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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 111, Number 10, August 2003
Environmental Health Perspectives August 2003 On the Cover. Conservation medicine seeks to combine human, animal, and ecological investigations to improve the health and well-being of all three groups. The Focus (p. A524) examines this emerging discipline, its core philosophy, and the direction it's taking as a new scientific paradigm.
image credits: U. Keuper-Bennett, P. Bennett/turtles.org; Getty Images; Joseph Tart/EHP

Purchase This Issue

  • The Emerging Science of Conservation Medicine
    A 506 & A 524
  • The Legacy of Toxic Oil
    A 538 & 1326
  • The Human Factor in the Cost-Benefit Controversy
    A 530



    Emerging Diseases Threaten Conservation
    Paul R. Epstein, Eric Chivian, and Kathleen Frith
    p. A 506

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  • Re: Analysis of Dioxin Cancer Threshold
  • Exposure to Lead and an Old Way of Counting
  • Carbon Monoxide Exposure and Carboxyhemoglobin
  • Carbon Monoxide Exposure and Carboxyhemoglobin: Response

  • p. A 510

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  • Mountain Tourism: News from Nepal
  • Health Hazards and Health Care Costs
  • World Water Forum Diluted
  • Drug Data for a Custom Fit
  • EHPnet: Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics
  • The Beat
    p. A 516

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  • Pesticides Initiative: Basic Training for Health Care Providers
  • Environmental Knights of the Roundtable
  • Headliners: Inhibiting IKK-ß and NF-kappa symbolB Prevents Systemic Inflammation but Increases Local Injury
    p. A 520

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    Conservation Medicine: Combining the Best of All Worlds
    p. A 524

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Spheres of Influence

    Subjective Science: Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis
    p. A 530

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Science Selections
  • Toxic Oil Timeline
  • Setting the Stage for Illness
  • ALS and Lead
    p. A 538

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    Low-Dose Exposure to Inorganic Mercury Accelerates Disease and Mortality in Acquired Murine Lupus
    Via et al.
    p. 1273

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    Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on Estrogen Receptor-ß Expression in the Anteroventral Periventricular Nucleus
    Salama et al.
    p. 1278

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    Exploring Bias in a Generalized Additive Model for Spatial Air Pollution Data
    Ramsay et al.
    p. 1283

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    Proinflammatory and Cytotoxic Effects of Mexico City Air Pollution Particulate Matter in Vitro Are Dependent on Particle Size and Composition
    Osornio-Vargas et al.
    p. 1289

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    Diminished Experience-Dependent Neuroanatomical Plasticity: Evidence for an Improved Biomarker of Subtle Neurotoxic Damage to the Developing Rat Brain
    Wallace et al.
    p. 1294

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    Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Mediated Activity of Particulate Organic Matter from the Paso del Norte Airshed along the U.S.-Mexico Border
    Arrieta et al.
    p. 1299

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    Assessment of Dietary Exposure to Some Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Republic of Karakalpakstan of Uzbekistan
    Muntean et al.
    p. 1306

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    Temperature, Air Pollution, and Hospitalization for Cardiovascular Diseases among Elderly People in Denver
    Koken et al.
    p. 1312

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    Assessment of Potential Risk Levels Associated with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Reference Values
    Castorina and Woodruff
    p. 1318

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Environmental Medicine


    Neurologic Outcomes of Toxic Oil Syndrome Patients 18 Years after the Epidemic
    Posada de la Paz et al.
    p. 1326

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Lead, and Genetic Susceptibility: Polymorphisms in the lc Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase and Vitamin D Receptor Genes
    Kamel et al.
    p. 1335

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Children's Health


    Environmental Threats to Children's Health in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific
    Suk et al.
    p. 1340

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    Distribution and Determinants of Mouse Allergen Exposure in Low-Income New York City Apartments
    Chew et al.
    p. 1348

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    Low Birth Weight and Residential Proximity to PCB-Contaminated Waste Sites
    Baibergenova et al.
    p. 1352

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Mini-Monograph: Regulatory Acceptance of (Q)SARs

    Summary of a Workshop on Regulatory Acceptance of (Q)SARs for Human Health and Environmental Endpoints
    Jaworska et al.
    p. 1358

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    Methods for Reliability and Uncertainty Assessment and for Applicability Evaluations of Classification- and Regression-Based QSARs
    Eriksson et al.
    p. 1361

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    Use of QSARs in International Decision-Making Frameworks to Predict Ecologic Effects and Environmental Fate of Chemical Substances
    Cronin et al.
    p. 1376

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    Use of QSARs in International Decision-Making Frameworks to Predict Health Effects of Chemical Substances
    Cronin et al.
    p. 1391

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