Council for International Exchange of Scholars
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New to Fulbright?
Learn about the Fulbright Scholar program, and what it takes to apply.

U.S. SCHOLAR programs
The following programs offer U.S. faculty, administrators and professionals grants to lecture, conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields, or to participate in seminars.
Traditional Specialists New Century Chairs IEA Seminars German Studies

NON-U.S. SCHOLAR programs
The following programs support the research and teaching of scholars visiting colleges and universities in the United States. These programs offer joint collaborative opportunities with U.S. Scholars.
Traditional Visiting Specialists New Century Scholar-in-Residence Occasional Lecturer European Scholar-in-Residence AHEC

opportunities for U.S. INSTITUTIONS
The following programs offer opportunities for U.S. institutions to host Fulbright Visiting Scholars and professionals from abroad to lecture at U.S. colleges and universities.
Scholar-in-Residence Visiting Specialists Occasional Lecturer European Scholar-in-Residence


until the August 1 deadline for the traditional Fulbright Scholar Program. Through August 1, 2009, U.S. faculty and professionals are invited to apply for the 2010-11 round of grants

Explore Fulbright’s new award offerings through an upcoming Webinar. U.S. faculty, administrators and professionals are invited to attend Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa on May 6 at 2 p.m. EST. See our complete schedule of planned Webinars, as well as an archive of previous broadcasts.

Keep up with Fulbright developments with our new monthly e-newsletter, The Fulbright Scholar News. Join the distribution list by emailing The next edition of FSN, which will explore opportunities for faculty, artists, even filmmakers in Egypt and the Middle East, will go to press on May 1.

Fulbright alumni invited to a May 4 web chat with Ambassador-at-Large Melanne Verveer, head of the Department of State’s Office of Global Women’s Issues.

FEATURED AWARD opportunities

An array of opportunities is available in Latin and Central America.
Asia scholars can learn how to take advantage of Fulbright opportunities. Awards in the South and Central Asia Regional Research program are also available.
Twenty-five lecturing and 20 research awards are available in India. This includes two grants for those in medical sciences, communications and information technology and awards in Environmental Leadership.
Thinking about Istanbul? Eight awards for lecturing and research are available in Turkey.

Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program and European Union Scholar-in-Residence (EUSIR) Program competitions are now open.
Deadline: October 15, 2009

Take the opportunity to meet CIES staff when they are in your area.
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Virginia Elizabeth Jones

Scholar Stories

Virginia Elizabeth Jones
Associate Professor Louisiana State University - Alexandria, Louisiana Discipline: American Literature University of Montenegro

A teacher of African-American and women’s literature from a small Southern school, Dr. Jones chose to lecture on American literature in a newly independent country just emerging from what had once been Yugoslavia.
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learn more about FULBRIGHT SCHOLArs
Law | Australia
Political Science | Indonesia
Nursing | India
Educational Technology | Nigeria
Biology | Argentina
Business Administration | Barbados
Global Health | Iceland

See Fulbright through the eyes of its scholars and alumni
Watch them on the Exploring Fulbright channel on YouTube.

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