
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Coast Guard Logistics Transformation: The Future of Semper Paratus

Guest Post from VADM Cliff Pearson, Chief of Staff.


Please take a moment to view the newly released Logistics Transformation Video; The Future of Semper Paratus. This video highlights our logistics transformation efforts, especially as they apply to a unit's day to day operations. It communicates how logistics transformation will improve efficiency and mission readiness through the daily activities experienced in transformed sectors. The video explains the new logistics business model and the four cornerstones of that model: Configuration Management, Total Asset Visibility, Bi-Level Maintenance, and the Product Line. Also demonstrated are the new IT tools, such as the Electronic Asset Logbook, ALMIS, and color-coded electronic forms. Finally, the video explains how the new logistics model contributes to the future of the Coast Guard by providing better support to mission execution. (Approximately 14 minutes.)

VADM Clifford I. Pearson

Moderator's Note: RADM Breckenridge posted on the Modernization Communications Assessement Survey on Coast Guard All Hands Blog. If you haven't received a link to the survey, check with your Command and let us know what you think.


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Last Modified 6/27/2009