
Training & Continuing Education Courses

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Welcome to CDERLearn, the web page for educational tutorials offered by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. CDER's primary mission is to make certain that safe and effective drugs are available to the American people. There is, however, a strategic initiative to inform and educate people about the safe use of medicine, the drug regulatory process, the vital role health care professionals play to assist FDA in fulfilling its duties, and many other important issues. Online training is one way to share FDA expertise with many more people than face-to-face classroom sessions would allow, and we will offer additional CDER courses in the future.

Course List



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  • (888) 463-6332
  • (301) 796-3400
  • Human Drug Information

    Division of Drug Information (CDER)

    Office of Training and Communication

    Feedback Form


    10903 New Hampshire Avenue

    Silver Spring, MD 20993
