Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Volpe Center Acoustics

Center of Innovation for Environmental and Energy Systems

The Acoustics Facility within the Environmental Measurement and Modeling Division at the U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center has been involved in all aspects of transportation-related noise and vibration since the Center's inception in 1970. In those early years much of the facility's work was in the areas of community and rail noise. From the late 1970's to the present, the bulk of the work has been in the areas of aircraft and highway noise.

As national attention towards environmental issues increases, noise is becoming a growing concern in the development of new transportation systems. It is expected that Volpe's Acoustics Facility will play a major role in measuring and evaluating noise generated by future technologies, such as the high-speed civil transport (HSCT), high-speed rail (including MAGLEV), electric and solar-powered vehicles, and many many more.

With close ties to the Volpe Center Air Quality Facility, the Acoustics Facility's capabilities and resources are diversified. Research specialties extend to all forms of transportation-related issues including, new technologies.

Acoustics Facility group photo
Top, (left to right): Dave Read, Dave Senzig, Gary Baker, Gina Barberio, Christopher Roof, Paul Gerbi, Gregg Fleming; Middle, (left to right): Aaron Hastings, Bob Samiljian, Joe Ruggiero; Bottom, (left to right): Chris Scarpone, Cynthia Lee, Clay Reherman, Michael Lau, Judith Rochat; Missing: Alfred Barrington, Eric Boeker, Andrew Hansen, John MacDonald, Amanda Rapoza, Roger Wayson, Sharon Woods