
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Suicide Prevention Training


The below comment was received on my Facebook page, it was worth bumping to here.

Peter DiMarzio said: I am a veteran of the US Air Force now working as the EAP Coordinator for District 1 for the last two years. Prior to this position I worked for the last twelve years with the Massachusetts Dept. of Mental Health. I am concerned about GMT topics being placed online in particular Suicide Prevention. I can say after almost every presentation I have has shipmates come up to me with concerns about their shipmates, parents or friends who have express suicidal tendencies, or have concerns these people are heading down that road. These people are looking for guidance on how to help. Its my greatest concern that without this face to face these individuals will sit in front of a computer and never come forward with these concerns. The online training becomes another circle to fill in. I have been to many commands, units and the Academy and all feel this particular topic should remain face to face. Please keep this a face to face training to ensure concerns can be addressed. Thank you.

Mr. DiMarzio,

Thank you for your thoughtful comments regarding the Suicide Prevention GMT. The fact that participants in your Suicide Prevention training feel comfortable approaching you about such sensitive issues tells me you are providing excellent services for our members and employees. Also encouraging is the fact that members at your training sessions are outwardly showing concern about the well-being of shipmates, parents and friends, and are looking for ways to help. This is exactly the Guardian climate we are trying to reinforce within the Coast Guard.

You present a good case for keeping the Suicide Prevention GMT as a face-to-face requirement. My Work-Life staff agrees with you, and so do I. We continue to work towards that end; however, we are currently reaching only about 60% of Coast Guard personnel with face-to-face Suicide Prevention training annually. We realize that face to face is the best delivery method, but training in an alternate format, rather than no training due to limited resource capacity is the current reality. To ensure that we are able to provide everyone with valuable Suicide Prevention training, we must also rely on an online option to serve remote units and those personnel who were otherwise unable to attend the face-to-face training. For all its short-comings, on-line training does have several positive attributes 1. we can be assured that all the important learning objectives are consistently presented 2. we have verification that students actually understood what was taught, 3. the message conveyed is consistent and delivered in an approved / scripted manner.

The revised Suicide Prevention policy that is currently being developed will "strongly encourage" face-to-face training but will allow Commanding Officers/Officers-in-Charge to seek a waiver to use online training in lieu of face to face sessions. With this provision the unit's chain of command will be able to monitor and ensure the best mix of services.

The use of on-line suicide prevention training is consistent with the policy currently proposed by DoD, and reflects the reality that we are currently unable to reach everyone with "on-site" training. We continue to strive to reach our goal to provide face-to-face Suicide Prevention Training to all Coast Guard personnel in the future.

Thank you again for taking the time to comment on this issue. And, most sincerely, thank you for your passion and enthusiasm in addressing the needs of all of the members of our extended Coast Guard Family. You embody the true meaning of Guardian. Semper Paratus.

Note: Emergency suicide crisis services may be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week via the Employee Assistance Program toll free number (800) 222-0364.


Anonymous Steve Flowers said...

Another way to look at the MT (formerly GMT) revision and application is not as a displacement of face-to-face contact.

Instead, think of the MT modules as building blocks for universal transmission of the core message. These foundational blocks become part of the larger performance ecosystem. These can include tools, marketing materials, associated posters, unit level training tools (all part of a systemic message).

The packaging and transmission of this message (brief, to the point, and built as an anchor point for other building block components including face-to-face contact) is in no way intended to replace effective means of intervention.

As ADM Allen mentions, we need to reach everyone and have high confidence that the message has reached destination for select MT topics.

There are definite opportunities to unify the message, tie back to the CG Core Values and Guardian Ethos and as a technical package meet these primary goals:

* The product design and packaging must be respectful of the performer?s time and environment

* The product design must be focused on value and relevance

This doesn't mean that an e-learning solution replaces the face to face requirement. It also doesn't mean that we are transmitting subject matter expertise through that channel (resulting in information overload.)

We're growing beyond this expectation as an organization. It's a process:)

April 20, 2009 1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ADM, I would just like to provide comment on this issue; I have had the pleasure of receiving Mr. DiMarzio's Suicide prevention training twice since November 08. Obviously such a experience is an anomaly given nearly half of all Coasties aren't reached- but what surprised me the most about my own experience is that I feel the second training was even more compelling than the first. I was glad to be sitting in for a second round of Suicide prevention in less than 6 months, and the importance of Mr. DiMarzio's message became even more clear. I just don't think that online training can administer the same human impact that we receive from a facilitator. For an example, comparing online substance abuse training to the face-to-face Substance abuse training- although the online presentation was very well put together, the training that came from a real live coastie who delivered his information with a sense of passion and urgency really reached people, more so than I can say the online training reached me. My opinion of the substance abuse training is that the face-to-face was far superior as it truly made an impact on those sitting in the room. I fear that online suicide prevention will not hit the target. Thank you for providing this venue for comments. It is sincerely appreciated!

Very Respectfully, Ashly Thomas

April 29, 2009 8:58 PM  

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