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In January 1974 an interdepartmental Group was formed between USDA and USDI to better coordinate the actions related to the field of wildfire management. The name chosen was the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. One of the duties of the Group was to establish working teams in priority areas. The broad area of fire training was one of the priority teams deemed necessary.

The Training Team of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group; hereinafter referred to as the Team.

This Team is established pursuant to the charter authority granted to the parent National Wildfire Coordinating Group through the respective Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior.

The purpose of this Team is to develop and coordinate fire management training programs for Federal and State agencies. The Team is to function as a working group, defining the functional details and appointing appropriate sub-teams for specific problems and special tasks.

No set number of members is prescribed; however, the need for economy of operation and expeditious action dictates a small membership--probably not more than eight members. The membership must be representative of the best available skilled people in the respective departments and agencies, and must be knowledgeable in fire management and training programs; State and local members should be included when appropriate.

The Team is under the direction of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group which assigns overview responsibility to a member of the Group. It is through this Group member that the Team relates to the Group as a whole.

The chairman is authorized to convene meetings at such times and places as deemed necessary by the Team. It is expected that meetings will be held to the minimum necessary to accomplish the defined purposes of the Team and Group.

The Team, through its chairman, has broad authority to make contacts, assign work within the Team, make commitments on behalf of the Team and commit such resources as he has available within the Team. He may recommend to the Group the need for further resources and authorities as they become evident.

Meetings should be scheduled and agendas should be provided to the members and the Group representative in advance. Sub-groups within the Team on task assignments should meet at the direction of the Team chairman but need not prepare advance agendas. Costs of the meetings must be borne by the agencies who sponsor membership of the teams. Costs other than personal salaries, travel, etc., may be prorated among the agencies and departments as agreed upon by the Team membership or the Group after clearance through the respective departments or agencies.

The Team is responsible for developing a plan of action and/or a study plan to efficiently chart their direction and anticipated time frames. This plan or study must be approved by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group.

Annual reports may be either in writing or verbal and are made to the Group as a whole. It is not anticipated or desired that formal reports (for outside dissemination) be developed or submitted. The products of the Team should speak for its effectiveness; however, at least one report is needed to describe the activities, problems, and goals of the Team. Verbatim minutes are not necessary, but an accurate summary of the actions taken at each meeting is required. Sufficient records of the business of the Team should be kept to analyze the performance of the Team and to keep aware of the thrust of the Team toward its goal. The chairman shall insure that information on Team activities gets broad dissemination (after approval by the Group Member).

NWCG Training Working Team
National Interagency Fire Center
3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise, Idaho 83705

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