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This page last updated:
January 09, 2009

Notices to Lessees and Operators (Numeric Order)

Your comments are important.  The Small Business and Agriculture Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman and 10 Regional Fairness Boards were established to receive comments from small businesses about federal agency enforcement actions.  The Ombudsman will annually evaluate the enforcement activities and rate each agency's responsiveness to small business.  If you wish to comment on the enforcement actions of MMS call 1-888-REG-FAIR (1-888-734-3247).

The listing below contains the NTL's that have been issued to date.




2009-N01 January 8, 2009 Workshop on Subpart O Well Control and Production Safety Training - Testing Program
2009-G01 July 1, 2009 Casing Pressure
2008-G25 January 1, 2009 Departure for Meter Provings, Meter Calibrations, and Well Tests Due to Force Majeure Events
2008-G24 December 31, 2008 Lease Term Extensions Pursuant to 30 CFR 250.180(e) Due to Hurricane Damage
2008-G23 November 20, 2008 Damage from Hurricanes Gustav and Ike (Supplement No. 2)
2008-G22 November 19, 2008 Information Guidance for Availability of Well Data and Information Through the Gulf of Mexico Region Online Ordering System
2008-G21 October 17, 2008 Damage Caused by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike (Supplement)
2008-G20 October 20, 2008 Revisions to the List of OCS Lease Blocks Requiring Archaeological Resource Surveys and Reports
2008-G19 October 2, 2008 Changes to the Designation of Operator of an OCS Oil and Gas or Sulphur Lease
2008-G18 September 25, 2008 Damage Caused by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike


September 16, 2008 Incident and Oil Spill Reports
2008-G13 July 9, 2008 Electronically Stored Records
2008-G12 June 1, 2008 Drilling Windows, Eastern Gulf of Mexico
2008-G10 June 1, 2008 Guidelines for Jack-up Drilling Rig Fitness Requirements for Hurricane Season
2008-N09 October 29, 2008 Extension of Lease and Unit Terms by Production in Paying Quantities
2008-G09 June 1, 2008 Guidelines for Moored Drilling Rig Fitness Requirements for Hurricane Season
2008-N07 August 28, 2008 Supplemental Bond Procedures
2008-G07 June 15, 2008 Managed Pressure Drilling Projects
2008-G06 May 26, 2008 Remotely Operated Vehicle Surveys in Deepwater
2008-N05 August 26, 2008 Guidelines for Oil Spill Financial Responsibility (OSFR) for Covered Facilities
2008-G05 May 1, 2008 Shallow Hazards Program
2008-G04 May 1, 2008 Information Requirements for Exploration Plans and Development Operations Coordination Documents
2008-N03 March 31, 2008 Well Control and Production Safety Training
2008-G03 April 14, 2008 Pollution Inspection Intervals for Unmanned Facilities
2008-N04 March 12, 2008 Performance Measures for OCS Operators and Form MMS-131
2008-G01 February 28, 2008 Suspensions of Operations Based on Rig Delays, Lack of Rig Availability and Procurement of Long Lead Equipment
2008-N02 March 1, 2008 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Inspection Program
2007-G27 October 1, 2007 Assessment of Existing OCS Platforms and Related Structures for Hurricane Conditions
2007-G26 December 15, 2007 Design of New OCS Platforms and Related Structures for Hurricane Conditions
2007-G25 September 24, 2007 2008 Gulfwide OCS Emissions Inventory (Western Gulf of Mexico)
2007-G22 June 25, 2007 Suspensions of Operations for Subsalt and Ultradeep Geophysical Work
2007-G21 June 1, 2007 Conservation Information Documents
2007-G20 May 25, 2007 Coastal Zone Management Program Requirements for OCS Right-of-way Pipeline Applications
2007-G15 May 14, 2007 eWell Permitting and Reporting System
2007-G14 May 7, 2007 Pipeline Risers Subject to the Platform Verification Program
2007-G12 April 4, 2007 Contact with District Offices and the Pipeline Section Outside Regular Work Hours
2007-G11 April 4, 2007 Guidance for Submitting Exploration Plans and Development Operations Coordination Documents
2007-G09 April 3, 2007 Air Emissions Information for Applications for Accessory Platforms for Pipeline Rights-of-way
2007-G08 April 2, 2007 Using a Motion Compensator when Conducting Coiled Tubing Operations on a Floating Production Platform
2007-G07 April 2, 2007 High Pressure and High Temperature Completions and Workovers
2007-G05 March 1, 2007 Well Producibility Determinations


September 26, 2007 Oil Discharge Written Follow-up Reports
2007-G04 February 7, 2007 Vessel Strike Avoidance and Injured/Dead Protected Species Reporting
2007-G03 February 7, 2007 Marine Trash and Debris Awareness and Elimination
2007-N02 March 30, 2007 Revised Assessment Matrix
2007-G02 February 7, 2007 Implementation of Seismic Survey Mitigation Measures and Protected Species Observer Program
2006-G21 October 26, 2006 Regional and Subregional Oil Spill Response Plans
2006-G20 October 25, 2006 Mudline Suspension Wells: Dry Tree Tiebacks and Conversion to Subsea Wells


October 31, 2006 Wells (holes-in-the-ground) Without Assigned MMS API Numbers
(Addendum 1)
February 1, 2007 Well Records Submittal (Updated) Elimination of Paper Copy Data Submittals (Addendum No. 1)


July 15, 2006 Well Records Submittal (Updated) Elimination of Paper Copy Data Submittals


July 3, 2006 Ancillary Activities
2006-N07 December 15, 2006 Participation in Post-Mortem Hurricane Initiatives
2006-G07 March 16, 2006 Revisions to the List of OCS Lease Blocks Requiring Archaeological Resource Surveys and Reports
2006-N06 December 19, 2006 Flaring and Venting Approvals
2006-G06 March 16, 2006 Resumption of Submission of Well Records to A2D's New Orleans Office
2006-G04 February 22, 2006 Fire Prevention and Control Systems
2006-G01 February 1, 2006 Royalty Relief for Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas Leases with Facilities Damaged by Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita
(Addendum 1)
June 12, 2006 Damage Caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (Addendum No. 1)
2005-G20 October 24, 2005 Damage Caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
2005-G09 June 1, 2005 Static Casing Pressures Less than 100 psig
2005-G07 July 1, 2005 Archaeological Resource Surveys and Reports
2005-G01 January 6, 2005 Monitoring Bypassed Safety Devices
2004-G13 June 22, 2004 Replacing Deep Gas Royalty Relief Provisions in Lease Instrument With Regulatory Deep Gas Royalty Relief Provisions
2004-G12 June 21, 2004 Clarification of Deep Gas Royalty Suspension Provision in Lease Instrument Relating to Sidetrack Completions
2004-G11 May 3, 2004 Clarification of Deep Gas Royalty Relief Regulation Regarding Natural Gas Liquids and Pipeline (Retrograde) Condensate
2004-G09 May 17, 2004 Policies for Shutting-In Producible Wells During Rig Moves
2004-G06 April 5, 2004 Structure Removal Operations
2004-G05 April 1, 2004 Biologically Sensitive Areas of the Gulf of Mexico
2004-N04 June 25, 2004 Data and Information to be Made Available to the Public
2004-G04 March 7, 2004 Standard Reporting Period for the Well Activity Report
2004-N03 July 26, 2004 Directional and Inclination Survey Data Submission Requirements
2004-G03 February 6, 2004 Notification and Confirmation of Deep Gas Royalty Relief
2004-G02 January 27, 2004 Military Warning and Water Test Areas
2003-G20 January 1, 2004 Gas Volume Statement Requirements
2003-G05 February 15, 2003 Procedures for Submission, Inspection and Selection of Geophysical Data and Information Collected Under a Permit and Processed or Reprocessed by a Permittee or a Third Party
2003-G02 March 3, 2003 Ultimate Recovery Abandonment and Bypassing of Zones
2002-G12 November 4, 2002 Revised North American Datum 83 Implementation Plan for the Gulf of Mexico
2002-G10 September 4, 2002 Standard Conditions of Approval for Well Activities
2002-G03 March 20, 2002 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems
2002-N02 February 14, 2002 Revised Guidelines for Royalty Relief Under 30 CFR Part 203
2002-G02 March 1, 2002 Notification and Confirmation of Deepwater Royalty Relief for Eligible Leases
2001-G10 November 28, 2001 Clarification of Eastern Gulf of Mexico Sale 181 Military Areas Stipulation
2001-N02 September 6, 2001 Submitting Semiannual Well Test Results Electronically
2000-G20 December 6, 2000 Deepwater Chemosynthetic Communities
2000-G17 September 1, 2000 Suspension of Production/Operations Overview
2000-G16 September 7, 2000 Guidelines for General Lease Surety Bonds
2000-G13 May 25, 2000 Production Safety Systems Requirements
2000-N07 November 9, 2000 Well Naming and Numbering Standards
2000-G07 February 22, 2000 Accidental Disconnect of Marine Drilling Risers
2000-G03 January 28, 2000 Functional Responsibility of MMS Regulations
NTL 99-G22 September 24, 1999 Guidelines for the Sub-Seabed Disposal and Offshore Storage of Solid Wastes
NTL 99-G20 September 7, 1999 Downhole Commingling Applications
NTL 99-G19 September 7, 1999 Downhole Commingling Policies
NTL 99-G12 June 7, 1999 Increased Level II Underwater Structural Inspection Intervals
NTL 99-G11 June 7, 1999 Approval of Acidizing Operations
NTL 99-G10 May 11, 1999 Designated Safe Welding and Burning Areas on Rigs
NTL 99-G09 May 10, 1999 Location of Choke and Kill Lines on BOP Stacks
NTL 99-G07 May 3, 1999 U.S. Air Force Communication Towers
NTL 99-G06 May 1, 1999 Economic Assumptions for RSVP Deepwater Royalty Relief Model
NTL 99-G05 April 26, 1999 Submittal of Documents for Platforms and Structures
NTL 99-G01 February 12, 1999 Deepwater Emergency Well Control Operations
NTL 98-26 November 30, 1998 Minimum Interim Requirements for Site Clearance (and Verification) of Abandoned Oil and Gas Structures in the Gulf of Mexico
NTL 98-23 October 15, 1998 Interim Reporting Requirements for 30 CFR 250, Subpart K,
Oil and Gas Production Rates
NTL 98-19 September 15, 1998 Temporary Abandonment of Wells and Maintenance, Protection, and Removal of Underwater Casing Stubs
NTL 98-16 August 10, 1998 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Requirements
NTL 98-13 August 10, 1998 Minimizing Oil and Gas Structures in the Gulf of Mexico
NTL 98-10 August 10, 1998 Best Available Control Technology (Sulphur Dioxide)
NTL 98-09 August 10, 1998 Proposed and As-Built Pipeline Location Data
NTL 98-5N April 1, 1998 Application and Audit Fees for Requests for Royalty Relief or Adjustment Under 30 CFR Part 203
NTL 97-18 August 18, 1997 Timely Submittal of Deepwater Royalty Relief Applications
NTL 97-17 August 1, 1997 Containment Requirements for Bolted or Welded Stock Tanks
NTL 97-16 August 1, 1997 Production Within 500 Feet of a Unit or Lease Line
NTL 96-08 November 25, 1996 Time Allowed for the Correction of Incidents of Noncompliance (INC's) and for the Return of Notification of INC Forms

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