Representative Grace F. Napolitano Representing the 38th District of California

For Immediate Release
May 17, 2005

Napolitano Joins Colleagues as Original Co-Sponsor  of Bipartisan Immigration Reform Bill


(Washington D.C.)- Congresswoman Grace F. Napolitano joined Republican and Democratic colleagues to introduce legislation aimed at addressing our nation’s security and border control problems without unfairly targeting or harming immigrants who provide American businesses with much-needed workers.

      The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005, or House Resolution 2330, replicates the bipartisan McCain-Kennedy Bill (S. 1033) that was also introduced in the Senate on Thursday. Both bills would allow illegal immigrants to work toward citizenship and step out of the shadows.

      “This bill is a huge improvement over past proposals because it acknowledges the critical role immigrants have and will continue to play in the success of our country. From working on our farms, serving as nannies for our children and toiling in our service industries, their work has played a crucial role in our economy,” said Napolitano, D-Norwalk. “By giving them a path toward legal citizen status and including provisions that would eventually unite them with their families, this bill demonstrates that these are not just people our businesses use up and cast off without a care about their safety and health.”

       Democrat Luis Gutierrez of Illinois initiated the legislation. Republicans Jim Kolbe and Jeff Flake of Arizona and Lincoln Diaz-Balart and Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida reached across the aisle to work with Napolitano, Gutierrez and Arizona Democrat Ed Pastor as original bill cosponsors.  Flake lauded the plan as one that “comes pretty darn close” to balancing “national security, economic reality and worker protections.”

       Other provisions in the bill include:

       ·        Creating a three-year H-5A visa, capped at 400,000 annually, that would allow foreign workers to fill available jobs, provided they clear all security checks and have a solid job offer with an employer prior to entry.

       ·        Allows undocumented immigrants in America to register for a H-5B temporary visa, provided they are not security risks and show solid work history, paid taxes and no criminal record. These workers and their families could eventually be eligible to apply for permanent status, provided they meet English and civics obligations, pay a $2,000 fee and any back taxes due, meet a future consistent work requirement and clear a security screening.



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