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Homeland Security Components

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Current National Threat Level is elevated

The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

Southwest Border Fence

Secure Fence Act

Section 102 of the Secure Fence Act requires the Department of Homeland Security to construct – in the most expeditious manner possible – the infrastructure necessary to deter and prevent illegal entry on our Southwest Border, including pedestrian and vehicle fencing, roads, and technology.

Gaining effective control of our nation’s borders is a critical element of national security.  Among other benefits, this will help make our nation’s borders more secure by:

  • Establishing a substantial probability of apprehending terrorists seeking entry into the United States
  • Disrupting and restricting the smuggling of narcotics and humans
  • Preventing violence against border residents and illegal immigrants
  • Promoting better environmental health along the Southwest Border
  • Restricting potentially harmful diseases (both human and agricultural) from crossing the border.

Tactical Infrastructure Program

As part of the Department's Southwest Border security strategy and under the execution of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Tactical Infrastructure (TI) Program develops, installs, and maintains physical components—consisting mainly of roads, fencing (both pedestrian and vehicle fence), lights, electrical components, and drainage structures—designed to provide persistent impedance of illicit cross-border activity. Its most visible programs are the border fence projects. More on border fence.

The success of the TI Program directly impacts the Department's mission to achieve effective control of the border. When finished, the Department will have constructed a total of approximately 670 miles of pedestrian and vehicle fence along the Southwest Border. View current fencing construction status (PDF, 1 page - 3.76 MB)

Other Border Security Measures

Tactical infrastructure is not the only method used to secure our Southwest Border.  Technological solutions—through the Department’s Secure Border Initiative—and natural geographic barriers can also be effective deterrents to illegal entry.

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This page was last reviewed/modified on August 19, 2009.