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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research NOAA

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NOAA Public Affairs Jana Goldman - 301-734-1123
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Test forecast results for the July 15, 2009 New Zealand tsunami propagation were created with the research forecast system using the MOST tsunami model. Triangles indicate DART® buoy locations. Click the images to animate or enlarge.

Maximum amplitude
Maximum amplitude
Propagation (13.9MB animation).
Click to animate.
Maximum wave amplitude distribution (image).
Triangles indicate DART® buoy locations
Click to see larger image.

The graphic displays qualitative and quantitative information about the tsunami including tsunami wave interaction with ocean floor bathymetric features, and neighboring coastlines. The tsunami radiation patterns are shown with color coded information about the maximum wave amplitude on top of the bathymetry map of the Pacific Ocean. Black contours show tsunami front travel time.


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