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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 109, Number 4, April 2001
Environmental Health Perspectives April 2001 On The Cover: Global air pollution in eastern Asia revealed by satellite photography.
Photo credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

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In This Issue



  • Rededication of Service to Developing Countries
    Gary E. R. Hook
    p. A 154

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  • OPs Cause Bad Trips?
  • Hot New Report on Climate Change
  • The Future of Fresh Water
  • Australia Cuts Cadmium in Food
  • The Beat
  • EHPnet: The Bellona Foundation
    p. A 156

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  • A Wave of Momentum for Toxic Algae Study
    p. A 160

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  • Cold War, Hot Nukes: Legacy of an Era
  • The Whistle-Blowers
    p. A 162

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Spheres of Influence
  • Stopping the Scourge: Tobacco Control Goes Global
    p. A 170

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  • Titanium Dioxide: Environmental White Knight?
  • The Road to Greener Blacktop
    p. A 174

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Science Selections
  • When Good Buses Go Bad
  • Red Flag for Fish
  • Pb Affects BP p. A 178

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  • Influence of Exposure Concentration or Dose on the Distribution of Particulate Material in Rat and Human Lungs
    Kristen J. Nikula, Val Vallyathan, Francis H. Y. Green, and Fletcher F. Hahn
    p. 311

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  • Number Concentration and Size of Particles in Urban Air: Effects on Spirometric Lung Function in Adult Asthmatic Subjects
    Pasi Penttinen, Kirsi Liisa Timonen, Pekka Tiittanen, Aadu Mirme, Juhani Ruuskanen, and Juha Pekkanen
    p. 319

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  • Air Quality in Postunification Erfurt, East Germany: Associating Changes in Pollutant Concentrations with Changes in Emissions
    Stefanie Ebelt, Michael Brauer, Josef Cyrys, Thomas Tuch, Wolfgang G. Kreyling, H.-Erich Wichmann, and Joachim Heinrich
    p. 325

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  • Effect of Air Pollution on Daily Mortality in Hong Kong
    Chit-Ming Wong, Stefan Ma, Anthony Johnson Hedley, and Tai-Hing Lam
    p. 335

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  • Fine Particulate Matter and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Concentration Patterns in Roxbury, Massachusetts: A Community-Based GIS Analysis
    Jonathan I. Levy, E. Andres Houseman, John D. Spengler, Penn Loh, and Louise Ryan
    p. 341

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  • Investigating Regional Differences in Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on Daily Mortality in the APHEA Project: A Sensitivity Analysis for Controlling Long-Term Trends and Seasonality
    Evangelia Samoli, Joel Schwartz, Bogdan Wojtyniak, Giota Touloumi, Claudia Spix, Frank Balducci, Sylvia Medina, Giuseppe Rossi, Jordi Sunyer, Ljuba Bacharova, Hugh Ross Anderson, and Klea Katsouyanni
    p. 349

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  • Effects of Temperature and Air Pollutants on Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases for Males and Females Older than 65 Years of Age in Tokyo, July and August 1980-1995
    Frank Ye, Warren T. Piver, Mitsuru Ando, and Christopher J. Portier
    p. 355

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  • Characterization of Toxicokinetics and Toxicodynamics with Linear Systems Theory: Application to Lead-Associated Cognitive Decline
    Jonathan M. Links, Brian S. Schwartz, David Simon, Karen Bandeen-Roche, and Walter F. Stewart
    p. 361

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  • Pharmacogenetic Profile of Xenobiotic Enzyme Metabolism in Survivors of the Spanish Toxic Oil Syndrome
    Margarita G. Ladona, Maravillas Izquierdo-Martinez, Manuel Posada de la Paz, Rafael de la Torre, Coral Ampurdanés, Jordi Segura, and Emilio J. Sanz
    p. 369

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  • The Red Tide Toxin, Brevetoxin, Induces Embryo Toxicity and Developmental Abnormalities
    Karen L. Kimm-Brinson and John S. Ramsdell
    p. 377

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  • Associations of Blood Pressure and Hypertension with Lead Dose Measures and Polymorphisms in the Vitamin D Receptor and delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase Genes
    Byung-Kook Lee, Gap-Soo Lee, Walter F. Stewart, Kyu-Dong Ahn, David Simon, Karl T. Kelsey, Andrew C. Todd, and Brian S. Schwartz
    p. 383

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  • Mixtures of Four Organochlorines Enhance Human Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation
    Joachim Payne, Martin Scholze, and Andreas Kortenkamp
    p. 391

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  • In Vitro Estrogenicity of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, Hydroxylated PBDEs, and Polybrominated Bisphenol A Compounds
    Ilonka A. T. M. Meerts, Robert J. Letcher, Saske Hoving, Göran Marsh, Åke Bergman, Josephine G. Lemmen, Bart van der Burg, and Abraham Brouwer
    p. 399

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  • Annoyance from Transportation Noise: Relationships with Exposure Metrics DNL and DENL and Their Confidence Intervals
    Henk M. E. Miedema and Catharina G. M. Oudshoorn
    p. 409

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Children's Health
  • Measurement of Organophosphate Metabolites in Postpartum Meconium as a Potential Biomarker of Prenatal Exposure: A Validation Study
    Robin M. Whyatt and Dana B. Barr
    p. 417

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Meeting Reports
  • The Virtual Body Workshop: Current and Future Application of Human Biology Models in Environmental Health Research
    Charles Timchalk, Nigel J. Walker, Reinhold C. Mann, and F. Blaine Metting
    p. 421

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  • International Conference on Environmental and Occupational Lung Diseases
    Qamar Rahman,
    Paul Nettesheim, Kirk R. Smith, Prahlad K. Seth, and James Selkirk
    p. 425

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Grand Rounds
  • Lead Poisoning from Homemade Wine: A Case Study
    Sam Mangas, Renuka Visvanathan, and Mike van Alphen
    p. 433

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  • Extramurally Speaking . . . [HTML] [PDF] p. A 181
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