Experiment Hazard Class 8.1 – Radioactive Materials


This hazard classification applies to all experiments involving radioactive materials as samples. The requirements of this hazard class also apply to sealed radioactive sources that are used as a sample (i.e. a target for x-ray radiation). Other hazard classifications and their associated hazard controls may also apply to experiments in this hazard class. The current requirements can be found in the APS Policy for Conducting Radioactive Sample Experiments in APS Experiment Enclosures.

NOTE: The APS must be notified of shipment of any radioactive materials to the site well in advance of the proposed experiment. All radioactive materials must arrive through Argonne Receiving in Building 46 and the Argonne Special Materials Group. Please contact Bruce Glagola (2-9797, glagola@aps.anl.gov) for details on completing the necessary reviews and procedures for shipping radioactive materials to or from Argonne. The Argonne Special Materials Group will provide the correct shipping address to your home institution.

The proposed experiment will require review of sample handling procedures and containment by the APS Radioactive Sample Safety Committee (APS RSSC) before the experiment can be approved by the Beamline. The APS must be notified well in advance of radioactive material arriving at the site to be certain the material can be accepted under DOE 1027-92 accountability rules. Sample size and number of samples may be limited by accountability requirements and risk assessment depending on the isotope(s) in use by this experiment and other APS experimenters at the same time. The APS will generate a standard operating procedure for handling of the sample during the experiment that describes the role of RSO-HP activities for the duration of the experiment (example APS procedure).

Experiment Category

Experiments the Experiment Hazard Class are always categorized as High Risk.

Hazard Control Verification Statements

Engineered Controls – Controls required in Chapter 5 of Argonne ESH Manual and any agreed upon in the review of the experiment by APS and Beamline Management.

Procedural Controls – APS SOP defining sample control and Health Physics interactions.

Design Reviews and Equipment Inspections – Any experiments involving radioactive materials require review of sample handling procedures and containment methods by the APS as well as the Beamline. Allow enough time for the review.

Training –

  • Argonne Radiation Worker I (ESH 700) for work with contained samples.
  • Argonne Radiation Worker II (ESH 702) may be required for certain experiments, dependent on results of the review by the APS RSSC.

Signs and Labeling – All signs and postings required for the experiment station, storage safe, and samples will be supplied by RSO Health Physics. Procedures for sample handling must be posted at the experiment station.

Personal Protective Equipment – As determined in the review of the experiment.

Dosimetry and Monitoring – All users involved in the experiment will be required to wear a dosimeter during the experiment. RSO-HP is responsible for all monitoring of samples as noted in the sample handling procedure posted on the experiment station.

Experiment Authorization

Unless otherwise noted in the approved experiment safety plan, the Director of the APS Engineering Support Division delegates the authority to authorize an experiment in this hazard class to any of the persons in the beamline personnel that appear in the list of Beamline Manager personnel authorized to approve experiments and a member of the APS Experiment Review Board.

Hazard Control Verification

The Director of the APS Engineering Support Division delegates responsibility for verifying that required controls are in place to personnel delegated the authority to perform this task to RSO Health Physics or APS Experiment Review Board, the experiment On-site Spokesperson, and Beamline Management personnel having experiment safety responsibilities.


Updated: June 23, 2009 reviewed: May 15, 2009