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Federal Geographic Data Committee

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November 1, 2005 FGDC Coordination Meeting Summary

Federal Communication Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC
7th Floor, Room 7-B516


Donald Campbell, FCC - Host

Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC/CG Meeting Chair

Leslie Armstrong, FGDC
Mario Lopez-Gomez, FGDC/DOJ
Martha Lombard, Spatial Focus, Inc
Ed Wells, DC Government/GISP/AICP
Doug Nebert, FGDC
Milo Robinson, FGDC
John Mahoney, FGDC
Shirley Hall, USDA/FSA
David Painter, FGDC/Meeting Recorder

Tricia Gibbons, Lead Alliance
Al Stevens, FGDC/GSDI
Kitty Hancock, VPI/CGIT
Doug Vandegraf, USFWS
Daniel Feinburg, DoD
John Kochanowski, DoD
Ann Frazier, NRC
John Clark, GSA
Chris Clarke, USDA/NRCS
Dean Oman, USDA/NRCS
Marisa Capriotti, USDA/NRCS
Bill Belton, USDA/FS
George Dudley, DOE
Trishe Weir Jancovic, NASA
Carolyn Austin-Diggs, Treasury
Bill Burgess, NSGIC
Michael Lee, USGS
Robert Harding, GSA
Myra Bambacus, NASA
Anne O'Connor, Census
David Morehouse, DOE
Stan Ponce, USGS
Jon Sperling, HUD
Colleen Cahill, LOC
Nancy Blyler, USACE
Jim Mauck, USGS
Robin Feagas, USGS
Carl Anderson, Fulton Co., GA
Mitch Ringer, USDA/FS
Ralph Crawford, USDA/FS
Randy Fusaro, Census
Dennis Goreham, Western Governors Assoc
Betty O'Connor, GSA
Alan Voss, TVA
Deb Green, FWS
Joe Gregson, NPS
Dave Roberts, USGS
Ivan Cheung, AAG
Mark Purdy, AAG
Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC
Carol Brandt, DOT
Dave Stein, NOAA/CSC
Betsy Kanalley, USFS
Doug Vandegraft, USFWS
Rob Dollison, USGS/GOS

Today's Action Items

Action: Draft Street Address Standard: The coordination group was invited to review and comment on the current revised draft that will be posted at the URISA website ( on or about November 7, 2005 through December 31, 2005.

Action: Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Profile 0.3; please review and comment on by November 18, 2005.

Action: FEA Profile Pilot Brainstorming Meeting, November 17, 2005; please contact Doug Nebert (ddnebert [at] if you wish to participate.

Action: FGDC Steering Committee; identify voting and non-voting members, committee representative and their alternates. Please provide information to David Painter (dpainter [at]

Action: If you are interested in exploring the establishment of a communication and outreach working group contact Tricia Gibbons (tgibbons [at]

Action: NSGIC Imagery for the Nation: Ivan DeLoatch will setup initial meeting between NSGIC, FGDC and NDOP for the establishment of a business and budget task force and to address critical issues.

Action: The next coordination group meetings will be held on December 6, 2005 and January 10, 2006. Meeting sites are needed for both meetings. Please contact David Painter (dpainter [at] for volunteering to host, and submission of agenda topics.

Action: Targeted Review of the Framework Data Standard. The FGDC is conducting this review and invites participants who submitted comments during the Public Review held between July 30, 2004 and November 15, 2004 to review the adjudication of their comments. When the Targeted Review is complete, the Framework Data Standard will be submitted to the ANSI process to be approved as an American National Standard through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The review period for the Base Standard, Digital Orthoimagery, and Governmental Unit Boundaries parts has closed. The review period for the Cadastral and Hydrography parts is now open. For more information contact Bill Tolar (btolar [at]

Action: Coordination Group members are requested to submit recommendations on establishing a permanent monthly meeting site with improved teleconferencing equipment. Please send recommendations to David Painter

Old Business - October 11 Coordination Group Action Items - Leslie Armstrong

Action 1: Completed - review of Steering Committee (SC) and Coordination Group (CG) charters and send any additional comments to John Mahoney (jmahoney [at] and Leslie Armstrong (larmstrong [at] by October 31, 2005.

Action 2: Completed -receipt of modifications to subcommittee and working group charter and workplan status table and updated charters and 06 workplans to David Painter (dpainter [at] by October 31, 2005. Those without updates are considered inactive.

Action 3: On-going -Please review "Guidelines for Specific NSDI Standards in Acquisitions" for implementing interoperability and provide comment to Elliot Christian (echristi [at] by November 15, 2005.

Action 4: Completed -review and comment on draft Annual Report to Mario Lopez-Gomez (Mario.F.Lopez-Gomez [at] or mlopez-gomez [at] by October 19, 2005.

Action 5: Pending Completion -Review and comment on FGDC Agency Metadata Profiles by October 26, 2005. Submit comments to Lynda Wayne (lwayne [at] Final draft will be presented to November Coordination Group Meeting for approval.

Action 6: On-going -Agencies are encouraged to contact Leslie Wollack (lwollack [at] and John Clark (john.clark [at] to explore establishing new "outreach and communication" working group.

Action 7: Tabled. USGS withdrew from participation. - Contact Leslie Wollack (awollack [at] if interested in a GIS Congressional Breakfast.

Action 8: On-going -FGDC to meet with OMB and define issues on grants, data access guidelines, etc. Leslie Armstrong is beginning talks with Stacie Boyd (nee Higgins), OMB on these issues.


- Mark Melnick (DOJ) will begin a two-month detail in the FGDC Secretariat to work on NSDI Governance.

- Steering Committee: The next meeting will be held Monday, January 30, 2006 from 2:00 - 4:00pm at the AIA Auditorium. Meeting planning is beginning.

- Coordination Group: Next meetings will be held on December 6, 2005 and January 10, 2006. Meeting sites are needed for both meetings. Please contact David Painter (dpainter [at] for hosting and suggesting agenda topics.

- Sustainable Forests Multiple Perspectives Workshop and Roundtable Meeting, December 13-14, 2005, in Washington, DC. For more meeting information visit

Update on Annual Report to OMB - Mario Lopez-Gomez
Annual Report Agency Survey Version 2 (Word)
The spirit of the 2005 Annual Report is that it will be a combination of many ingredients, the survey being one as well as the expected output out GOS, the reports from the SubCommittees and Working Groups, the stories we expect to get from our non-governmental partners, and the input from the FGDC Lead staff.

The survey is different than the previous surveys as it has less open-ended questions and will be presenting summary information for the Agencies to verify.

The draft survey presented was almost complete except for the grayed out parts and the blue sheet listed a metadata summary from Lynda Wayne's report that would be included in the survey.

At this point the FGDC had not received Agency comments on the previous drafts and that the 2006 Annual Report should be easier to produce once the 2005 is done as the 2005 is a transitional report.

The survey will go to agencies in early November with a goal to have the final product ready by the January 30th Steering Committee meeting

Address Standard Working Group – Martha Lombard and Ed Wells
Presentation (PPT)
Martha Lombard (Spatial Focus Inc.), and Ed Wells (District of Columbia, OCTO) presented an overview of the draft Street Address Standard and activities of the Working Group. Other individuals who participated on the development of the draft included Hilary Perkins (Jacobs Civil, Inc), Sara Yuman (Spatial Focus, Inc.), and Carl Anderson (Fulton County, GA) were recognized for their contributions. Sponsoring organizations are URISA, the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) and the U.S. Census Bureau. Presenters reviewed the history and progress of the standard, the organizational process, and the standard itself.

Action: The coordination group was invited to review and comment on the current revised draft that will be posted at the URISA website ( on or about November 7, 2005 through December 31, 2005.

Following this review the draft standard will be submitted to the FGDC for consideration for public review January 2006.

Discussion included questions concerning international addressing.

Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Profile Update & Pilot Discussion - Doug Nebert
Presentation (PPT), GEA Factsheet (Word)

The draft Geospatial Profile of the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), Version 0.3 has just been completed and is ready for internal review by the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee (AIC) and the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Coordination Group.

Action: A courtesy FGDC review period is now beginning for interested parties to evaluate the document and provide comments for consideration and revision before a formal release to the OMB's FEA Program Management Office. A public review will follow. However, FGDC members may share profile with other organizations.

Version 0.3 of the Geospatial Profile is available at:

Action: Please provide comments using the comments form
( ) by email to
geo-forum [at] by COB November 18th.

Governance Report/Charter Update - John Mahoney

Governance Update
At the October 3 FGDC Steering Committee meeting, the Committee approved a set of characteristics for a governance process for the NSDI. The Committee also requested that the FGDC Secretariat assemble a senior-level team to develop a refined governance approach that builds upon the work of the FGDC Future Direction governance team. The FGDC is developing a proposed team membership list. Mark Melnick, who is on detail to FGDC from the Department of Justice, is contacting Coordination Group members to discuss possible team members. The first meeting of the team should take place in early December.

FGDC Charters
Steering Committee (Word) and Coordination Group (Word) Charters
The group discussed the revised charters for the FGDC Steering Committee and Coordination Group. Comments on the draft charters were due to FGDC on October 31. The charters have been updated to reflect the comments received and the discussion at the September Coordination Group meeting. Changes to the documents were minor. FGDC is awaiting final comments from the DOI Solicitor’s Office, and anticipates that the charters will be submitted to the Steering Committee for electronic ballot by November 14.

FGDC also agreed to develop a draft appendix or addendum to the charters showing the relationships among the partner agencies participating in the FGDC. The draft will be provided to the Coordination Group for review and comment.

Action On-going: FGDC Steering Committee; identify voting and non-voting members, committee representative and their alternates. Please provide information to David Painter (dpainter [at] Current Steering Committee Representation (Word)

Update on Future Directions - Milo Robinson
Presentation (PPT) and Future Directions Status Report (Word)

Milo reported that teams are transitioning with the majority complete and retiring. New activities are starting up to follow on or activities have been incorporated into FGDC. By next January Future Directions will wrap up as a separate activity.

Action: If you are interested in exploring the establishment of a communication and outreach working group contact Tricia Gibbons (tgibbons [at]

Ivan DeLoatch thanked the team leaders for a lot of effort and time to develop foundation and key decisions for future implementation of the NSDI. With his thanks Ivan presented the team leads with the most sought after NSDI paperweight. The leads are:Bill Burgess, Kathy Covert, John Evans, Dennis Goreham, Twyla McDermott, Sharon Shin, Lynda Wayne, John Clark, Dave DiSera, Bonnie Gallahan, Julie Maitra, Doug Nebert, Alan Voss, and Leslie Wollack.

NDOP and Imagery for the Nation Proposal - Shirley Hall
Presentation (PPT)

Shirley Hall (USDA) the new Chair of the National Digital Orthophotography Program (NDOP) discussed the history, goals, milestones, operation and acknowledging the service of the previous chair Anne O'Connor (Census). NDOP welcomes the opportunity to lead the review of the NSGIC Proposal and development of a national coordination strategy.

Next steps will be to hold initial meeting for key FGDC, NSGIC and NDOP stakeholders to discuss issues and set the stage for task force establishment. Issues to resolve include: technical details, estimated costs, impacts to existing federal imagery budgets, contracting model and concern on the status of federal coordination.

Action: NSGIC Imagery for the Nation: Ivan DeLoatch will setup initial meeting between NSGIC, FGDC and NDOP for the establishment of a business and budget task force and to address critical issues.