Monday, August 24, 2009 8:02:29 PM ET
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Last Updated: 24 Aug 09
DoD Novel Influenza A(H1N1) Vaccine Program

Novel Influenza A(H1N1), was first recognized in April 2009.  Since that time, it has spread both nationally and internationally.  The severity of infections caused by this virus remains mild.  We anticipate that a form of this strain will appear in the fall, the virulence of which is yet unknown.  The most effective method of preventing or limiting illness is immunization. 

A vaccine targeting the novel Influenza A(H1N1) virus is being developed and may be available as early as October 2009.  The Department of Defense will receive vaccine from the DoD stockpile, as well as national stockpiles.  With few exceptions, use of these doses of vaccine from both stockpiles is to protect those responsible for completing DoD operational missions.  This vaccine may be allocated to Active Duty members, Reservists, federalized National Guard, DoD civilians, and contractors.  The amount of vaccine for other segments of the DoD community will be determined according to national allocation guidance based on existing policy and changes in disease epidemiology. 

Prioritization of immunization, Service policy synchronization, and distribution of DoD purchased H1N1 vaccine will be accomplished based upon the already established seasonal influenza program model. Service preventative medicine and medical logistic leadership organizations will work in coordination with MILVAX to plan the immunization program and distribute H1N1 vaccine provided by the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia.  



DoD Smallpox Vaccination Training

The new DoD Smallpox Vaccination Training curriculum is now available to ImzU registered users. This 8 module online course will provide Military Healthcare Personnel with important and comprehensive information concerning the DoD Smallpox Vaccination Program. Completion of this training program satisfies the DoD approved smallpox training requirement for medical personnel administering smallpox vaccinations.

FDA Approves Changes for Anthrax Vaccine

On 11 Dec 08, the FDA approved important updates to the package insert for the anthrax vaccine. The route of administration was changed from subcutaneous to intramuscular and the number of doses in the initial series was reduced from six to five. The new schedule is now 0, 4 weeks, and 6, 12, 18 months, which drops the 2nd dose.

Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed is a vaccine indicated for the active immunization for the prevention of disease caused by Bacillus anthracis in persons between 18 and 65 years of age at high risk of exposure.


Immunization Training Available

Register to become the local subject matter expert on DoD vaccination programs, including anthrax & smallpox. Learn about program implementation and administration within your unit, electronic tracking systems, adverse events and risk communication as it applies to these programs.


  OPERATION ORDER 09-64 PDF  01 Aug 09
 Author: Wilson
  Clinical Policy for the Administration of the Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed PDF  31 Jul 09
 Author: Embrey
  Air Force 2009-2010 Annual Influenza Immunization Program Guidance PDF  28 Jul 09
 Author: Loftus

NEWS more...
  dot MSNBC 22 Aug 09
U.S. preps for vast swine flu vaccine effort; Effort to innoculate half of population within months is unprecedented
  dot Time 21 Aug 09
Who Should Get Swine Flu Shots First?
  dot CBS News 20 Aug 09
Best H1N1 Remedy: Vaccinate Kids, Parents

  MMQC-09-1324  20 Aug 09
  MMQC-09-1304  14 Aug 09
  MMQC-09-1294  06 Aug 09
New MILVAX H1N1 Update

Check back here often for the new MILVAX H1N1 update.  This update will help keep you apprised of the rapidly evolving H1N1 situation, especially as it applies to the DoD H1N1 vaccination effort currently under development.


20 Aug 09; ACIP meets on H1N1.   ACIP, a panel made up of medical and public health experts, met 29 July 09, to make recommendations on who should receive the new H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available...

FDA Approves New Vaccine to Prevent Japanese Encephalitis

On 30 Mar 09, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved IXIARO, a vaccine to prevent Japanese encephalitis (JE) which is caused by a mosquito-transmitted virus found mainly in Asia. IXIARO will be the only vaccine for JE available in the United States.

IXIARO is manufactured by Intercell Biomedical, Livingston, U.K.

2009 Adult Immunization Schedule Released

The Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule has been approved by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American College of Physicians for 2009.

2009 Child & Adolescent Immunization Schedules Released

The Recommended Childhood & Adolescent Immunization Schedules (for persons aged 0-6 years, 7-18 years, and "catch-up schedule") have been approved by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians for 2009.

DoD Vaccine Price List

Review a consolidated price list for DoD vaccines, updated
01 Aug 08, to help ensure your organization is getting the best bang for their vaccine bucks. This summary list will help you identify quantity breaks, and other efficiencies when you purchase vaccines, skin tests and antibodies for your organization.

Vaccine-Only MMQC Listserv Now Available

You can now register to receive only vaccine-related MMQC messages.  USAMMA has just modified their Listserv rules to allow you to sign up for specific message threads, including Vaccines.

Log on & register, or change your subscription preferences now.

Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis

Joint Air Force, Army, Navy, and Coast Guard publication (AR 40–562, BUMEDINST 6230.15A, AFJI 48–110, CG COMDTINST M6230.4F) update released 29 Sep 06.

August is DoD Immunization Awareness Month

DoD, in cooperation with the CDC, is sponsoring Immunzation Awareness Month. The goal of Immunization Awareness Month is to increase awareness of the importance of adult immunizations.


Immunization Awareness Month - Children's Vaccinations

A Military Health System Immunization Awareness Month promotional video covering children's vaccinations.



Have fun learning about vaccines and vaccine preventable diseases with our monthly crossword puzzle, brought to you by Immunization University.

CDC Health Information for International Travel 2010 Is Now Available

Every two years, CDC publishes CDC Health Information for International Travel, commonly known as the 'Yellow Book.' The Yellow Book has become a trusted reference for healthcare providers and travelers worldwide. It is written primarily for healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who give pre-travel health care.

Updated CDC "Pink Book" Now Available

An updated version of CDC's Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (the Pink Book), 11th Edition (May 2009) is now available. Published by the National Immunization Program, the Pink Book provides physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, and others with the most comprehensive information on vaccine-preventable diseases.

Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network

Are you experiencing an adverse medical event that may be vaccine related? Do you have questions about medical exemptions? Are you a Health Care Provider who needs specialized immunization, or vaccine adverse event consultation services?

The VHC is there to help.


DoD Pandemic Influenza Resources

Pandemic influenza is a global outbreak of disease that occurs when a new influenza A virus appears in humans, causes serious illness and then spreads easily from person to person worldwide. Three major influenza pandemics swept the globe in the 20th century causing millions of deaths, and no one knows for sure when the next pandemic may strike.

The most important preparations are the ones nearest to where you live and work. We have compiled a list of DoD and other resources for your convenience and review.

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