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KML files are available for AIRS level 3 version 5 monthly data

Apr 01, 2009

KML files are available for AIRS level 3 version 5 monthly data (Jan. 2007 -- Dec. 2008)...

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CFP for a special issue on "Virtual Globes in Science" in Computers & Geosciences

Feb 01, 2009

CFP for a special issue on "Virtual Globes in Science" in Computers & Geosciences...

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How to Implement Veritcal Curtain in Google Earth

Jan 15, 2009

A full paper describing how to implement vertical curtain in Google Earth...

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GES DISC participated in 2008 AGU Fall meeting at San Francisco, CA.

Dec 15, 2008

GES DISC participated in 2008 AGU Fall meeting at San Francisco, CA...

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GES DISC Google Earth Topic at AGU 2007 Fall Meeting

Dec 14, 2008

GES DISC Google Earth Topic at AGU 2007 Fall Meeting...

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GES DISC participated in Scientific Application with Google Earth Conference

Oct 24, 2008

GES DISC participated in "Scientific Application with Google Earth conference"...

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Vertical Curtains for Cloud Physics Lidar Created

Oct 10, 2008

Vertical curtains for Cloud Physics Lidar data from campaign missions are created...

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Vertical curtains for expedited CALIPSO from Langley Research Center Created

Aug 05, 2008

Vertical curtains for expedited CALIPSO from Langley Research Center are created...

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NASA Imagery at Google Earth site under construction

Aug 02, 2008

NASA Imagery at Google Earth site is under construction...

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"Visualization of NASA A-Train vertical data in Google Earth" published

Jul 03, 2008

A full paper "Visualization of NASA A-Train vertical data in Google Earth" was published...

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"Visualization of NASA Earth Science data in Google Earth" presented

Jun 28, 2008

A full paper "Visualization of NASA Earth Science data in Google Earth" was presented...

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Paper submitted to Journal of Virtual Explorer

Feb 05, 2008

A paper was submitted to Journal of Virtual Explorer...

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Scale added on orbit curtain to determine real height of clouds

Feb 02, 2008

A scale is added on orbit curtain for users to determine real height of clouds...

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KMZ files for vertical data orbit curtain posted in Google Earth Community

Jan 15, 2008

KMZ files for vertical data orbit curtain was posted in Google Earth Community...

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Abstract submitted to AGU 2007 Fall Meeting

Sep 06, 2007

Abstract submitted to AGU 2007 Fall Meeting...

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CALIPSO Vertical Data on Google Earth

Jul 06, 2007

CALIPSO Vertical Data on Google Earth...

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Atmospheric Temperature Profile (TP) from MODIS/Aqua is displayed in the form of vertical orbit curtain on Google Earth

Jun 12, 2007

Atmospheric Temperature Profile (TP) from MODIS/Aqua is displayed in the form of vertical orbit curtain on Google Earth...

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CloudSat Vertical Data on Google Earth

Jun 03, 2007

CloudSat vertical data profiles are rendered in the form of 3D orbit curtain on Google Earth...

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TRMM data are served by WMS and published on Google Earth

May 12, 2007

Level 3 Gridded TRMM data are served by Web Map Server (WMS) for user online...

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  • Last updated: Jul 17, 2009 06:18 PM ET