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Alphabetical index of categories: F

a b c d e F g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Number of information resources is shown in parentheses after each term.

administrative facilities -> buildings (4) adminstrative facilities -> buildings (4) agricultural facilities -> agricultural sites (3) conference facilities -> buildings (4) data collection facilities (1) facilities (17) facilities -> buildings (4) research facilities (2) transit facilities -> transportation features (4) facility centers -> buildings (4) false scorpions -> arachnids (1) alluvial fans (2) fans (alluvial) -> alluvial fans (2) farming -> agriculture (7) fish farming -> aquaculture (1) farms -> agricultural sites (3) farmsteads -> agricultural sites (3) faulting (geologic) (3) faults (9) normal faults -> faults (9) reverse faults -> faults (9) strike-slip faults -> faults (9) thrust faults -> faults (9) transform faults -> fault zones (1) transverse faults -> faults (9) fault zones (1) fauna -> animals (197) faunal and floral census (microscopic) (1) fluvial features -> hydrographic features (166) geological features -> physiographic features (91) glacier features (6) hydrographic features (166) manmade features (53) marine features -> hydrographic features (166) ocean floor features -> seafloor features (11) physiographic features (91) seafloor features (11) subsea features -> seafloor features (11) tectonic features (11) thermal features (4) transportation features (4) underwater features -> seafloor features (11) volcanic features (38) forks (physiographic features) -> streams (52) customer support and user feedback (3) feedlots -> agricultural sites (3) fens -> wetlands (26) ferns and fern allies (1) ferns and fern allies (1) ferries -> transportation features (4) geomagnetic field -> magnetic field (earth) (16) gravity field -> gravitational field (earth) (11) magnetic field -> magnetic field (earth) (16) gravitational field (earth) (11) magnetic field (earth) (16) field campaigns -> research areas (3) field experiments (9) field inventory and monitoring (328) field methods (531) field monitoring -> field inventory and monitoring (328) field observation -> field inventory and monitoring (328) field offices (3) boulder fields -> physiographic features (91) coal fields -> mineral deposit areas (6) experimental fields -> research areas (3) fields -> agricultural sites (3) ice fields -> ice masses (7) irrigated fields -> agricultural sites (3) rice fields -> agricultural sites (3) field sampling (104) hand-held field spectroscopy -> handheld field spectroscopy (1) handheld field spectroscopy (1) fire control (1) fire damage (3) firehouses -> buildings (4) fire lookouts -> towers (1) fire preparedness (3) -> fires WITH hazard preparedness fire prevention -> fire control (1) controlled fires (1) fires (12) managed fires -> controlled fires (1) fires (controlled) -> controlled fires (1) fires (uncontrolled) -> fires (12) fire stations -> buildings (4) anadromous fish (2) -> migratory species WITH fish diadromous fish (2) -> migratory species WITH fish fish (38) coastal fisheries -> marine fishery resources (2) deep sea fisheries -> marine fishery resources (2) reef fisheries -> marine fishery resources (2) fishery management (12) commercial fishery resources (1) fishery resources (26) inland fishery resources (5) marine fishery resources (2) recreational fishery resources (3) subsistence fishery resources (1) fishes -> fish (38) fish farming -> aquaculture (1) coastal fishing -> marine fishery resources (2) deep sea fishing -> marine fishery resources (2) recreational fishing -> recreational fishery resources (3) reef fishing -> marine fishery resources (2) sport fishing -> recreational fishery resources (3) fishing (recreational) -> recreation (2) fish inventories (6) -> fish WITH field sampling fish ponds -> lakes (26) fishponds -> lakes (26) fission-track dating (3) fission-track method -> fission-track dating (3) fissures -> physiographic features (91) mud flats -> wetlands (26) tidal flats -> wetlands (26) controlled flooding (2) managed flooding -> controlled flooding (2) flooding (controlled) -> controlled flooding (2) floodplains (2) flood preparedness (3) -> floods WITH hazard preparedness floods (35) flood stage -> streamflow (110) sea floor characteristics -> sea-floor characteristics (37) ocean floor features -> seafloor features (11) sea floor topography -> bathymetry (27) flora -> plants (organisms) (23) faunal and floral census (microscopic) (1) density flow -> sediment transport (28) gene flow -> evolution (1) ground-water flow (25) groundwater flow -> ground-water flow (25) stream flow -> streamflow (110) turbidity flow -> sediment transport (28) flowering plants (6) ground-water flow modeling -> ground-water flow (25) groundwater flow modeling -> mathematical modeling (36) stream flow monitoring -> stream-gage measurement (111) debris flows -> landslides (18) lava flows -> volcanic activity (49) pyroclastic flows -> volcanic activity (49) avian flu -> avian influenza (7) bird flu -> avian influenza (7) fluid dynamics -> hydrodynamics (2) fluid migration -> ground-water flow (25) fluvial features -> hydrographic features (166) fluvial processes -> streamflow (110) flyways (1) -> migration (organisms) WITH biogeography folding (geologic) (1) folds (geologic) (5) food chain -> food web (3) food cycle -> food web (3) food web (3) foothills -> mountains (2) foraminifera -> protists (1) fords (crossings) -> transportation features (4) earthquake forecasting -> earthquake probabilities (12) foreign species -> nonindigenous species (44) deciduous forest ecosystems -> forest ecosystems (20) forest ecosystems (20) mixed forest ecosystems -> forest ecosystems (20) forested wetlands -> wetlands (26) forest reserves -> reserves (2) forest resources (3) forestry -> forest resources (3) forests (8) national forests -> parks (7) state forests -> parks (7) coniferous forests ecosystems -> forest ecosystems (20) forest stations -> buildings (4) forks (physiographic features) -> streams (52) soil formation (3) geologic formations -> bedrock geologic units (6) bed forms -> bedforms (2) fossil fuels -> energy resources (50) fossils (13) index fossils -> fossils (13) fractal geometric methods -> mathematical modeling (36) fracture (geologic) (8) habitat fragmentation -> habitat alteration (11) freely associated states -> political areas (1) free trade zones -> administrative areas (8) freshwater (ground) -> ground water (157) freshwater (surface) -> surface water (non-marine) (153) freshwater ecosystems (17) fringing reefs -> reefs (2) fuel depots -> transportation features (4) fossil fuels -> energy resources (50) fumaroles -> thermal features (4) biogeochemical functioning -> biogeochemical cycling (9) ecosystem functions (10) estuarine ecosystem functions (1) -> ecosystem functions WITH estuarine ecosystems wetland functions (5) fungi (5) furrows -> physiographic features (91)

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