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EFH Consultations

In 1996, Congress formalized the process by which NOAA Fisheries interacts with other federal agencies on activities that may adversely affect habitats for federally managed species of fish. The new consultation provisions required:

(1) federal agencies to notify NOAA Fisheries regarding a proposed action that may adversely affect EFH;

(2) federal agencies to consult with NOAA Fisheries if they determine their actions may adversely affect EFH for federally managed species of fish;

(3) NOAA Fisheries to provide EFH Conservation

Recommendations for any federal or state agency action that would adversely affect EFH; and

(4) federal action agencies to respond to those recommendations in writing, and if the action agency disagrees with NOAA Fisheries’ advice, it must explain why. For more detailed guidance on EFH consultations, see Essential Fish Habitat Consultation Guidance.

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