
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Thursday, February 26, 2009

4000th Coast Guard Aviator Winged

Guest Post by VADM Vivien Crea, Vice Commandant.

As the Ancient Albatross, I am honored and humbled to announce the winging last week of the 4000th Coast Guard Aviator to be designated a Naval Aviator. Number One, of course, is our exalted hero, LT Elmer Stone, back in 1917. Number 4000 is LT Philip Wade, who was winged in a ceremony which included a total of six new Coast Guard pilots - surely a record itself. As the Director Navy Staff, VADM John Harvey noted in his email to me after presiding over the winging, they all "looked to be pretty fired up as well!" Congratulations to you all - makes me wish I could start all over again. Cliché, of course, but time sure flies! Be safe out there.

VADM Vivien Crea
Ancient Al #21


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