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CPD Technical Assistance

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Technical Assistance Awards
 -   (new) 2008 Awards
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Want More Information?
 -   Frequently Asked TA Questions
 -   If you have any questions regarding CPD's technical assistance, please contact your local HUD Field offices, or call the Community Connections Information Center at 1-800-998-9999 for further information


The CPD Technical Assistance program demonstrates HUD's commitment to providing front-end assistance to help grass roots organizations - our partners - successfully access and utilize HUD's programs and resources. These resources will enable neighborhoods and communities that have the greatest need to achieve the highest level of performance and results in a variety of community development program areas.

About CPD Technical Assistance

The CPD Technical Assistance grants will help empower people in communities across our nation to find local solutions to local problems. Instead of trying to come up with one-size-fits-all programs for communities of all shapes and sizes, we want to help groups tailor our programs to meet each community's individual needs.

Organizations receiving the HUD grants will assist local non-profits, local and state governments and other groups in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Territories that have received or are seeking HUD funds to develop and implement improved initiatives using the HUD assistance.

The training and advice funded by the grants – known as technical assistance – will be focused on improving the local performance of HUD Community Development programs: Community Development Block Grants, HOME, Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs), McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). Technical assistance services primarily benefit communities and nonprofit organizations currently participating in and receiving funds through one of the Community Development programs.

There are two types of TA activities. National TA activities are those that address, at a nationwide level, one or more of the Community Development TA program priorities given in the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) every year. National TA activities include written products, development of materials and training, and delivery of training, workshops, and conferences. National TA activities are administered by the Technical Assistance Division in conjuction with the CPD Program Offices.

Local TA activities are administered in each Field Office. Local TA activities are limited to needs assessments of CPD program grantees, direct TA to CPD program grantees, and delivery of approved training developed under the National TA activities.

National and Local TA activities are carried out by organizations selected through the SuperNOFA competitions. In 2008, more than $23 million was awarded to for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and states and local government agencies.

Content current as of 13 August 2009   Follow this link to go  Back to Top   
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