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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 110, Number 2, February 2002
Environmental Health Perspectives February 2002 On The Cover: An April 2001 dust storm blankets Yinchuan, China. The Focus article in this issue examines the phenomenon of global dust storms and their potential consequences for human and ecosystem health.
image credit: Xinhua Photo

Purchase This Issue

  • Dust Storms: A Whirl of Issues
    A 80
  • DNA Delitto Perfetto
    A 88
  • Does Dirty Air Induce Stroke?
    A 92 & 187




  • Do Unto the Biosphere What You Expect Others to Do: A Universal Ethos and the Carrying Capacity of a Finite Planet
    John Cairns, Jr.
    p. A 66

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  • PCB-Induced Impairments in Older Adults: Critique of Schantz et al.'s Methodology and Conclusions
  • PCB-Induced Impairments in Older Adults: Schantz et al.'s Response
  • The Melatonin Hypothesis: A Matter of Method
  • Examination of the Melatonin Hypothesis: Graham et al.'s Response
    p. A 70

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  • New Mining Regs, New Discontent
  • Spare the Plow, Save the Soil
  • The Price of Bottled Water
  • A Better Way to Water
  • EHPnet: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
  • The Beat
    p. A 74

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  • Delitto Perfetto: Foreign DNA Disappears without a Trace
    p. A 88

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Science Selections

  • NO2--The Inside Story
  • Stroke of Inspiration
  • Nontoxic Neonates
    p. A 92

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  • Chronic Arsenic Poisoning from Burning High-Arsenic-Containing Coal in Guizhou, China
    Jie Liu, Baoshan Zheng, H. Vasken Aposhian, Yunshu Zhou, Ming-Liang Chen, Aihua Zhang, and Michael P. Waalkes
    p. 119

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  • Cancer Risk Assessment for Arsenic Exposure through Oyster Consumption
    How-Ran Guo
    p. 123

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  • Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT): Ubiquity, Persistence, and Risks
    Vladimir Turusov, Valery Rakitsky, and Lorenzo Tomatis
    p. 125

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  • Public Health Consequences of Mercury Spills: Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance System, 1993-1998
    Perri Zeitz, Maureen F. Orr, and Wendy E. Kaye
    p. 129

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  • Protein Kinase C Activity and the Relations between Blood Lead and Neurobehavioral Function in Lead Workers
    Kyu-Yoon Hwang, Byung-Kook Lee, Joseph P. Bressler, Karen I. Bolla, Walter F. Stewart, and Brian S. Schwartz
    p. 133

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  • Effects of Pentachlorophenol and Tetrachlorohydroquinone on Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathways in Jurkat T Cells
    Bambang Wispriyono, Masato Matsuoka, and Hideki Igisu
    p. 139

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  • Nitrous Acid, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Ozone Concentrations in Residential Environments
    Kiyoung Lee, Jianping Xue, Alison S. Geyh, Halûk Özkaynak, Brian P. Leaderer, Charles J. Weschler, and John D. Spengler
    p. 145

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  • Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of Environmental Cadmium on Renal Biomarkers
    Curtis W. Noonan, Sara M. Sarasua, Dave Campagna, Steven J. Kathman, Jeffrey A. Lybarger, and Patricia W. Mueller
    p. 151

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  • 3-Chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (MX) and Mutagenic Activity in Massachusetts Drinking Water
    J. Michael Wright, Joel Schwartz, Terttu Vartiainen, Jorma Mäki-Paakkanen, Larisa Altshul, Joseph J. Harrington, and Douglas W. Dockery
    p. 157

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  • Association of the Blood/Air Partition Coefficient of 1,3-Butadiene with Blood Lipids and Albumin
    Yu-Sheng Lin, Thomas J. Smith, David Wypij, Karl T. Kelsey, and Frank M. Sacks
    p. 165

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  • A Novel Endocrine-Disrupting Agent in Corn with Mitogenic Activity in Human Breast and Prostatic Cancer Cells
    Barry Markaverich, Shaila Mani, Mary Ann Alejandro, Andrea Mitchell, David Markaverich, Trellis Brown, Claudia Velez-Trippe, Chris Murchison, Bert O'Malley, and Robert Faith
    p. 169

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  • A Competitive ELISA to Detect Brevetoxins from Karenia brevis (Formerly Gymnodinium breve) in Seawater, Shellfish, and Mammalian Body Fluid
    Jerome Naar, Andrea Bourdelais, Carmelo Tomas, Julia Kubanek, Philip L. Whitney, Leanne Flewelling, Karen Steidinger, Johnny Lancaster, and Daniel G. Baden
    p. 179

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  • Effects of Air Pollutants on Acute Stroke Mortality
    Yun-Chul Hong, Jong-Tae Lee, Ho Kim, Eun-Hee Ha, Joel Schwartz, and David C. Christiani
    p. 187

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  • Developmental Increases in Rat Hepatic Microsomal UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase Activities toward Xenoestrogens and Decreases during Pregnancy
    Junya Matsumoto, Hiroshi Yokota, and Akira Yuasa
    p. 193

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Children's Health

  • The Challenge of Preventing Environmentally Related Disease in Young Children: Community-Based Research in New York City
    Frederica P. Perera, Susan M. Illman, Patrick L. Kinney, Robin M. Whyatt, Elizabeth A. Kelvin, Peggy Shepard, David Evans, Mindy Fullilove, Jean Ford, Rachel L. Miller, Ilan H. Meyer, and Virginia A. Rauh
    p. 197

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  • Evaluation of Urinary Porphyrin Excretion in Neonates Born to Mothers Exposed to Airborne Hexachlorobenzene
    Dolores Ozalla, Carmen Herrero, Núria Ribas-Fitó, Jordi To-Figueras, Agustí Toll, Maria Sala, Joan Grimalt, Xavier Basagaña, Màrius Lecha, and Jordi Sunyer
    p. 205

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