGAPP Working Group based their conclusions on an CDC-funded evidence report released by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in January 2007.

Mental Health Work Group logoMental Health Work Group
CDC also has a Mental Health Work Group, involving scientists and professionals across the agency. that coordinates CDC’s mental health activities and strives to advance the field of mental health in support of the agency’s commitment to promote health, prevent disease and injury, and improve quality of life.

Expert Panel on Mental Health/Mental Illness and Health Related Quality of Life Surveillance
In April 2008, CDC convened an Expert Panel on Mental Health/Mental Illness and Health Related Quality of Life Surveillance.  This national panel will provide guidance in directing research efforts on mental health/mental illness for CDC’s  Division of Adult and Community Health (DACH).  The culminating recommendations will focus on and be consistent with the goals and agenda of CDC and will, ultimately, help the CDC shape and prioritize mental health/mental illness efforts and activities.

State Health Department Activities
CDC also supports genomics-related mental health activities (e.g., communication campaigns on depression and family history) at state health departments.

Other federal agencies
The National Institute for Mental Health at the National Institutes of Health and the Center for Mental Health Services within the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration are some of the lead federal agencies working to reduce the burden of mental disorders.


Specific information on mental health, genetics and family history

General information on mental health and services

Page last reviewed: May 6, 2008
Page last updated: May 6, 2008
Content Source: CDC's Office of Public Health Genomics