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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 82, 1989
Environmental Health Perspectives  1989 Benzene Metabolism, Toxicity and Carcinogenesis

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The effect of dose, dose rate, route of administration, and species on tissue and blood levels of benzene metabolites
Henderson-RF; Sabourin-PJ; Bechtold-WE; Griffith-WC; Medinsky-MA; Birnbaum-LS; Lucier-GW
p. 9
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Metabolism and toxicity of trans,trans-muconaldehyde, an open-ring microsomal metabolite of benzene
Witz-G; Latriano-L; Goldstein-BD
p. 19
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Peroxidase-dependent metabolism of benzene's phenolic metabolites and its potential role in benzene toxicity and carcinogenicity
Smith-MT; Yager-JW; Steinmetz-KL; Eastmond-DA
p. 23
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Studies on the mechanism of benzene toxicity
Snyder-R; Dimitriadis-E; Guy-R; Hu-P; Cooper-K; Bauer-H; Witz-G; Goldstein-BD
p. 31
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Mechanisms of free radical chemistry and biochemistry of benzene
Karam-LR; Simic-MG
p. 37
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Differences in the pathways for metabolism of benzene in rats and mice simulated by a physiological model
Medinsky-MA; Sabourin-PJ; Henderson-RF; Lucier-G; Birnbaum-LS
p. 43
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Long-term hematopoietic damage: concepts, approaches, and results relevant to the study of environmental toxins
Testa-NG; Dexter-TM
p. 51
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Prevention of benzene-induced myelotoxicity by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Kalf-GF; Schlosser-MJ; Renz-JF; Pirozzi-SJ
p. 57
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Effect of exposure route, regimen, and duration on benzene-induced genotoxic and cytotoxic bone marrow damage in mice
Tice-RR; Luke-CA; Drew-RT
p. 65
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Activation of bone marrow phagocytes following benzene treatment of mice
Laskin-DL; MacEachern-L; Snyder-R
p. 75
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Multiple activation pathways of benzene leading to products with varying genotoxic characteristics
Glatt-H; Padykula-R; Berchtold-GA; Ludewig-G; Platt-KL; Klein-J; Oesch-F
p. 81
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Benzene-mediated protein kinase C activation
Da-Silva-C; Fan-XT; Castagna-M
p. 91
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Hematotoxicity and carcinogenicity of inhaled benzene
Cronkite-EP; Drew-RT; Inoue-T; Hirabayashi-Y; Bullis-JE
p. 97
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Benzene, an experimental multipotential carcinogen: results of the long-term bioassays performed at the Bologna Institute of Oncology
Maltoni-C; Ciliberti A; Cotti-G; Conti-B; Belpoggi-F
p. 109
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Multiple-site carcinogenicity of benzene in Fischer 344 rats and B6C3F1 mice
Huff-JE; Haseman-JK; DeMarini-DM; Eustis-S; Maronpot-RR; Peters AC; Persing-RL; Chrisp-CE; Jacobs AC
p. 125
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Major sources of benzene exposure [see comments]
p. 165
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Results of animal studies suggest a nonlinear dose-response relationship for benzene effects
Parodi-S; Lutz-WK; Colacci A; Mazzullo-M; Taningher-M; Grilli-S
p. 171
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Metabolite-based internal doses used in a risk assessment of benzene
Bailer AJ; Hoel-DG
p. 177
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Quantitative assessment of lives lost due to delay in the regulation of occupational exposure to benzene
Nicholson-WJ; Landrigan-PJ
p. 185
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Benzene and leukemia: an epidemiologic risk assessment
p. 189
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Hematotoxicity and carcinogenicity of benzene
p. 193
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Use of longitudinal analysis of peripheral blood counts to validate historical reconstructions of benzene exposure
Kipen-HM; Cody-RP; Goldstein-BD
p. 199
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A retrospective cohort study of leukemia and other cancers in benzene workers
Yin-SN; Li-GL; Tain-FD; Fu-ZI; Jin-C; Chen-YJ; Luo-SJ; Ye-PZ; Zhang-JZ; Wang-GC; et-al
p. 207
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Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of benzene in Zymbal gland and other key target tissues after oral administration in rats
Low-LK; Meeks-JR; Norris-KJ; Mehlman-MA; Mackerer-CR
p. 215
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Genotoxicity of 1,4-benzoquinone and 1,4-naphthoquinone in relation to effects on glutathione and NAD(P)H levels in V79 cells
Ludewig-G; Dogra-S; Glatt-H
p. 223
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Metabolism of phenol and hydroquinone to reactive products by macrophage peroxidase or purified prostaglandin H synthase
Schlosser-MJ; Shurina-RD; Kalf-GF
p. 229
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A method for in vitro culture of rat Zymbal gland: use in mechanistic studies of benzene carcinogenesis in combination with 32P-postlabeling
Reddy-MV; Blackburn-GR; Irwin-SE; Kommineni-C; Mackerer-CR; Mehlman-MA
p. 239
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Chromatographic and spectrophotometric characterization of adducts formed during the reaction of trans,trans-muconaldehyde with 14C-deoxyguanosine 5'-phosphate
Latriano-L; Witz-G; Goldstein-BD; Jeffrey AM
p. 249
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32P analysis of DNA adducts in tissues of benzene-treated rats
Reddy-MV; Blackburn-GR; Schreiner-CA; Mehlman-MA; Mackerer-CR
p. 253
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Benzene adducts with rat nucleic acids and proteins: dose-response relationship after treatment in vivo
Mazzullo-M; Bartoli-S; Bonora-B; Colacci A; Grilli-S; Lattanzi-G; Niero A; Turina-MP; Parodi-S
p. 259
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Review and update of leukemia risk potentially associated with occupational exposure to benzene [see comments]
Brett-SM; Rodricks-JV; Chinchilli-VM
p. 267
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Uncertainty in the estimation of benzene risks: application of an uncertainty taxonomy to risk assessments based on an epidemiology study of rubber hydrochloride workers
Byrd-DM; Barfield-ET
p. 283
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Consistencies and inconsistencies underlying the quantitative assessment of leukemia risk from benzene exposure [see comments]
Lamm-SH; Walters AS; Wilson-R; Byrd-DM; Grunwald-H
p. 289
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Law and regulation of benzene
p. 299
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Trends and perspectives of the biological prophylaxis of silicosis
Katsnelson-BA; Polzik-EV; Morosova-KI; Privalova-LI; Kochneva-MYu; Kislitsina-NS; Kasantsev-VS
p. 311
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Multifunctional receptor model for dioxin and related compound toxic action: possible thyroid hormone-responsive effector-linked site
p. 323
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Dual controls, p-value plots, and the multiple testing issue in carcinogenicity studies
p. 337
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