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Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism

Date: 11/08/2007 Description: Afghan men stand and ready to offer prayers at the funeral of legislator Mustafa Kazimi in Kabul, Afghanistan. © AFP PhotoHumanitarian Aid and Economic Development Assistance help reduce conditions that terrorists exploit.  Here, an Afghani collects a bag of wheat distributed by the U.S. Agency for International Development. [AP/WWP] Effective Law Enforcement brings terrorists to trial around the world.  Here, a suspected Abu Sayyaf member enters a courthouse in the Philippines. [AP/WWP]
Actionable Intelligence is essential for effective counterterrorism activities.  Here, an unmanned aerial vehicle is prepared for takeoff. [AP/WWP]Military cooperation with partner nations is critical to defeat the terrorist enemy.  Here, an American soldier greets a Filipino soldier during a joint military exercise. [AP/WWP]
The Varied Aspects of U.S. Counterterrorism Policy

International terrorism threatens the United States, its allies and interests, and the world community. Defeating the terrorist enemy requires sound policies, concerted U.S. Government effort, and international cooperation.

Led by Ambassador-at-Large Daniel Benjamin, the primary mission of the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism (S/CT) is to forge partnerships with non-state actors, multilateral organizations, and foreign governments to advance the counterterrorism objectives and national security of the United States.  Working with our U.S. Government counterterrorism team, S/CT takes a leading role in developing coordinated strategies to defeat terrorists abroad and in securing the cooperation of international partners.

Terrorism/Counterterrorism Worldwide

Western HemisphereWestern HemisphereEurope and EurasiaAfricaEast Asia and PacificSouth and Central AsiaMiddle East and North Africa

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country-specific information.

Date: 11/26/2008 Description: People stand around a damaged vehicle at the site of an explosion in Mumbai, India, November 26, 2008. © AP Photo 2008 Country Reports on Terrorism released: -Reports -Briefing