
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Monday, February 23, 2009

Armed Services YMCA of Alaska Annual Salute to the Military

Pam and I traveled to the 17th District this last weekend to attend thye Armed Services YMCA Salute to the Military. Each year the ASYMCA sponsors a dinner to recognize the Enlisted Persons of the Year for all of the services, including the Reserve Components and National Guard. The Coast Guard was represented by AET1 JAmes Nichols from Air Station Sitka and MST2 Lucas Ellis from Sector Anchorage who accepted the Reserve award on behalf of PS2 Sean Purcell who could not attend. PS2 Purcell is a detective with the Anchorage Police Department.

It was a great evening and we were joined by Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich. Senator Murkowski and I share some common history in that we are both Coast Guard "brats" and our fathers were stationed in Ketchikan in the 1950's at the same time. I attended first and second grade in Ketchikan when my Dad was stationed on the SWEETBRIAR (before it was homeported in Cordova).

Both Senators are very supportive of the efforts of RADM Gene Brooks and our D17 Team as they prototype operations off the North Slope.

Pam and I also made a quick visit to Elmendrof Air Force Base to meet with LTG Dana Atkins (Commander, Alaska Command). We have been working for over two years with the Air Force and the Fisher House Foundation to build a Fisher House at Elmendorf to support Wounded Warriors and our personnel who must travel from our widespread units to receive specialty care and inpatient treatment. We personally visited the site where land is being cleared for what will be a 21-suite Fisher House. This is extraordinarily good news. I have personally thanked Ken Fisher and General Norty Schwartz (Chief of Staff of the Air Force) for their support.

We also traveled to Kodiak where I held a very good All Hands Meeting and Chiefs Call. Master Chief Bowen made the trip with me. My thanks to our hard working folks in the "Last Frontier."



Anonymous Prior CG BM1 now Army SSG said...

The speech at the ASYMCA dinner was both great and informative. It shed a lot of light on the CG's mission in Alaska that most didn't know existed.

March 1, 2009 12:52 PM  

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