Environmental Health Perspectives Podcasts - The Researcher's Perspectives
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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 109, Number 12, December 2001
Environmental Health Perspectives December 2001 On The Cover: Articles in this month's issue pose big questions about the state of the world's ecosystems, how we monitor them, and who has the right to profit from biological diversity.
Photo credit: DigtalVision

Purchase This Issue

  • Taking the Planet's Pulse
    A 588

  • Saving the Earth from Space
    A 594

  • Reducing Ozone Is Good Business
    A 598 & 1215

In This Issue



  • Paleoecotoxicology: The Impact of Chemical and Physical Stress in the Evolutionary Process
    Jorge Herkovits
    p. A 564

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  • Predictive Value of the Uterotrophic Assay for Genistein Carcinogenicity in the Neonatal Mouse: Relevance to Infants Consuming Soy-Based Formula
  • The Mouse Uterotrophic Assay: Other End Points
  • The Rodent Uterotrophic Assay: Response to Ashby and Newbold et al
  • Are All Cigarettes Equal?
  • Are All Cigarettes Equal?: Response
  • Re: Risk Assessment of Internal Cancers from Arsenic in Drinking Water
    p. A 568

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  • Unlawful Lab Leftovers
  • Rainfall Runoff and the Runs
  • Pollution 101
  • Old Pesticides Pose New Problems for Developing World
  • EHPnet: Third World Network
  • The Beat
    p. A 576

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  • Optimism Pervades Parkinson's Conference
  • NIEHS and ACC Establish Grant Program
    p. A 580

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  • Who Reaps the Benefits of Biodiversity?
    p. A 582

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Spheres of Influence

  • Where Do We Stand? Global Ecosystem Assessments Ask the Big Question
    p. A 588

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  • Saving the Earth from Space
    p. A594

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Science Selections
  • Reducing Ozone
  • Lead-Free but Not Problem-Free
  • Recipe for an Outbreak
    p. A 598

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  • Confounding in Air Pollution Epidemiology: When Does Two-Stage Regression Identify the Problem?
    Allan H. Marcus and Scott R. Kegler
    p. 1193

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  • Cognitive Effects of Edocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Animals
    Susan L. Schantz and John J. Widholm
    p. 1197

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  • A Biologically Based Model of Growth and Senescence of Syrian Hamster Embryo (SHE) Cells after Exposure to Arsenic
    Kai H. Liao, Daniel L. Gustafson, Michael H. Fox, Laura S. Chubb, Kenneth F. Reardon, and Raymond S. H. Yang
    p. 1207

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  • Assessing the Public Health Benefits of Reduced Ozone Concentrations
    Jonathan I. Levy, Timothy J. Carrothers, Jouni T. Tuomisto, James K. Hammitt, and John S. Evans
    p. 1215

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  • Relationship between Expression of Sex Steroid Receptors and Structure of the Seminal Vesicles after Neonatal Treatment of Rats with Potent or Weak Estrogens
    Karin Williams, Jane S. Fisher, Katie J. Turner, Chris McKinnell, Philippa T. K. Saunders, and Richard M. Sharpe
    p. 1227

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  • Organophosphorous Pesticide Exposure Increases the Frequency of Sperm Sex Null Aneuploidy
    Rogelio Recio, Wendy A. Robbins, Guadalupe Ocampo-Gómez, Victor Borja-Aburto, Javier Morán-Martínez, John R. Froines, Rosa Ma. García Hernández, and Mariano E. Cebrián
    p. 1237

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  • Beating the Heat: Development and Evaluation of a Canadian Hot Weather Health-Response Plan
    Karen E. Smoyer-Tomic and Daniel G. C. Rainham
    p. 1241

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  • Assessment of 1,3-Butadiene Exposure in Polymer Production Workers Using HPRT Mutations in Lymphocytes as a Biomarker
    Marinel M. Ammenheuser, William E. Bechtold, Sherif Z. Abdel-Rahman, Judah I. Rosenblatt, Darlene A. Hastings-Smith, and Jonathan B. Ward, Jr.
    p. 1249

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  • Alterations in Sexually Dimorphic Biotransformation of Testosterone in Juvenile American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) from Contaminated Lakes
    Mark P. Gunderson, Gerald A. LeBlanc, and Louis J. Guillette, Jr.
    p. 1257

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  • Males in Rural Bangladeshi Communities Are More Susceptible to Chronic Arsenic Poisoning than Females: Analyses Based on Urinary Arsenic
    Chiho Watanabe, Tsukasa Inaoka, Takefumi Kadono, Megumi Nagano, Satoshi Nakamura, Kayo Ushijima, Nobuko Murayama, Kaori Miyazaki, and Ryutaro Ohtsuka
    p. 1265

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  • Climate Variation and Incidence of Ross River Virus in Cairns, Australia: A Time-Series Analysis
    Shilu Tong and Wenbiao Hu
    p. 1271

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  • The Effects of PCB Exposure and Fish Consumption on Endogenous Hormones
    Victoria Persky, Mary Turyk, Henry A. Anderson, Lawrence P. Hanrahan, Claire Falk, Dyan N. Steenport, Robert Chatterton, Jr., Sally Freels, and the Great Lakes Consortium
    p. 1275

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  • A Comparison on the Emission of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Corresponding Carcinogenic Potencies from a Vehicle Engine Using Leaded and Lead-Free Gasoline
    Hsiao-Hsuan Mi, Wen-Jhy Lee, Perng-Jy Tsai, and Chung-Ban Chen
    p. 1285

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Children's Health
  • Prenatal Exposure of the Northern Québec Inuit Infants to Environmental Contaminants
    Gina Muckle, Pierre Ayotte, Éric Dewailly, Sandra W. Jacobson, and Joseph L. Jacobson
    p. 1291

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Meeting Report
  • Consensus Statement: Atlantic Coast Contaminants Workshop 2000
    Sylvain De Guise, Susan D. Shaw, John S. Barclay, John Brock, Abraham Brouwer, Eric Dewailly, Patricia A. Fair, Michel Fournier, Philippe Grandjean, Louis J. Guillette, Jr., Mark E. Hahn, Corine Koopman-Esseboom, Robert J. Letcher, Angela Matz, Ross J. Norstrom, Christopher R. Perkins, Lori Schwacke, Janneche Utne Skaare, John Sowles, David J. St. Aubin, John Stegeman, and Janet E. Whaley
    p. 1301

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Grand Rounds
  • Occupational Asthma with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in a Diamond Polisher
    Elizabeth Wilk-Rivard and Jaime Szeinuk
    p. 1303

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  • Extramurally Speaking
    [HTML] [ PDF] p. A 601
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