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Save the Children delivers Hygiene Kits to Tajikistan Mudslide Victims


USAID Project Save the Children distributed Hygiene Kits to 386 households whose homes were destroyed or severely damaged by mudslides in Khuroson District.  Funding for these kits, which included bath & face towels (5 pieces) bed clothes, face and washing soap (5 pieces) kitchen soap (4 pieces), tooth paste (2 units) and tooth brush (5 units), shampoo, toilet paper (8 units) buckets, wash basin, gauze (10 meters), vacuum flask, bag for items came from the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

These kits will ensure that about 2,000 displaced individuals are able to meet their daily personal hygiene needs and maintain a healthy living environment until their homes are rebuilt.  The specific items were selected after consultations with affected people about their most urgent needs, and distribution plans were coordinated closely with local government authorities and other agencies helping to respond to the mudslide disaster.

These kits will ensure that about 2,000 displaced individuals are able to meet their daily personal hygiene needs and maintain a healthy living environment until their homes are rebuilt.  The specific items were selected after consultations with affected people about their most urgent needs, and distribution plans were coordinated closely with local government authorities and other agencies helping to respond to the mudslide disaster.  In the near future, Save the Children will distribute similar hygiene kits to twenty-four households displaced by mudslides in Panj District, and thirty-one affected households in Qumsangir. Marcella Michaud of USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance visited the distribution site in Khuroson, along with Save the Children Country Director Ben Phillips.

For further information please contact: Matliuba Akhunova/Save the Children Communication Officer: 
Tel: 2210771, e-mail address: matluba@savechildren.tj

Press Release in pdf format

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