* NOTE: the information on this page is only for general reference and convenience, and it is not necessarily up-to-date or accurate; for official information, please refer to the NASA ASTEP NRA (link to come)

Details and Deadlines


Parties interested in submitting proposals to study Earth's extreme environments should be advised of the following:



       NASA expects to be able to select 1-3 campaigns to extreme environments. Analogs to Mars would be emphasized in order to affect missions planned in 2007. Furthermore, in recognizing that some development and integration may be needed, NASA will also select several activities that would produce extreme environment campaigns in the calendar years of 2003 and 2004.


Schedule for proposals for this opportunity:

  • Notice of Intent to Propose Due Date: September 13, 2001
  • Proposal Due Date: October 30, 2001

      Proposals should identify scientific ideas and technological capabilities that best meet objectives as described in the ASTEP NASA Research Announcement (link to come). Key projected milestones, accomplishments, and deliverables during each year of the proposed investigation should be identified. The evaluation criteria contained in Appendix C, Section C.2 of the OSS Guidebook--2001 shall be used to evaluate submitted proposals, where it is understood that the scientific and technical merit of a proposal will include judgement of the following factors, in no priority order:

  • A clear understanding of the environment and the science to be addressd
  • Feasability of the operational approach and appropriateness of the proposed instruments
  • The fidelity of the campaign operations to the analogous planetary mission(s)

       Recommendations for funding will be based on the peer evaluation of each proposal's scientific and technical merits, its relevance to Astrobiology and planetary exploration, and its requested budget. In all cases, the Government's obligation to make awards is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment can be made and the receipt of proposals in response to the NRA that NASA determines are acceptable for award.

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Created by: Joanne Emerson
Responsible NASA Officials:
Dr. Michael Meyer
and Mr. David Lavery
Last Updated: August 1, 2001