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Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD)

Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 96, 1991
Environmental Health Perspectives  1991 Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity Databases; Global Warming

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Databases of genotoxicity and carcinogenicity and their usefulness for hazard evaluation
p. 3
* Article is unavailable at this time

Carcinogenicity evaluations and ongoing studies: the IARC databases
Vainio-H; Coleman-M; Wilbourn-J
p. 5
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The Carcinogenic Potency Database: analyses of 4000 chronic animal cancer experiments published in the general literature and by the U.S. National Cancer Institute/National Toxicology Program
Gold-LS; Slone-TH; Manley-NB; Garfinkel-GB; Hudes-ES; Rohrbach-L; Ames-BN
p. 11
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Multifactor potency scheme for comparing the carcinogenic activity of chemicals
p. 17
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Long-term chemical carcinogenesis experiments for identifying potential human cancer hazards: collective database of the National Cancer Institute and National Toxicology Program (1976-1991)
Huff-J; Haseman-J
p. 23
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Current status of the Gene-Tox Program
Auletta AE; Brown-M; Wassom-JS; Cimino-MC
p. 33
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Predicting mammalian mutagenesis by submammalian assays: an application of database GEN
p. 37
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The Genetic Activity Profile database
Waters-MD; Stack-HF; Garrett-NE; Jackson-MA
p. 41
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The genetic toxicity database of the National Toxicology Program: evaluation of the relationships between genetic toxicity and carcinogenicity
p. 47
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Characteristics of the U.S. EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs' toxicity information databases
Dearfield-KL; Quest-JA; Whiting-RJ; Stack-HF; Waters-MD
p. 53
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A fact database for toxicological data at the National Institute of Hygienic Sciences, Japan
Hayashi-M; Nakadate-M; Osada-T; Ishibe-T; Tanaka-S; Maekawa A; Sofuni-T; Nakata-Y; Kanoh-N; Hashiba-S; et-al
p. 57
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Examples of uses of databases for quantitative and qualitative correlation studies between genotoxicity and carcinogenicity
Parodi-S; Malacarne-D; Taningher-M
p. 61
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Structure-activity relations: maximizing the usefulness of mutagenicity and carcinogenicity databases
Klopman-G; Rosenkranz-H
p. 67
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The expert system for toxicity prediction of chemicals based on structure-activity relationship
Nakadate-M; Hayashi-M; Sofuni-T; Kamata-E; Aida-Y; Osada-T; Ishibe-T; Sakamura-Y; Ishidate-M Jr
p. 77
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Mathematical models for exploring different aspects of genotoxicity and carcinogenicity databases
Benigni-R; Giuliani A
p. 81
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Priority-based assessment of food additives database of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Benz-RD; Irausquin-H
p. 85
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Cytogenetic monitoring of human populations at risk in Egypt: role of cytogenetic data in cancer risk assessment
p. 91
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Aspects of database construction and interrogation of relevance to the accurate prediction of rodent carcinogenicity and mutagenicity
p. 97
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A proposed method for assembly and interpretation of short-term test data
p. 101
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Analysis and comparison of information and data recorded in carcinogenicity and genotoxicity databases
Romano-P; Aresu-O; Parodi-B; Malacarne-D; Castagneto-G; Parodi-S; Ruzzon-T
p. 113
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Data selection and treatment of chemicals tested for genotoxicity and carcinogenicity
Loprieno-N; Boncristiani-G; Loprieno-G; Tesoro-M
p. 121
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Global atmospheric change and human health

p. 129
* Article is unavailable at this time

Global atmospheric changes
p. 131
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Anticipated public health consequences of global climate change
p. 139
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A new approach to evaluate the impact of climate on human mortality
p. 145
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Global atmospheric change: potential health effects of acid aerosol and oxidant gas mixtures
p. 151
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Mercury and monomethylmercury: present and future concerns
Fitzgerald-WF; Clarkson-TW
p. 159
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Biological diversity, ecology, and global climate change
p. 167
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Global climate change and infectious diseases
p. 171
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Potential health effects of climatic change: effects of increased ultraviolet radiation on man
p. 175
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Effects of ultraviolet light on the eye: role of protective glasses
p. 177
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Metabolism and toxicity of hydrochlorofluorocarbons: current knowledge and needs for the future
p. 185
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Global atmospheric change and research needs in environmental health sciences
Goldstein-BD; Reed-DJ
p. 193
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Passive smoking among schoolchildren in Israel
Goren AI; Hellman-S
p. 203
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Weight of the evidence on the human carcinogenicity of 2,4-D
Ibrahim-MA; Bond-GG; Burke-TA; Cole-P; Dost-FN; Enterline-PE; Gough-M; Greenberg-RS; Halperin-WE; McConnell-E; et-al
p. 213
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Assessment of spatial variation of risks in small populations
Riggan-WB; Manton-KG; Creason-JP; Woodbury-MA; Stallard-E
p. 223
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Assay of mutation induced in human lymphoblastoid cells by combustion-generated soot particles
Bolsaitis-PP; Feitelberg AS; Dekermendjian-V; Elliott-JF; Sarofim AF; Thilly-WG
p. 239
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Does aluminum lactate cause spinal cord infarction in rabbits? [letter; comment]
p. 245
* Article is unavailable at this time

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