
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Coast Guard Modernization Update: SILC Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Guest Post from VADM Cliff Pearson, Chief of Staff.


Today, I participated in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Shore Infrastructure Logistics Center (SILC) held near its headquarters in Norfolk, VA at the Integrated Support Command Portsmouth in Portsmouth, VA. Today's event marks the fourth in a series of five new mission support entities to stand-up this spring that functionally realign the mission support organization for sustainable mission execution excellence.

The SILC's first Commanding Officer, CAPT Mark S. Carmel, served as the Master of Ceremonies. CAPT Carmel stood-up the Coast Guard's first asset-based product line at what is now the Aviation Logistics Center, helping to pioneer asset-based product line support concept. This concept evolved to become the Coast Guard logistics business model. CAPT Carmel is the ideal choice to lead the SILC's application of the Coast Guard business model to develop product lines for the service's 23,000 shore facilities worldwide.

The SILC will develop configuration standards to acquire, maintain, alter, refurbish, and dispose of all shore facilities. Each year, the 1,500 men and women of SILC will be responsible for and award more than $1 billion worldwide in new construction and recapitalization projects; disaster recovery contracts; facility maintenance and repair contracts and leases; and contracts to support Coast Guard facilities and missions, including oil spill cleanup contracts. From acquisition through decommissioning and disposal, the SILC will centrally manage Base Operating and Support Services (BOSS) such as grounds keeping, facility access control and security, port services, and motor pool management, but will execute locally to provide standardized support services. The SILC will consolidate support currently provided by Coast Guard Facility Design and Construction Centers, Civil Engineering Units, Maintenance Logistic Commands and Integrated Support Centers' base services functions through local detachments or detached duty assignments remote from the SILC's command in Norfolk, VA.

The SILC, C4IT Service Center, Surface Forces Logistics Center, Asset Project Office, and Aviation Logistics Center with the remaining Personnel Service Center will unify logistics support enterprise-wide, forming the backbone of our improved mission support organization. In the future these logistics and services centers will embody the following four corner stones of the proven Coast Guard logistics business model: Bi-level Maintenance, Configuration Management, Single point of accountability through Product Line Managers, and Total Asset Visibility. By modernizing our business processes and organizational design, we will help to ensure the Coast Guard meets our call to be "Always Ready."

Visit our modernization website for more details.


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Last Modified 6/27/2009