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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 108, Number 8, August 2000
Environmental Health Perspectives August 2000 On The Cover: Mangroves planted in Florida Bay are part of a project to reverse the impact humans have had on the Everglades. Ecological restoration in the United States is necessary if future generations are to enjoy the extant plant and animal diversity. The Focus article (p. A356) describes the scientific, social, political, and economic difficulties inherent to this demanding process.

In This Issue

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    The Developing Role of Ecotoxicology in Industrial Ecology and Natural Capitalism
    John Cairns, Jr.
    p. A 346
    [html] [pdf]


  • Deaths Out West: The Link to COPD
  • Moving beyond MTBE
  • Turning Wallboard Out to Pasture
  • New Drugs Engineered to Fight Asthma
  • The Beat
  • EHPnet: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
    p. A 350
    [html] [pdf]


  • Truth in Numbers
  • NTP May Test Cell Phones
    p. A 354
    [html ] [pdf]
    Making Amends: Ecological Restoration in the United States
    p. A 356
    [html] [pdf]
Spheres of Influence
    The Kyoto Protocol: Just a Lot of Hot Air?
    p. A 362
    [html] [pdf]
    Recycling Poultry Feathers: More Bang for the Cluck
    p. A 366
    [html] [pdf]
Science Selections
  • Soy and Breast Cancer
  • Inhalation of Radiation
  • MTBE's Effects
    p. A 370
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    Use of Iodine for Water Disinfection: Iodine Toxicity and Maximum Recommended Dose
    Howard Backer and Joe Hollowell
    p. 679
    [html] [pdf]


  • Concentrated Swine Feeding Operations and Public Health: A Review of Occupational and Community Health Effects
    Dana Cole, Lori Todd, and Steve Wing
    p. 685
    [html] [pdf]

    Genistein: Does It Prevent or Promote Breast Cancer?
    Kerrie B. Bouker and Leena Hilakivi-Clarke
    p. 701
    [html] [pdf]

  • Chemical Characterization and Bioactivity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Non-Oxidative Thermal Treatment of Pyrene-Contaminated Soil at 250-1,000°C
    Henning Richter, Véronique Risoul, Arthur L. Lafleur, Elaine F. Plummer, Jack B. Howard, and William A. Peters
    p. 709
    [html] [pdf]

  • Both the Environment and Genes Are Important for Concentrations of Cadmium and Lead in Blood
    Lars Björkman, Marie Vahter, and Nancy L. Pedersen
    p. 719
    [html] [pdf]

  • Quantitative Comparisons of in Vitro Assays for Estrogenic Activities
    Hong Fang, Weida Tong, Roger Perkins, Ana M. Soto, Nancy V. Prechtl, Daniel M. Sheehan
    p. 723
    [html] [pdf]

  • Longitudinal Investigation of Exposure to Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead in Drinking Water
    P. Barry Ryan, Natalie Huet, and David L. MacIntosh
    p. 731
    [html] [pdf]

  • Cardiac Autonomic Control Mechanisms in Power-Frequency Magnetic Fields: A Multistudy Analysis
    Charles Graham, Mary R. Cook, Antonio Sastre, Mary M. Gerkovich, and Robert Kavet
    p. 737
    [html] [pdf]

  • The Effects of Internal Radiation Exposure on Cancer Mortality in Nuclear Workers at Rocketdyne/Atomics International
    Beate Ritz, Hal Morgenstern, Douglas Crawford-Brown, and Bambi Young
    p. 743
    [html] [pdf]

  • Controlled Human Exposure to Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether in Gasoline: Symptoms, Psychophysiologic and Neurobehavioral Responses of Self-Reported Sensitive Persons
    Nancy Fiedler, Kathie Kelly-McNeil, Sandra Mohr, Paul Lehrer, Richard E. Opiekun, ChiaWei, Lee, Tom Wainman, Robert Hamer, Clifford Weisel, Robert Edelberg, and Paul J. Lioy
    p. 753
    [html] [pdf]

  • Association between Chlorination of Drinking Water and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome in Taiwan
    Chun-Yuh Yang, Bi-Hua Cheng, Shang-Shyue Tsai, Trong-Neng Wu, Meng-Chiao Lin, and Kuo-Cherng Lin
    p. 765
    [html] [pdf]

  • Roundup Inhibits Steroidogenesis by Disrupting Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory (StAR) Protein Expression
    Lance P. Walsh, Chad McCormick, Clyde Martin, and Douglas M. Stocco
    p. 769
    [html] [pdf]

    Air Pollution and Daily Mortality in Three U.S. Counties
    Suresh H. Moolgavkar
    p. 777
    [html] [pdf]

Children's Health
    Learning Disabilities Association-Sponsored Symposium on Chemical Hormone Impostors and Child Development
    Jerry Heindel
    p. 785
    [html] [pdf]
Workshop Summary
    Farmworkers and Pesticides: Community-Based Research
    Thomas A. Arcury, Sara A. Quandt, and Linda McCauley
    p. 787
    [html] [pdf]
Grand Rounds
    Liver Angiosarcoma and Hemangiopericytoma after Occupational Exposure to Vinyl Chloride Monomer
    Izet Hozo, Dinko Miric, Lovre Bojic, Lovel Giunio, Ivo Lusic, Viktor Culic, and Miroslav Simunic
    p. 793
    [html] [pdf]
  • Extramurally Speaking . . . p. A 796
    [html ] [pdf]
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