Environmental Health Perspectives Podcasts - The Researcher's Perspectives
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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 111, Number 5, May 2003
Environmental Health Perspectives May 2003 On The Cover:Tobacco production in developing countries has greatly increased in recent decades. This trend, along with new contract systems for growing crops, have some onlookers concerned that worker health may be overlooked or, worse, sacrificed in the drive for crop expansion. The Spheres of Influence (p. A284) examines this controversial issue.
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Purchase This Issue

  • Tobacco Production: A Growing Problem in Developing Countries
    A 284
  • Autoimmunity: Exploring the Gene-Environment Link
    A 274
  • Mini-Monograph: Where Personal and Environmental Care Collide
    A 293 , 757, & 775

In This Issue

In the June Issue



  • Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Progress and Implications for Health and the Environment
    G. Emmanuel Guindon, Joy de Beyer, and Sarah Galbraith
    p. A 262

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  • Carcinogenicity of EBDCs
  • Carcinogenicity of EBDCs: Response
  • Comment on "Use of A-Bomb Survivor Studies as a Basis for Nuclear Worker Compensation"
  • Re: "Use of A-Bomb Survivor Studies as a Basis for Nuclear Worker Compensation"
    p. A 266

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  • Teaching Sustainability
  • Terminating e-Trafficking
  • Engineering Allergy Relief?
  • Pinpointing DDT Resistance
  • EHPnet: National Council for Science and the Environment
  • The Beat
    p. A 270

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  • The Environment-Autoimmune Link
  • Headliners: Effect of Polymorphisms on Biomarkers in Coal Miners
    p. A 274

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  • Short-Circuiting Environmental Protections?
  • The Cleanroom: How Clean?
    p. A 278

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Spheres of Influence

  • Tobacco's Profit, Workers' Loss?
    p. A 284

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  • Organic Electronics: A Cleaner Substitute for Silicon
    p. A 288

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Science Selections
  • Filling the Gap
  • Septic Suburbia
  • Preventing Pill Pollution
    p. A 292

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  • Converging Paradigms for Environmental Health Theory and Practice
    Margot Parkes, Ruth Panelli, and Philip Weinstein
    p. 669

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  • Association of Expired Nitric Oxide with Occupational Particulate Exposure
    Jee Young Kim, Matthew P. Wand, Russ Hauser, Sutapa Mukherjee, Robert F. Herrick, and David C. Christiani
    p. 676

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  • Meta-analysis of Dioxin Cancer Dose Response for Three Occupational Cohorts
    Kenny S. Crump, Richard Canady, and Manolis Kogevinas
    p. 681

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  • The Relationship between Water Concentrations and Individual Uptake of Chloroform: A Simulation Study
    Heather J. Whitaker, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, and Nicola G. Best
    p. 688

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  • Disturbed Sexual Characteristics in Male Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) from a Lake Contaminated with Endocrine Disruptors
    Gunnar Toft, Thea M. Edwards, Erik Baatrup, and Louis J. Guillette, Jr.
    p. 695

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  • A Longitudinal Examination of Factors Related to Changes in Serum Polychlorinated Biphenyl Levels
    P. Grace Tee, Anne M. Sweeney, Elaine Symanski, Joseph C. Gardiner, Donna M. Gasior, and Susan L. Schantz
    p. 702

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  • Environmentally Relevant Metal and Transition Metal Ions Enhance FcEpsilonRI-Mediated Mast Cell Activation
    Aurelia Walczak-Drzewiecka, Janina Wyczólkowska, and Jaroslaw Dastych
    p. 708

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  • Chronic Exposure to High Levels of Particulate Air Pollution and Small Airway Remodeling
    Andrew Churg, Michael Brauer, Maria del Carmen Avila-Casado, Teresa I. Fortoul, and Joanne L. Wright
    p. 714

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Environmental Medicine


  • Mercury Derived from Dental Amalgams and Neuropsychologic Function
    Pam Factor-Litvak, Gunnar Hasselgren, Diane Jacobs, Melissa Begg, Jennie Kline, Jamie Geier, Nancy Mervish, Sonia Schoenholtz, and Joseph Graziano
    p. 719

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  • Health Impacts of Pesticide Exposure in a Cohort of Outdoor Workers
    John Beard, Tim Sladden, Geoffrey Morgan, Geoffrey Berry, Lyndon Brooks, and Anthony McMichael
    p. 724

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Children's Health


  • Recruitment, Retention, and Compliance Results from a Probability Study of Children's Environmental Health in Economically Disadvantaged Neighborhoods
    Ken Sexton, John L. Adgate, Timothy R. Church, Ian A. Greaves, Gurumurthy Ramachandran, Ann L. Fredrickson, Mindy S. Geisser, and Andrew D. Ryan
    p. 731

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  • Blood Lead Levels and Sexual Maturation in U.S. Girls: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994
    Tiejian Wu, Germaine M. Buck, and Pauline Mendola
    p. 737

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  • Septic System Density and Infectious Diarrhea in a Defined Population of Children
    Mark A. Borchardt, Po-Huang Chyou, Edna O. DeVries, and Edward A. Belongia
    p. 742

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  • Contemporary-Use Pesticides in Personal Air Samples during Pregnancy and Blood Samples at Delivery among Urban Minority Mothers and Newborns
    Robin M. Whyatt, Dana B. Barr, David E. Camann, Patrick L. Kinney, John R. Barr, Howard F. Andrews, Lori A. Hoepner, Robin Garfinkel, Yair Hazi, Andria Reyes, Judyth Ramirez, Yesenia Cosme, and Frederica P. Perera
    p. 749

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Mini-Monograph: Green Pharmacy

  • Cradle-to-Cradle Stewardship of Drugs for Minimizing Their Environmental Disposition While Promoting Human Health. I. Rationale for and Avenues toward a Green Pharmacy
    Christian G. Daughton
    p. 757

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  • Cradle-to-Cradle Stewardship of Drugs for Minimizing Their Environmental Disposition While Promoting Human Health. II. Drug Disposal, Waste Reduction, and Future Directions
    Christian G. Daughton
    p. 775

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  • NIEHS Extramural Update
    p. A 301
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Updated: Mon, 2003 April 28

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