Environmental Health Perspectives Podcasts - The Researcher's Perspectives
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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
Current Issue


Environews by Topic: Infectious Disease

WNV Thrives in Financial Crisis
Weinhold, Bob. (117N1 FOR: A18)

Linking TB and the Environment: An Overlooked Mitigation Strategy
Schmidt, Charles W. (116N11 FOC: A478-485)

Oversight Without Obstruction: The Challenge for High-Containment Labs
Manuel, John. (116N11 SOI: A486-A489)

EHPnet: Stop TB Partnership
Dooley, Erin E.. (116N11 FOR: A475)

Sometimes Less Is More: Perinatal Bacterial Exposure May Be More Important than Hepatitis for Liver Tumor Development
Taylor, David A. (116N10 SS: A440)

EHPnet: PAHO Communicable Disease Unit
Dooley, Erin E. (116N9 FOR: A379)

Dengue Reborn: Widespread Resurgence of a Resilient Vector
Phillips, Melissa Lee. (116N9 FOC: A382-A388)

Getting a Handle on Biosolids: New Model Estimates Microbial Exposure Risk
Renner Rebecca. (116N6 SS: A258)

Tiny Particles a Great Solution?
(116N4 Beat: A156)

Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health
Mead, Nathaniel M. (114N4 FOC: A160-A167)

Antibiotic Resistance Seen in Arctic Wildfowl
(116N3 Beat: A113)

Dust Storm Fallout: Tiniest Travelers Pose Greatest Infection Risk
Spivey, Angela (116N3 SS: A128)

Selfish DNA verus Vector-Borne Disease
Hood, Ernie. (116N2 FOR: A68)

Do Bacteria Promote Asthma?
Potera, Carol. (116N1 FOR: A22)

O Happy Day for Malaria Treatment
(115N12 Beat: A579)

Spice for Life?
(115N11 Beat: A537)

Saving the Lives of Children Under 5
Burton, Adrian. (115N10 FOR: A490)

Environmental Connections: A Deeper Look into Mental Illness
Schmidt, Charles W. (115N8 FOC: A404-A410)

EHPnet: Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
Dooley, Erin E. (115N7 FOR: A351)

Rooting Out Invasive Species: Lessons from Down Under
(115N7 FOC: A352-A357)

Where Space and Ocean Meet
Holzman, David C. (115N5 FOR: A243)

Safety Net for Malaria?
Black, Harvey. (115N5 FOR: A244)

Global Map of Malaria Risk
(115N4 Beat: A189)

Driven to Extremes: Health Effects of Climate Change
Tibbetts, John. (115N4 FOC: A196-A203)

Solar Thrill: Using the Sun to Cool Vaccines
Burton, Adrian (115N4 INN: A208-A211)

Changing Climate of Litigation
(115N4 SOI: A204-A207)

Dilemma for Trachoma Treatment?
(115N1 FOR: A22)

Tamiflu Swan Song? Building Resistance to Top Avian Flu Drug
Washam, Cynthia. (115N1 SS: A42)

Unwelcome Guest: Airborn Staph in Homes
Potera, Carol(114N12 SS: A715)

Caring for Children Amidst Chaos: Guidelines to Maintain Health
Burton, Adrian. (114N10 FOC: A584-A591)

A Deadly MIF
Adler, Tina. (114N9 FOR: A522)

Heavy Traffic Can Be a Pain in the...Ear?
Potera, Carol. (114N9 SS: A544)

An Outbreak of New Sources of Avian Flu Drug
Washam, Cynthia. (114N8 FOR: A464)

Plant vs. Pathogen: Enlisting Tobacco in the Fight against Anthrax
Stemp-Morlock, Graeme. (114N6 INN: A364–A367)

New Thinking on Neurodevelopment
Szpir, Michael. (114N2 FOC: A100-107)

Flu Vaccine Production Gets a Shot in the Arm
Hood. Ernie. (114N2 INN: A108-A111)

Meaner MRSAs
Potera, Carol. (114N1 FOR: A26)

New Human Retroviruses
Phillips, Melissa Lee. (113N12 FOR: A810)

Focusing on Vision Through an Environmental Lens
Barrett, Julia R. (113N12 FOC: A822-A827)

Liver Cancer and Aflatoxin: New Information from the Kenyan Outbreak
Barrett, Julia R. (113N12 SS: A837-A838)

In Disaster’s Wake: Tsunami Lung
Potera, Carol. (113N11 FOR: A734)

Child Survival Gets TV Boost
Burton, Adrian. (113N10 FOR: A661)

Pandemic Prevention
(113N10 Beat: A663)

Herbal Answers for Deadly Diseases
(113N9 Beat: A591)

Breaking the Code: Predicting Where Disease Will Strike
Lougheed, Tim. (113N9 INN: A610-A613)

“Cabin Fever” Fears Unfounded
(113N7 Beat: A449)

On Hens and Needles
Washam, Cynthia. (113N6 FOR: A370)

ExPECting the Worst
Phillips, Melissa Lee. (113N6 FOR: A371)

Airborne Bacteria in CAFOs: A Route of Transfer from Animals to Humans?
Barrett, Julia R. (113N2 SS: A116-A117)

Targeting Mosquitoes Online
(113N1 Beat: A27)

Flu, Fetuses, and Schizophrenia
Wakefield, Julie. (112N17 FOR: A986)

The Worm Turns in Cambodia
(112N17 Beat: A985)

Battle Scars: Global Conflicts and Environmental Health
Brown, Valerie J. (112N17 FOR: A994-A1000)

Tackling Innate Immunity
Potera, Carol. (112N16 FOR: 932)

Surf’s Yuck
Adler, Tina. (112N11 FOR: A614)

New Centers for Oceans and Human Health
Freeman, Kris. (112N8 NIEHS: A468-A470)

The State of the Oceans, Part 2: Delving Deeper into the Sea’s Bounty
Tibbetts, John. (112N8 FOC: A472-A481)

Malaria and HIV: Interplay of Risk
Tenenbaum, David J. (111N5 FOR: A275)

Stopping Schistosomiasis in Africa
(112N2 BEAT: A89)

Paying Attention to Neglected Diseases
Brown, Valerie J. (112N1 FOR: A24)

An Affordable Antimalarial
Tenenbaum, David J. (112N1 FOR: A25)

EHPnet: Humanitarian Resource Institute Emerging Infectious Disease Network
Dooley, Erin E. (112N1 FOR: A27)

Infectious Disease: The Human Costs of Our Environmental Errors
Weinhold, Bob. (112N1 FOC: A32-A39)

Conservation Medicine: Combining the Best of All Worlds
Weinhold, Bob. (111N10 FOC: A524-A529)

Longer Breastfeeding Better for Baby
(110N10 BEAT: A567)

STEERing Doctors to Environmental Health Awareness
Twombly, Renee. (110N10 NIEHS: A573)

The Diarrhea Dilemma: Managing Illness in Mexico
Weinhold, Bob. (110N10 SS: A590)

E. coli Exposed
Holton, W. Conard. (110N10 INN: A586-A589)

EHPnet: Center for Science in the Public Interest Antibiotic Resistance Website
Dooley, Erin E. (110N7 FOR: A393)

Antibiotic Resistance: More at Stake than Steak
Charles W. Schmidt. (110N7 FOC: A396–A403)

Adding Insult to Infection: Pollution Exacerbates the Common Cold
Ed Susman. (110N7 SS: A412)

Dust in the Wind
Taylor, David A. (110N2 FOC: A80-A87)

Rainfall Runoff and the Runs
Chepesiuk, Ron. (109N12 FOR: A577)

Ripe for an Outbreak: Predicting Ideal Conditions for Ross River Virus
Alderson, Laura. (109N12 SS:A599)

A Hit with Sand Fly Spit
(109N11 BEAT: A523)

Clothing Spreads Spores
Potera, Carol. (109N8 FOR: A365)

Uncovering the Viral Mechanics of Croup
Susman, Ed. (109N6 FOR: A256)

Prescription for Mutant Prevention
Susman, Ed. (109N2 FOR: A68)

Weathering Diarrheal Illness: Effects of El Nino in the South Pacific
Lauerman, John F. (109N2 SS: A84-A85)

Too Clean for Comfort
Susman, Ed. (109N1 FOR: A18)

Virus Targets Amphibians
(109N1 BEAT: A17)

New Antibiotics Put Bacteria in a Bind
Greene, Lindsey A. (108N12 FOR: A549)

Exposure Now, Sickness Later: Early Exposure to PCBs and Dioxins May Increase Some Childhood Diseases
Potera, Carol. (108N12 SS: A574-A575)

Sickening Decreases in Asthma
(108N8 BEAT: A353)

Leashing Leishmaniasis
(108N7 BEAT: A301)

Bordering on Environmental Disaster
Schmidt, Charles W. (108N7 FOC: A308-A315)

Plague Linked to Precipitation
Weinhold, Bob. (108N5 FOR: A210)

Evolving Dangers of E. coli
(108N5 BEAT: A211)

Seven-a-Day Could Keep TB Away
(108N2 BEAT: A63)

Water World 2000
Tibbetts, John. (108N2 FOC: A68-A72)

Have Virus, Will Travel
(107N7 FOR: A347-A348)

Look, Ma! No Pneumococcus!
Potera, Carol. (107N6 INN: A312-A313)

Climate-controlled Disease?
(107N5 FOR: A239-A240)

Studying Slime
(107N5 FOR: A239-A240)

TB: New Research on an Old Disease
(106N11 FOR: A532-A533)

The Future Face of Disease
Twombly, RenZŒe. (105N2 SOI: 184-186)

Capturing Cryptosporidium
Joyce, Stephanie. (104N8 INN: 834-836)

The Specter of Infection
Pinholster, Ginger. (104N7 FOC: 694-699)

ProMED: A Global Early Warning System for Disease [sidebar]
Chase, Victor. (104N7 FOC: 699)

East Meets West for Improved Antimalarials
(104N3 FOR: 252-253)

Consequences of Climate Change
(103N12 FOR: 1085-1086)

Climate's Impact on Malaria
(103N5 FOR: 429-430)

Global Climate Change: Beyond Sunburn
Breslin, Karen. (102N5 FOC: 440-443)

Lyme Vaccine Makes Outdoors Safe Again
(102N1 FOR: 43)

EHPnet: WWW Hot Zone
Potera, Carol. (106N12 INN: A604-A606)

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