
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

USMC/USCG Warfighter Talks

This morning General Jim Conway and I held the first U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Coast Guard "Warfighter Talks." Warfighter talks are informal discussions between service chiefs on matters of mutual interest. We have a tradition of warfighter talks with the U.S. Navy and meet regularly. Today's talks were intended to provide interaction between the services' counterparts and to lay the groundwork for future dialogue, collaboration and coordination.

Attending were:

General Conway, CMC
General Jim Amos, Assistant Commandant
LtGen Richard Kramlich, Director, Marine Corps Staff
LtGen George Flynn, Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration
LtGen George Dunford, Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies, and Operations
BGen Mark Clark, Director, Strategy and Plans Division
BGen Andrew O'Donnell, Jr, Director, Capabilities Development Directorate.
BGen James Walker, Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant

ADM Allen
VADM Vivien Crea, Vice Commandant'
RADM Sally Brice-O'Hara, Deputy Commandant for Operations
RADM RADM Brian Salerno, Assistant Commandant for Safety, Security and Stewardship
RADM Bill Baumgartner, Chief Counsel, JAG
RDML Joe Castillo, Director, Response Policy

A number of areas were discussed where we have mutual interests in the context of the 21st Century Maritime Strategy and the Naval Operations Concept. Included were Interoperability, Visit-Board-Search-Seizure (VBSS), the Special Missions Training Center at Camp LeJune, International Training, Theater Security Cooperation, and Piracy.

General Conway and I look forward to expanding our discussions and working more closely in the future. A terrific meeting.

Semper Paratus
Semper Fidelis



Blogger Alo Konsen said...


Have you read Russ Bowen's paper calling for the establishment of USCG Special Operations? What with our soon-to-be CG SEALs and our MSRT/MSST personnel, perhaps it's time to take that formal step.

December 20, 2008 7:08 PM  
Blogger James Mclay said...

The formal step has, in many ways, already taken place with the creation of the Deployable Operations Group in July 2007. The DOG aligns 27 deployable, specialized forces (including the Coast Guard's only maritime counter-terrorism unit, the MSRT) under one commander and ensures interoperability with the CG's interagency and DoD partners ? including U.S. Special Operations Command. USSOCOM's liaison to the Coast Guard (a SEAL O-6) resides at the DOG, and LNO exchanges will soon take place between the DOG and NECC (Naval Expeditionary Combat Command). Although the CG does not have formal inclusion within the Special Operations community, the DOG ensures the appropriate relationships and training with DoD elements are in place to provide the optimal use of government resources when the services' specialized capabilities are required or requested.

On the surface, the creation of specialized units - such as the MSSTs and MSRT - may appear to bring the service closer to DoD's special operations community; but in reality, these initiatives have a different impetus. Enhanced DHS tactical capabilities, shared TTP (techniques, tactics, procedures), increased training opportunities and, with regard to the SEALs, augmenting the Navy in achieving their GWOT mission, are the primary drivers. The DOG will leverage these relationships and training to ensure the CG and DHS have the tools necessary to defend the homeland, while providing operational commanders worldwide the specialized resources they need to accomplish the mission.

The DOG will be providing an update on iCommandant in the near future ? stay tuned! For more information on the DOG, conduct a search for Deployable Operations Group on

James McLay, Lieutenant
DOG Public Affairs Officer

December 21, 2008 5:18 PM  
Blogger Alo Konsen said...

Given this ...

"Enhanced DHS tactical capabilities, shared TTP (techniques, tactics, procedures), increased training opportunities and, with regard to the SEALs, augmenting the Navy in achieving their GWOT mission, are the primary drivers."

... wouldn't it make more logistical sense to integrate the DOG into SOCOM?

December 23, 2008 9:53 PM  

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