FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU FEE FILING GUIDE EFFECTIVE September 11, 2000 UNIVERSAL LICENSING SYSTEM ~218-219 MHz (under deployment) ~LAND MOBILE(under deployment) ~AIRCRAFT ~LOCAL TELEVISION TRANSMISSION ~AMATEUR ~OFFSHORE RADIO ~BROADCAST AUXILIARY ~PAGING AND RADIOTELEPHONE (LP and RP under deployment) ~CELLULAR ~POINT-TO-POINT MICROWAVE ~DIGITAL ELECTRONIC MESSAGE ~PRIVATE OPERATIONAL FIXED MICROWAVE ~GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE ~RURAL RADIO LEGACY SYSTEMS ~AVIATION GROUND ~MARINE COAST ~COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATOR ~SHIP OTHER ~COMPARATIVE HEARING This is an unofficial compilation of the radio services and requests for FCC actions that are subject to fees. The public should consult the Commission's Rules as set out in Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for application filing requirements. Further information on fees may be obtained in Part 1, Subpart G of the CFR or in the Commission's official decision implementing the Congressional Schedule of Charges. This decision is published in the FCC Record or may be purchased from the Commission's current copy contractor. The fee amounts contained in this guide are subject to review annually and may result in changes to these amounts. The FCC will issue a notice to reflect any changes. September 2000 Revise PART A IMPORTANT NOTICE OF CHANGE: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is instituting a new system entitled, the “Commission Registration System (CORES)”. CORES is how you provide the FCC with basic information about your entity. Each entity doing business with the FCC is required to provide and maintain a current official address that the FCC can use to contact you. The address you provide for your entity contact will be used to mail important FCC- related information. A 10-digit FCC Registration Number (FRN) will be assigned to an entity registering with the FCC. The entity that you register will have a unique FRN that is used to identify each entity’s business dealings with the FCC. The FCC will use the FRN to determine if all of an entity’s fees have been paid. You are encouraged to register through the FCC’s Internet CORES web site as soon as you expect to do business with the FCC. This way, you will be ready to access any of the electronic licensing systems without having to go through the registration process at the time you submit an application. The FCC began accepting Registration Numbers after July 19, 2000, on the newly revised FCC Form 159 (Remittance Advice), dated February 2000, to assure proper credit of fee payments. The FCC Form 159 (Remittance Advice) has been revised to accept payer and applicant FCC Registration Numbers (FRN). The Commission will continue to accept FCC Form 159 (Remittance Advice), dated July 1997, without an FRN until further notice. The use of FRN is voluntary. However, we strongly recommend that you obtain your registration number to process all payments to the Commission. To obtain a Registration Number: *Register at http://www.fcc.gov and click on the CORES Registration link; or *File FCC Form 160 (CORES Registration), which is included in this package. You may also obtain the form at http://www.fcc.gov/formpage.html; by calling the FCC’s Forms Distribution Center at 1-800-418-FORM (3676); or you may pick up the form at the Commission in Room TWB200. Mailing instructions are found on the form. To obtain a revised FCC Form 159: Go to http://www.fcc.gov/formpage.html; call the FCC’s Forms Distribution Center at 1-800-418-FORM (3676); or pick up the form at the Commission in Room TWB200. If you were registered in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau’s Universal Licensing System (ULS) and your TIN Registration included all the information needed to issue a Registration Number, we pre-registered you and mailed you your FRN in a letter in late July 2000. You may check CORES to determine if you were automatically pre-registered at http://www.fcc.gov and click on the CORES Registration link. If you choose not to register electronically for an FRN, you may submit an application manually by filing a CORES Registration Form (FCC Form 160) with your filing and payment. You will receive a confirmation letter from the FCC through the U.S. Postal Service. Application filings that are non-feeable should be accompanied by CORES Certification Form (FCC Form 162) until individual Bureau forms are revised to accommodate the Registration Number. FCC FORM 159 - REMITTANCE ADVICE FORM The FCC Form 159, Fee Remittance Advice has been revised. The newly revised FCC Form 159 is dated February 2000. This form is a multi-purpose form that must accompany payment to the Federal Communications Commission for Regulatory Fees, Processing Fees, Fines, Forfeitures, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) billings or any other debt due the FCC. The information on this form is collected and stored in a database to ensure credit of full payment of monies due, to expedite any refunds due, and to service public inquiries. The form must be used when paying for application fees and regulatory fees. Please refer to Part B of this guide for specific form requirements. A copy of this form, with specific instructions, is attached and may be used to submit fees. Reproduced forms are acceptable. FCC Form 159-C is a Remittance Advice Continuation Sheet that must be used when paying for more than two call signs in a single filing or when paying for multiple applicants in a single filing. Each call sign and/or applicant must be listed separately on the FCC Form 159/FCC Form 159-C. Please refer to the relevant Bureau/Office Fee Filing Guide for the service you are requesting. -1- METHOD OF PAYMENT (DO NOT SEND CASH) Payment of fees may be made by check, bank draft, money order, credit card or wire transfer. If paying by check, bank draft, money order or wire transfer, your remittance must be denominated in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. financial institution and made payable to “FCC”. Applicants located in foreign countries should contact their local bank to determine what U.S. financial institution their bank is affiliated with that will allow a transfer of funds. Please keep in mind that there may be an additional fee added from the transferring bank for this service. No postdated, altered or third party checks will be accepted. No checks will be accepted for processing if older than six months. Payment of fees, fines, and other debts may also be made by electronic payment. There are two types of electronic payments available. The first type is designed specifically for larger corporations capable of CPU/CPU communication. Under this method, the payer bank wires funds directly to the Commission’s lockbox bank. As with cash payments, the funds must be wired from a U.S. financial institution. The second type is designed for smaller businesses and individuals. Under this method, the lockbox bank is given authority to withdraw funds from the customer’s bank account. Authorization can be transmitted by a personal computer or by calling a toll-free number. To obtain more information about electronic payment and how it works, please contact the Credit & Debt Management Group at (202) 418-1995. NON-FEEABLE APPLICATIONS All non-feeable applications filed in Washington, D.C. must be filed directly with the Secretary’s Office, Room TWB204, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. Please see the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Fee Filing Guide for instructions concerning filing of non-feeable applications for wireless services. FEE EXEMPT APPLICATIONS Please check the appropriate block on your application, and if you have not previously done so, provide the proper documentation, as required, to certify that your application is fee exempt. 47 CFR, Part 1, Section 1.1114 of the Commission’s Rules explains who qualifies as fee exempt. MANAGING DIRECTOR DECISIONS Requests for Fee Waivers, Fee Determinations, Fee Reconsiderations, Fee Deferments, Applications for Fee Review, and Refund Requests associated with the forementioned are referred directly to the Office of Managing Director. Each request is forwarded to the Office of General Counsel for review and legal determination. 47 CFR, Part 1, Sections 1.1113, 1.1114 & 1.1117 govern the Commission’s policy in these instances. The requester will receive written notification of the Managing Director’s decision. These decisions are published monthly and are placed in FCC Docket 86-285. All such requests must be submitted in writing to: Managing Director, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 1A625, Washington, D.C. 20554. WAIVERS, FEE DETERMINATIONS, AND DEFERRALS PROCESS The required filing fee must be paid for the service requested using the normal process. All requests for Fee Waivers and Fee Determinations are filed directly with the Managing Director in Washington, D.C. Deferrals of fees are also filed in Washington, D.C. and have a limit of up to six months with good cause. REFUND PROCESS Routine refund requests are handled by the appropriate Bureau/Office. When a Bureau/Office determines that a refund is warranted, it is forwarded to the Office of Managing Director, Credit & Debt Management Group for processing. The Credit & Debt Management Group (CDMG) handles all approved refund requests. The refund process usually takes four (4) weeks depending upon the complexity of the request. Once a request has been reviewed and processed by CDMG, it is forwarded to the U.S.Treasury in San Francisco, California where a check is issued to the payer of the remittance. For further information on return or refund of charges, refer to 47 CFR, Part 1, Section 1.1113 of the Commission’s Rules. COURIER OR HAND DELIVERY OF APPLICATIONS Parties hand delivering applications or filings may receive dated receipt copies of the application or filing from the acceptance clerk at the time of delivery. Receipts will be provided for mail-in applications or filings if an extra copy of the application or filing is provided along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Only one piece of paper per application will be stamped for receipt purposes. A “stamp and receipt” copy must be placed on top of the original package and clearly identified as a return copy. When delivering feeable applications by hand or by courier, use the following address: Federal Communications Commission c/o Mellon Bank, Three Mellon Bank Center 525 William Penn Way, 27th Floor, Room 153-2713 Pittsburgh, PA 15259-0001 (Attn: Wholesale Lockbox Shift Supervisor) -2- This address is for hand delivery only. DO NOT use it for mailing applications. When using this address, enclose the application package in an inner envelope marked with the correct Post Office Box Number. See the relevant Bureau/Office Fee Filing Guide for the correct Post Office Box Number. APPLICATION FORMS Several manufacturers place application forms and applicable information in radio equipment boxes. The forms received in your radio equipment box may be outdated and reflect erroneous information causing delay in the processing of your application. Please note the current acceptable edition date(s) in Part B of this guide. You may obtain application forms from the Commission's Forms Distribution Center, 9300 E. Hampton Dr., Capital Heights, MD 20743 , toll free (800) 418-FORM (3676) or from the FCC's Fax-on-Demand system by calling (202) 418-0177 from the handset of your fax machine(request the index to find out the document number first). Most forms are available for downloading from the FCC's Internet homepage on the World Wide Web at http://www.fcc.gov/formpage.html. QUESTIONS If you have questions regarding your application and/or fee, you may call the FCC’s Consumer Center at 1-888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). For information on CORES, call the CORES Helpdesk at 1-877-480-3201. GENERAL FEE EXEMPTIONS (Further fee exemptions may be identified with a specific radio service in this guide.) The following are exempt from ALL fee requirements: o Governmental Entities - Check the block for Governmental Entity on your application. o Non-commercial Educational Broadcast stations - If non-ULS, submit a cover letter with your application documenting your status for exemption. ULS forms provide for this exemption without a cover letter. o Civil Air Patrol - The Civil Air Patrol is exempt from fee requirements, however, there is no fee exemption for individual members of The CAP. o Requests for Special Temporary Authority in the Ship and Aircraft Radio Services o Amateur (except Vanity) o Pro-Forma Transfers of Control and Assignments of Authorization if filed under the forebearance rules. The following are exempt from either application and/or regulatory fee requirements: o Non-profit applicants in the Special Emergency and Public Safety Radio Services are exempt from the application fee, provided their applications are accompanied by a current Determination Letter from the Internal Revenue Service documenting their non-profit status under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). o All Special Emergency and Public Safety Radio Service applicants are exempt from the regulatory fee. o Non-profit applicants in radio services other than Special Emergency and Public Safety are required to pay the application fee. However, they are exempt from paying the regulatory fee, provided their application is accompanied by a current Determination Letter from the Internal Revenue Service documenting their non-profit status under IRS Code Section 501. o No regulatory fee is required for Commercial Radio Operators Licenses. o No application fee is required for Amateur Vanity licenses. -3- PART B FILING YOUR APPLICATION WITH WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU Use the table below to find the page in this guide to determine the proper fee and mailing instructions for your application: TYPE OF APPLICATION PAGE AIRCRAFT............................................. 6 AIR-GROUND GENERAL (454 MHz) .................... 23 AUCTIONED LICENSES................................... 2 AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE................................16 AVIATION GROUND...................................... 4 BETRS ............................................. 25 BROADCAST AUXILIARY (Aural and TV Microwave).........21 BROADCAST AUXILIARY (Remote Pickup and Low Power)....22 CELLULAR.............................................24 COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATOR............................15 COMPARATIVE HEARING..................................16 DIGITAL ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SERVICE – COMMON CARRIER..19 DIGITAL ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SERVICE – PRIVATE ........ 8 ELECTRONIC RENEWAL (FCC FORM 900).................... 2 GENERAL MOBILE RADIO (GMRS)..........................13 218-219 MHz (previously IVDS)........................12 LAND MOBILE.......................................... 9 LOCAL TELEVISION TRANSMISSION SERVICE................18 MARINE COAST......................................... 3 OFFSHORE RADIO.......................................27 PAGING AND RADIOTELEPHONE............................23 COMMON CARRIER POINT-TO-POINT MICROWAVE..............18 PRIVATE POINT-TO-POINT MICROWAVE .................. 8 RULE WAIVERS (non-ULS)...............................17 RURAL RADIO..........................................25 SHIP................................................. 5 UNIVERSAL LICENSING SYSTEM (ULS)..................... 2 PART C - INFORMATION ABOUT REGULATORY FEES................ 1 -1- AUCTIONED LICENSES Initial License Applications. Auction winners file with the Bureau a "long form" application, FCC Form 601 "FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION" shortly after an auction closes. There is no application fee associated with the initial long form application, or amendments to same. Post-grant License Applications. Once an initial auctioned license has been granted to a winning bidder in an auction, all subsequent post-grant license applications may require a fee as described in this fee guide. Specifically, if there are fees applicable to incumbent licensees in a given radio service, the same fees will apply to auction winners. For specific fee amounts, see the individual sections of this guide addressing the specific radio services. Note that there are no application fees for any type of application or request regarding the Personal Communications Service (PCS), the Wireless Communications Service (WCS), Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS), General Wireless Communications Service (GWCS), Location and Monitoring Service, Multilateration (LMS), or 700 MHz (30 MHz and Guard Bands). ELECTRONIC RENEWAL FORM 900 (for services not yet converted to the Universal Licensing System) Electronic filing for renewal of radio station license is available online via the WTB Electronic Commerce page on the Internet at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/electcom.html (click on Production Page for Electronic Commerce Applications to access FCC Form 900). FCC Form 900 is a generic form used for electronic filing of FCC Forms 313R (Broadcast Auxiliary - Remote Pickup and Low Power), FCC Forms 405A and 574R (Land Mobile), FCC Form 452R (Marine Coast and Aviation Ground) and FCC Form 405B (Ship). Filing instructions are available by clicking on the item number on the Internet form. Only licensees who have licenses that are in the renewal window (within 120 days of expiration) are able to access their call sign and submit an electronic renewal application. The electronic Form 900 cannot be used to file for a renewal if the license has expired or for radio services that have been converted to the Universal Licensing System. FCC Form 159 and payment information are provided online for electronically filed applications. UNIVERSAL LICENSING SYSTEM/REGISTERING TIN The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is in the process of implementing a Universal Licensing System (ULS) for all wireless services. ULS is an integrated database and automated processing system which will support electronic filing of applications and other filings associated with applications (i.e. amendments, waiver requests, transfers and assignments of licenses, licensee ownership information, etc.), collection of licensing information and public access to such information. The Commission is replacing eleven separate WTB licensing databases with this new integrated licensing system. The radio services are gradually being converted to ULS and public notices are being issued with specific instructions as each radio service migrates to the new system. As of September 2000, the following radio services have been converted to ULS: Part 22 Paging and Radiotelephone, Offshore, Cellular, Aircraft, General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), Amateur, Microwave (including Common Carrier and Broadcast Auxiliary Aural and TV Microwave), Rural Radio and all auctioned licenses. Land Mobile, Broadcast Auxiliary (LP and RP), and 218-219 MHz are currently being deployed. The remaining services will be converted to ULS in the coming months. Currently, applications can be submitted electronically via ULS, but fees must still be paid through the methods described in this guide. Upon submitting applications electronically via ULS, the applicant receives a confirmation of the fee(s) due (if any) for the application and is instructed to print FCC Form 159 directly from ULS. The applicant must remit payment as described in this guide within 10 calendar days of submitting the application, or the application will be dismissed. In the near future, the Bureau anticipates providing an online credit card payment option via ULS. In order to avoid processing delays and dismissal due to insufficient fees, the Bureau recommends that applicants filing feeable applications via ULS observe the following: (1) Use the ULS-generated FCC Form 159; (2) Pay the amount specified by ULS; (3) Submit fee payment in a timely manner; (4) Submit only one instrument of payment (e.g., a check) for each FCC Form 159; (5) If paying by credit card, be sure to complete Section E of FCC Form 159; and, (6) Mail or deliver FCC Form 159 and payment to the proper address. See Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Provides Fee Payment Checklist for Applicants Using the Universal Licensing System, Public Notice, DA 99-1411 (released July 19, 1999). For the most current information regarding the Universal Licensing System (ULS), go to the ULS home page at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. -2- MARINE COAST RADIO SERVICE (PART 80) Marine Coast Radio Service will be converted to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) in the near future. Information regarding conversion and new requirements will be announced via Public Notice and the WTB website at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. To apply for a license in the Marine Coast Radio Service, select the type of license and follow the instructions below: NEW LICENSE o FCC 503 - APPLICATION FOR A LAND RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION IN THE MARITIME SERVICES (Form 503 - Current edition date is 9/98) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PBMR - $130.00 FEE (per call sign) Note: Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) applications for new stations under Part 80 of the FCC Rules and Regulations need only pay the application fee of $95.00. This would include any with "MC" radio service and "FC" station class. CMRS licensees will also be assessed an annual regulatory fee. A public notice will be sent out indicating the regulatory fee payment required. See Part C of this guide. MODIFIED LICENSE (License retains expiration date of existing authorization)and PUBLIC COAST (CMRS) APPLICANTS o FCC 503 - APPLICATION FOR A LAND RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION IN THE MARITIME SERVICES (Form 503 - Current edition date is 9/98) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PBMM - $95.00 FEE (per call sign) ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION (License retains expiration date of existing authorization) In addition to the above instructions for Modified License, complete and submit FCC 1046 - APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION. TRANSFER OF CONTROL (License retains expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 703 - APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF CORPORATION HOLDING STATION LICENSE (Form 703 - Current edition date is 1/97) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o Payment/Fee Type Code: PATM The fee due for a Transfer of Control application is calculated by multiplying the Quantity/Fee Multiple (number of call signs being transferred) by $50.00. DUPLICATE LICENSE o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) o A STATEMENT INDICATING THE LICENSE WAS LOST, MUTILATED OR DESTROYED ALONG WITH LICENSEE NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, CALL SIGN AND RADIO SERVICE SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o CORRESPONDENCE o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PCMM - $135.00 FEE (per request) SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Electronic filing available - see Part B, Page 2 of this guide) The Commission will send you an Application for Renewal, FCC 452R, approximately 120 days prior to expiration of the license. File FCC 452R in accordance with instructions thereon. If you do not receive FCC 452R at least 30 days prior to license expiration, you may file for renewal on FCC 503 in accordance with instructions provided above for NEW LICENSE. RULE WAIVERS: See information on Page 17. -3- MARINE COAST SERVICE (cont’d) FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Governmental Entities are fee exempt. Additionally, no fee is required for an Administrative Update, Amendment to a Pending Application, Request for Withdrawal of a Pending Application or a Request for Cancellation of License. Submit these requests to: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 AVIATION GROUND RADIO SERVICE (PART 87) Aviation Ground Radio Service will be converted to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) in the near future. Information regarding conversion and new requirements will be announced via Public Notice and the WTB website at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. To apply for a license in the Aviation Ground Radio Service, select the type of license and follow the instructions below: NEW LICENSE o FCC 406 - APPLICATION FOR A LAND RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION IN THE AVIATION SERVICES (Form 406 - Current edition date is 5/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PBVR - $130.00 FEE (per call sign) NOTE: When applying for an Aeronautical Enroute and an associated Aeronautical Fixed Station, the fee due is $260.00 MODIFIED LICENSE (License retains expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 406 - APPLICATION FOR A LAND RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION IN THE AVIATION SERVICES (Form 406 - Current edition date is 5/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PBVM - $95.00 FEE (per call sign) NOTE: When applying for an Aeronautical Enroute and an associated Aeronautical Fixed Station, the fee due is $190.00 ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION (License retains expiration date of existing authorization) In addition to the above instructions for Modified License, complete and submit FCC 1046 - APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION. TRANSFER OF CONTROL (License retains expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 703 - APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF CORPORATION HOLDING STATION LICENSE (Form 703 - Current edition date is 1/97) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o Payment/Fee Type Code: PATM The fee due for a Transfer of Control application is calculated by multiplying the Quantity/Fee Multiple (number of call signs being transferred) by $50.00. DUPLICATE LICENSE o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) o A STATEMENT INDICATING THE LICENSE WAS LOST, MUTILATED OR DESTROYED ALONG WITH LICENSEE NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, CALL SIGN AND RADIO SERVICE SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PCVM - $135.00 FEE (per request) o CORRESPONDENCE SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 -4- AVIATION GROUND SERVICE (cont’d) RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Electronic filing available - see Part B, Page 2 of this guide) The Commission will send you an Application for Renewal, FCC 452R, approximately 120 days prior to expiration of the license. File FCC 452R in accordance with instructions thereon. If you do not receive FCC 452R at least 30 days prior to license expiration, you may file for renewal on FCC 406 in accordance with instructions provided above for NEW LICENSE. RULE WAIVERS: See Page 17. FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Civil Air Patrol or as Governmental Entities are exempt from fees. Additionally, no fee is required for an Administrative Update, Amendment to a Pending Application, Request for Withdrawal of a Pending Application, or Request for Cancellation of License. Submit these requests to: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 SHIP RADIO SERVICE (PART 80) On October 26, 1996, the FCC released a Report and Order in WT Docket No. 96-82, FCC 96-421, eliminating the individual licensing requirement for voluntary ships operating domestically which are not required by law to carry a radio. For further explanation, see the FCC's Fact Sheet PR 5000 #14 available from the Forms Distribution Center 1-800-418-FORM (3676). Marine Ship Radio Service will be converted to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) in the near future. Information regarding conversion and new requirements will be announced via Public Notice and the WTB website at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. To apply for a license in the Ship Radio Service, select the type of license and follow the instructions below: NEW LICENSE o FCC 506 - APPLICATION FOR SHIP RADIO STATION LICENSE (Form 506 - Current edition date is 10/97) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PASR - $120.00 FEE (per call sign) NOTE: Applicants for new Marine Fleet licenses must compute their fee by multiplying the number of stations in the Fleet by $120.00. MODIFICATION (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) Note: A license is not transferable to another person or vessel. In these cases, the new owner must apply for a NEW license (see above instructions). o FCC 506 - APPLICATION FOR SHIP RADIO STATION LICENSE (Form 506 - Current edition date is 10/97) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PASM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) NOTE: For a Fleet license modification, compute the fee by multiplying the number of stations in the Fleet by $50.00. When adding stations to a Fleet, compute the fee by multiplying the number of stations to be added by $50.00. RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Electronic filing available - see Part B, Page 2 of this guide) The Commission will send you an Application for Renewal, FCC 405B, aproximately 120 days prior to expiration of the license. File FCC 405B in accordance with instructions thereon. If you do not receive FCC 405B at least 30 days prior to license expiration, you may file FCC 506 for renewal of license. File FCC 506 in accordance with the instructions provided above for NEW LICENSE. NOTE: Applicants renewing a Marine Fleet license must compute the fee by multiplying the number of stations in the Fleet by $120.00. EXEMPTION FROM SHIP STATION REQUIREMENTS o FCC 820 - APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM SHIP RADIO STATION REQUIREMENTS (Form 820 - Current edition date is 1/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PDWM - Compute the fee by multiplying the Quantity/Fee Multiple (Number of Exemptions) by $145.00 -5- SHIP RADIO SERVICE (cont’d) DUPLICATE LICENSE o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) o A STATEMENT INDICATING THE LICENSE WAS LOST, MUTILATED OR DESTROYED ALONG WITH LICENSEE NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, CALL SIGN AND RADIO SERVICE SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P. O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 To request a short term emergency exemption, telephone (202) 418-0680, FAX (202) 418-2643, or mail request to: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Public Safety and Private Wireless Division 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 RULE WAIVERS: See Page 17. FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Governmental Entities, Request for Special Temporary Authority, Administrative Update, Amendment to Pending Application, Request for Withdrawal of a Pending Application, or Request for Cancellation of License are exempt from fee payment. These should be submitted to: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 AIRCRAFT RADIO SERVICE (PART 87) On October 26, 1996, the FCC released a Report and Order in WT Docket No. 96-82, FCC 96-421, eliminating the individual licensing requirement for all aircraft operating domestically. This means that you do not need a license to operate a two-way VHF radio, radar, or ELT aboard aircraft operating domestically. All other aircraft radio stations must be licensed by the FCC either individually or by fleet. For further explanation, see the FCC's Fact Sheet, PR 5000 #4 available from the Forms Distribution Center 1-800-418-FORM (3676). Aircraft Radio Service was converted to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) on 1/19/99. For information on ULS electronic filing, visit the Internet @ http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. The instructions that follow are for manually filed applications. Select the purpose of filing and follow the instructions below: NEW LICENSE o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PAAR - $120.00 FEE (per call sign) NOTE: Applicants for new fleet licenses must compute their fee by multiplying the number of stations in the fleet by $120.00. MODIFICATION (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) NOTE: A license is not transferable to another person or aircraft. In these cases, the new owner must apply for a NEW license (see above instructions). o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PAAM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) NOTE: For a fleet license modification, compute the fee by multiplying the number of stations to be modified by $50.00. When adding stations to a fleet, compute the fee by multiplying the number of stations to be added by $50.00. -6- AIRCRAFT RADIO SERVICE (cont’d) RENEWAL/MODIFICATION (Renewal with Modification)(License term will be extended) NOTE: This purpose of filing is used when renewing an existing authorization and requesting a change in the conditions of that authorization. o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PAAR - $120.00 FEE (per call sign) NOTE: For a renewed fleet licenses must compute their fee by multiplying the number of stations to be modified by $120.00. DUPLICATE LICENSE o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) RULE WAIVER o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PDWM - $145.00 FEE o NOTE: The fee for Rule Waiver requests must be calculated according to the type of request. To determine the correct Quantity/Fee Multiple, multiply the number of stations by the number of rule sections. To determine the fee due, multiply the Quantity/Fee Multiple by $145.00. Waiver requests and applications to which they relate should be filed together using a single Form 159 and single remittance for the total sum of the fee for the application(s) and waiver(s). Payment Type Codes for the application and rule waiver must be listed separately on the FCC Form 159. SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PAAR - $120.00 FEE (per call sign) NOTE: Applicants for renewed fleet licenses must compute their fee by multiplying the number of stations in the fleet by $120.00. SEND APPLICATION PACKAGES WITH FEE FOR RENEWAL ONLY PURPOSE TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P. O. Box 358245 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5245 FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as the Civil Air Patrol or as Governmental Entities, and requests for Special Temporary Authority are exempt from fee payment. Certain non-profit entities are eligible for a partial fee exemption. If you are uncertain if you qualify, call the FCC's Consumer Center at 1-888- CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). Additionally, there is no fee required for applications filed with purposes of Administrative Update, Amendment, Request to Cancel a License, or Request to Withdraw a Pending Application. SEND NON-FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGES TO: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 -7- PRIVATE POINT-TO-POINT MICROWAVE SERVICE and PRIVATE DEMS (Part 101) Private Point-to-Point Microwave and Private DEMS Services were converted to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) on 8/30/99. For information on ULS electronic filing, visit the Internet @ http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. The instructions that follow are for manually filed applications. Select the purpose of filing and follow the instructions below: NEW LICENSE o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PEOR - $340.00 FEE (per call sign) MODIFICATION (Major or Minor Technical Changes) License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PEOM - $210.00 FEE (per call sign) RENEWAL/MODIFICATION (Renewal with Modification) (License term will be extended) NOTE: This purpose of filing is used when renewing an existing authorization and requesting a change in the conditions of that authorization. o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PEOR - $340.00 FEE (per call sign) CONSOLIDATE CALL SIGNS (To consolidate multiple call signs into a single call sign)(License will retain expiration date of next call sign to expire) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PEOM - $210.00 FEE (per request) ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 603 - FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (Form 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PEOM - $210.00 FEE (per call sign) TRANSFER OF CONTROL (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 603 - FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (Form 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PATM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) DUPLICATE LICENSE o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PAOM - $50.00 FEE (per request) RULE WAIVER o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PDWM - $145.00 FEE o NOTE: The fee for Rule Waiver requests must be calculated according to the type of request. To determine the correct Quantity/Fee Multiple, multiply the number of stations by the number of rule sections. To determine the fee due, multiply the Quantity/Fee Multiple by $145.00. -8- PRIVATE POINT-TO-POINT MICROWAVE SERVICE and PRIVATE DEMS (cont’d) Waiver requests and applications to which they relate should be filed together using a single Form 159 and single remittance for the total sum of the fee for the application(s) and waiver(s). Payment Type Codes for the application and rule waiver must be listed separately on the FCC Form 159. SEND FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN RENEWAL ONLY WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PEOR - $340.00 FEE (per call sign) SEND FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE FOR PURPOSE OF RENEWAL ONLY WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358245 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5245 FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Governmental Entities and Stations used in connection with non-commercial educational broadcast stations are exempt from fees. Certain non-profit entities are eligible for a partial fee exemption. If you are uncertain if you qualify, call the FCC's Consumer Center at 1-888- CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). Additionally, there is no fee required for applications filed with purposes of Administrative Update, Amendment to a Pending Application, Request to Cancel a License, Request to Withdraw a Pending Application, Notification of Consummation, Request for Extension of Time for Consummation, Notification of Construction/Coverage Requirements, and Request for Extension of Time for Construction/Coverage Requirements. SEND NON-FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGES TO: Federal Communictions Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 LAND MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (PART 90) The Land Mobile Radio Service is in the process of being converted to the Universal Licensing System beginning mid-September 2000 through the end of the calendar year. The information that follows is applicable if the radio service in which you are filing has been converted to ULS. Information on ULS is released periodically by public notice. For the most current information, visit WTB’s website at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls or call the FCC’s Consumer Center at 1-888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). NOTE: The Commission released a Report & Order, FCC 00-235, on 7/12/2000 adopting a 10 year license term for Part 90. This will become effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. Applications for New, Renewal, and Renew/Mod received on or after that date and requiring payment of regulatory fees at the time of application filing must be accompanied by regulatory payment for 10 years instead of 5 years. The new amount is designated by an asterisk (*). NEW LICENSE or RENEWAL/MODIFICATION (License term will be extended) Note: Use the purpose Renewal/Modification when renewing an existing authorization and requesting a change in the conditions of that authorization. o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o The following fees apply: -9- LAND MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (cont’d) Private Mobile Radio Service (PMRS) -Frequencies below 470 MHz (exception 220 MHz) - $85.00 (*120.00) (per call sign) Payment Type Code: PALR -Frequencies 470 MHz and above and 220 MHz (Local) - $115.00 (*$180.00)(per call sign) Payment Type Code: PALS -220 Mhz Nationwide - $180.00 Payment Type Code: PALT (per call sign) -For Profit Special Emergency and Public Safety and Non-Profit (Radio Services Other Than Special Emergency and Public Safety) - $50.00 (per call sign) Payment Type Code: PALM Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) -Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) - $50.00 (per call sign) Payment Type Code: PALM Applications requiring frequency coordination in accordance with Rule Section 90.175 must first be submitted to the proper frequency coordination committee which will subsequently forward them to the FCC electronically. See PR5000, Number 301, for a list of frequency coordination committees and their mailing addresses. MODIFICATION (License retains expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PALM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) Applications requiring frequency coordination in accordance with Rule Section 90.175 must first be submitted to the proper frequency coordination committee which will subsequently forward them to the FCC electronically. See PR5000, Number 301, for a list of frequency coordination committees and their mailing addresses. ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION (License retains the expiration date of existing authorization) PRIVATE MOBILE RADIO SERVICE (PMRS) AND COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE (CMRS) o FCC 603 – FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (Form 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PALM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) TRANSFER OF CONTROL (License retains the expiration date of existing authorization) PRIVATE MOBILE RADIO SERVICE (PMRS) AND COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE (CMRS) o FCC 603 – FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (Form 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o Payment/Fee Type Code: PATM The fee due for a Transfer of Control application is calculated by multiplying the Quantity/Fee Multiple (number of call signs being transferred) by $50.00. CONSOLIDATE CALL SIGNS (To consolidate multiple call signs into a single call sign)(License will retain expiration date of next call sign to expire) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PALM - $50.00 FEE (per request) DUPLICATE LICENSE o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 – Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 – Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PALM - $50.00 (per request) -10- LAND MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (cont’d) RULE WAIVER o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PDWM - $145.00 FEE o NOTE: The fee for Rule Waiver requests must be calculated according to the type of request. To determine the correct Quantity/Fee Multiple, multiply the number of stations by the number of rule sections. To determine the fee due, multiply the Quantity/Fee Multiple by $145.00. Waiver requests and applications to which they relate should be filed together using a single Form 159 and single remittance for the total sum of the fee for the application(s) and waiver(s). Payment Type Codes for the application and rule waiver must be listed separately on the FCC Form 159. SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 – Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o The following fees apply: Frequencies below 470 MHz (Exception: 220 MHz) - $85.00 (*120.00)(per call sign) Payment/Fee Type Code: PALR Frequencies 470 MHz and above and 220 MHz (Local) - $115.00 (*180.00)(per call sign) Payment/Fee Type Code: PALS 220 MHz Nationwide - $180.00 (per call sign) Payment/Fee Type Code: PALT For Profit Special Emergency/Public Safety - $50.00 (per call sign) Payment/Fee Type Code: PALM Non-Profit (Radio Services other than Special Emergency/Public Safety) - $50.00 (per call sign) Payment/Fee Type Code: PALM CMRS (Commercial Mobile Radio Service) - $50.00 (per call sign) Payment/Fee Type Code: PALM SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE FOR RENEWAL ONLY WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358245 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5245 FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Governmental Entities are exempt from fees. Certain non-profit entities are eligibile for a partial fee exemption. If you are uncertain if you qualify, call the FCC's Consumer Center at 1-888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). There is no fee for applications filed for purposes of Amendment to a Pending Application, Administrative Update, Request to Withdraw a Pending Application, Request to Cancel a license, Notification of Consummation, Request for Extension of Time for Consummation, Notification of Construction/Coverage Requirements, or Request for Extension of Time for Construction/Coverage Requirements. SEND NON-FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGES TO: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 SPECIAL NOTES: 1)Applicants may apply to operate at different permanent locations, provided that the different locations are an integral part of a single system, when licensed under a single call sign. Each group of six permanent locations constitutes a station to which a separate application fee will be required. 2)Public Safety Pool applicants should submit applications for purposes of New, Renew/Mod, Renewal, Modification, and Assignment as Payment Type Code PALM along with a remittance of $50.00 (per call sign). -11- 218-219 MHz SERVICE (PART 95) (previously Interactive Video Data Service) This radio service is being converted to the Universal Licensing System beginning mid- September 2000 and the end of the calendar year. The information that follows is applicable to ULS filing. Information is released periodically by public notice. The most current information is available by visiting WTB’s website at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls or by calling the FCC’s Consumer Center at 1- 888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). To apply for a license in the 218-219 MHz Service, select the type of license and follow the instructions below: NEW LICENSE o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o Payment/Fee Type Code: PAIR - $180.00 Fee (per call sign) MODIFICATION (License retains expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o Payment/Fee Type Code: PAIM - $50.00 Fee (per call sign) RENEWAL/MODIFICATION (Renewal with Modification) License term will be extended) NOTE: This purpose of filing is used when renewing an existing authorization and requesting a change in the conditions of that authorization. o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o Payment/Fee Type Code: PAIR - $180.00 Fee (per call sign) ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION o FCC 603 – FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (FCC 603 – Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PAIM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) TRANSFER OF CONTROL (License retains the expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 603 – FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (FCC 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o Payment/Fee Type Code: PATM The fee due for a Transfer of Control application is calculated by multiplying the Quantity/Fee Multiple (number of call signs being transferred) by $50.00. DUPLICATE LICENSE o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PAIM - $50.00 (per request) SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 -12- 218-219 MHz SERVICE (cont’d) RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 – Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PAIR - $180.00 FEE (per call sign) SEND APPLICATION PACKAGES WITH FEE FOR RENEWAL ONLY PURPOSE TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P. O. Box 358245 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5245 FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Governmental Entities are exempt from fees. Certain non-profit entities are eligible for a partial fee exemption. If you are uncertain if you qualify, call the FCC's Consumer Center at 1-888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). There is no fee for applications filed for the purposes of Administrative Update, Amendment to a Pending Application, Request to Withdraw a Pending Application, Request to Cancel a license, Rule Waiver request, Notification of Consummation, Request for Extension of Time for Consummation, Notification of Construction/Coverage Requirements, or Request for Extension of Time for Construction/Coverage Requirements. SEND NON-FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGES FOR 218-219 MHz SERVICE TO: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE (PART 95) NOTE: Effective January 1, 1989, a non-individual may not obtain a new General Mobile Radio Service license. A non-individual that holds a previously issued General Mobile Radio Service license may not make major modifications to the system. See Sections 95.5, 95.71(e) and 95.89 of the Commission's Rules. General Mobile Radio Service was converted to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) on 4/19/99. For information on ULS electronic filing, visit the Internet @ http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. The instructions that follow are for manually filed applications. Select the purpose of filing and follow the instructions below: NEW LICENSE o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PALR - $85.00 FEE (per call sign) MODIFICATION (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (FCC Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PALM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) RENEWAL/MODIFICATION (Renewal with Modification)(License term will be extended) NOTE: This purpose of filing is used when renewing an existing authorization and requesting a change in the conditions of that authorization. o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (FCC Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PALR - $85.00 FEE (per call sign) -13- GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE (cont’d) DUPLICATE LICENSE o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (FCC Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (FCC Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PALM - $50.00 FEE (per request) RULE WAIVER o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (FCC Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PDWM - $145.00 FEE o NOTE: The fee for Rule Waiver requests must be calculated according to the type of request. To determine the correct Quantity/Fee Multiple, multiply the number of stations by the number of rule sections. To determine the fee due, multiply the Quantity/Fee Multiple by $145.00. Waiver requests and applications to which they relate should be filed together using a single Form 159 and single remittance for the total sum of the fee for the application(s) and waiver(s). Payment Type Codes for the application and rule waiver must be listed separately on the FCC Form 159. SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (FCC Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PALR - $85.00 FEE (per call sign) SEND APPLICATION PACKAGES WITH FEE FOR RENEWAL ONLY PURPOSE TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P. O. Box 358245 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5245 FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Governmental Entities are exempt from fee payment. Certain non-profit entities are eligible for a partial fee exemption. If you are uncertain if you qualify, call the FCC's Consumer Center at 1-888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). Additionally, there is no fee required for applications filed with purposes of Amendment, Administrative Update, Request to Cancel a License, or a Request to Withdraw a Pending Application. SEND NON-FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGES TO: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 -14- COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATORS (PART 13) Effective 12/01/95, the Commission eliminated the requirement for the Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit to operate a Broadcast station (e.g., AM, FM, TV). See Report and Order, MM Docket No. 94-130 released 10/23/95). Commercial Radio Operators, including Restricted Radiotelephone, will be converted to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) in the near future. Information regarding conversion and new requirements will be announced via Public Notice and the WTB website at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. To file a Commercial Radio Operator application, select the type of filing and follow the instructions under that category: RESTRICTED RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR PERMIT NEW (Lifetime) Permit o FCC 753 - RESTRICTED RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR PERMIT APPLICATION (Form 753 - Current edition date is 5/00) EXCEPTION: Aliens who are not legally eligible for employment in the United States should use FCC 755 - APPLICATION FOR RESTRICTED RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR PERMIT (LIMITED USE)instead of FCC 753. (Form 755 - Current edition date is 9/97) See FCC 755 instructions concerning eligibility. o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o Payment/Fee Type Code: PARR - $50.00 FEE (per permit) DUPLICATE/REPLACEMENT PERMIT o FCC 753 - RESTRICTED RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR PERMIT APPLICATION (Form 753 - Current edition date is 5/00) EXCEPTION: Aliens who are not legally eligible for employment in the United States should use FCC 755 - APPLICATION FOR RESTRICTED RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR PERMIT (LIMITED USE)instead of FCC 753. (Form 755 - Current edition date is 9/97) See FCC 755 instructions concerning eligibility. o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o Payment/Fee Type Code: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per permit) SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 ENDORSEMENTS There is no fee required for a Six Months Service Endorsement or a Ship Radar Endorsement. Send a completed FCC 756 - APPLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATOR LICENSE with required documentation to: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 GENERAL RADIO OPERATORS LICENSE (Lifetime) o FCC 756 - APPLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATOR LICENSE (Form 756 - Current edition date is 9/99) o NO FCC FEE REQUIRED NEW MARINE RADIO OPERATOR PERMIT, GMDSS RADIO OPERATOR LICENSE, GMDSS RADIO MAINTAINER LICENSE, GMDSS RADIO OPERATOR/MAINTAINER LICENSE, OR FIRST, SECOND OR THIRD CLASS RADIOTELEGRAPH OPERATOR CERTIFICATE o FCC 756 - APPLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATOR LICENSE (Form 756 - Current edition date is 9/99) o NO FCC FEE REQUIRED o APPLICATIONS FOR RADIOTELEGRAPH CERTIFICATES SHOULD INCLUDE TWO SIGNED PASSPORT-SIZED PHOTOGRAPHS SEND YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE TO: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 -15- COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATORS (cont’d) RENEWAL OF MARINE RADIO OPERATOR PERMIT, GMDSS RADIO OPERATOR LICENSE, GMDSS RADIO MAINTAINER LICENSE, GMDSS RADIO OPERATOR/MAINTAINER LICENSE, OR FIRST, SECOND OR THIRD CLASS RADIOTELEGRAPH OPERATOR CERTIFICATE o FCC 756 - APPLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATOR LICENSE (Form 756 - Current edition date is 9/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o Payment/Fee Type Code: PACS - $50.00 FEE (per license or permit) o APPLICATIONS FOR RADIOTELEGRAPH CERTIFICATES SHOULD INCLUDE TWO SIGNED PASSPORT-SIZED PHOTOGRAPHS DUPLICATE (Exception: Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit) o FCC 756 - APPLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL RADIO OPERATOR LICENSE (Form 756 - Current edition date is 9/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per license or permit) o REQUESTS FOR DUPLICATE OF RADIOTELEGRAPH CERTIFICATES SHOULD INCLUDE TWO SIGNED PASSPORT-SIZED PHOTOGRAPHS SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P. O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 COMPARATIVE HEARING To request a Comparative Hearing, submit the following: o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PFHM - $9,020.00 FEE SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE (PART 97) Amateur Radio Service was converted to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) on 8/16/99. For information on ULS electronic filing, visit the Internet @ http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. The instructions that follow are for manually filed applications. Select the purpose of filing and follow the instructions below: AMATEUR VANITY LICENSE (New license term) o FCC 605 - QUICK-FORM APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION IN THE SHIP, AIRCRAFT, AMATEUR, RESTRICTED AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR, AND GENERAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES (Form 605 - Current edition date is 7/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: WAVR - $14.00 FEE (per application) SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 -16- AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE (cont’d) FEE EXEMPT? There is no fee required for applications filed in the Amateur Radio Service other than for an Amateur Vanity initial, call sign change or renewed License (we do not expect renewal of Amateur Vanity until approximately year 2006). SEND NON-FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGES TO: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 RULE WAIVERS (for services not yet converted to ULS) The fee due for Rule Waiver requests must be calculated according to the type of request. Rule Waiver fees apply to Marine Coast, Aviation Ground, and Ship. Fee information for rule waivers for radio services that have been converted to ULS are listed with fee information specific to each radio service. ROUTINE WAIVER (per request) A request for a waiver of the Commission's rules, including those submitted in conjunction with an application, that involves no more than one station and one rule section. o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PDWM - $145.00 FEE NON-ROUTINE WAIVER (per rule section/per station) Requests for waiver that involve more than one rule section and/or station. o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PDWM To determine the correct Quantity/Fee Multiple, multiply the number of stations by the number of rule sections. To determine the fee due, multiply the Quantity/Fee Multiple by $145.00. ROUTINE AND NON-ROUTINE REQUESTS SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: Waiver requests and applications to which they relate should be filed together and must be accompanied by a Fee Remittance Advice (FCC 159) and a single remittance for the total sum of the fee for the application(s) and waiver(s). Payment Type Codes for the application and rule waiver must be listed separately on the Fee Remittance Advice (FCC 159). SEND THE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH WAIVER REQUEST AND PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 FEE EXEMPT? Waiver requests (and their associated applications) from Governmental Entities are exempt from fees. In addition, no fee is required for non-profit applicants in the Special Emergency and Public Safety Radio Services. Submissions in these two categories must be accompanied by a Determination Letter from the Internal Revenue Service which shows the applicant's not-for-profit status. These packages should be sent to: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 -17- COMMON CARRIER POINT-TO-POINT MICROWAVE, LOCAL TELEVISION TRANSMISSION AND DIGITAL ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SERVICES (PART 101) These services were converted to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) on 8/30/99. For information on ULS electronic filing, visit the Internet @ http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. All applications, notifications, and requests (excluding requests for Special Temporary Authority and Waivers of the requirement to file electronically) must be filed electronically via ULS beginning June 1, 2000. FCC Forms 601 and 603 are the only acceptable forms for these radio services. Select the purpose of filing and follow the instructions below: COMMON CARRIER POINT-TO-POINT MICROWAVE AND LOCAL TELEVISION TRANSMISSION SERVICE NEW LICENSE o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CJPR - $340.00 FEE (per call sign) MAJOR MODIFICATION (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CJPM - $210.00 FEE (per call sign) RENEWAL/MODIFICATION (Renewal with Modification) (License term will be extended) NOTE: This purpose of filing is used when renewing an existing authorization and requesting a change in the conditions of that authorization. o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CJPR - $340.00 FEE (per call sign) CONSOLIDATE CALL SIGNS (To consolidate multiple call signs into a single call sign)(License will retain expiration date of next call sign to expire) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CJPM - $210.00 FEE (per request) ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 603 - FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (Form 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CCPM - $75.00 FEE (First call sign on application) o NOTE: You may apply for additional stations on the same application by adding the Payment/Fee Type Code CAPM and submitting an additional $50.00 for each call sign. TRANSFER OF CONTROL (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 603 - FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (Form 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CCPM - $75.00 FEE (First call sign on application) o NOTE: You may apply for additional stations on the same application by adding the Payment/Fee Type Code CAPM and submitting an additional $50.00 for each call sign. DUPLICATE LICENSE o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) -18- COMMON CARRIER POINT-TO-POINT MICROWAVE AND LOCAL TELEVISION TRANSMISSION SERVICES (cont’d) REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CCPM - $75.00 FEE (per call sign) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CEPM - $95.00 FEE (per request) RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CJPR - $340.00 FEE (per call sign) SEND FEE AND FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FCC 159) TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau ELT P.O. Box 358994 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5994 FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Governmental Entities are exempt from fees. Certain non-profit entities are eligible for a partial fee exemption. If you are uncertain if you qualify, call the FCC's Consumer Center at 1-888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). Additionally, there is no fee required for applications filed with purposes of Amendment to a Pending Application, Cancellation of License, Withdrawal of Application, Administrative Update, Minor Modifications, Rule Waiver request, Notification of Consummation, or a Request for Extension of Time for Consummation. DIGITAL ELECTRONIC MESSAGE SERVICE – COMMON CARRIER (NOTE: Fee information for Private DEMS can be found on Page 8 of this guide.) NEW LICENSE o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CJLR - $340.00 FEE (per call sign) MAJOR MODIFICATION (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CJLM - $210.00 FEE (per call sign) RENEWAL/MODIFICATION (Renewal with Modification) (License term will be extended) NOTE: This purpose of filing is used when renewing an existing authorization and requesting a change in the conditions of that authorization. o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CJLR - $340.00 FEE (per call sign) CONSOLIDATE CALL SIGNS (To consolidate multiple call signs into a single call sign)(License will retain expiration date of next call sign to expire) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CJLM - $210.00 FEE (per request) -19- COMMON CARRIER DEMS (cont’d) ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 603 - FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (Form 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CCLM - $75.00 FEE (First call sign on application) o NOTE: You may apply for additional stations on the same application by adding the Payment/Fee Type Code CALM and submitting an additional $50.00 for each call sign. TRANSFER OF CONTROL (License will retain expiration date of existing authorization) o FCC 603 - FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (Form 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CCLM - $75.00 FEE (First call sign on application) o NOTE: You may apply for additional stations on the same application by adding the Payment/Fee Type Code CALM and submitting an additional $50.00 for each call sign. DUPLICATE LICENSE o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 – Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: PADM - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OR REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CCLM - $75.00 FEE (per call sign) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CELM - $95.00 FEE (per request) RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CJLR - $340.00 FEE (per call sign) SEND FEE AND FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FCC 159)TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau ELT P.O. Box 358994 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5994 FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Governmental Entities are exempt from fees. Certain non-profit entities are eligible for a partial fee exemption. If you are uncertain if you qualify, call the FCC's Consumer Center at 1-888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). Additionally, there is no fee required for applications filed with purposes of Amendment to a Pending Application, Request for Cancellation of License, Request to Withdraw a Pending Application, Administrative Update, Minor Modifications, Rule Waiver request, Notification of Consummation, or a Request for Extension of Time for Consummation. -20- BROADCAST AUXILIARY RADIO SERVICE (Aural Microwave and TV Microwave) (PART 74) These services were converted to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) on 8/30/99. For information on ULS electronic filing, visit the Internet @ http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls. The instructions that follow are for manually filed applications. In addition to the fees indicated below, licensees will be assessed an annual regulatory fee. A Public Notice will be sent out indicating the regulatory fee payment required. Further information can be found in Part C of this guide. Select the purpose of filing and follow the instructions below: NEW; RENEW/MOD OR MODIFIED LICENSE o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: MEA - $115.00 FEE (per call sign) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: MGA - $135 FEE (per request) SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: MAA - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE FOR PURPOSE OF RENEWAL (ONLY) WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358245 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5245 FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Governmental Entities or as stations used in connection with non-commercial educational broadcast stations are exempt from fees. Additionally, no fee is required for a Duplicate/Replacement license, Administrative Update, Request for Withdrawal of a Pending Application, Request to Cancel a License, Notification of Assignment of Authorization or Transfer of Control, Amendment to a Pending Application, Rule Waiver request, Notification of Consummation, Request for Extension of Time for Consummation, Notification of Construction/Coverage Requirements, or Request for Extension of Time for Construction/Coverage Requirements. Send these applications to: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 NOTE: 1. Auxiliary licenses held by licensees of full service broadcast stations do not require a separate application when renewed in conjunction with the full service station. -21- BROADCAST AUXILIARY RADIO SERVICE (Low Power or Remote Pickup) (PART 74) These services are in the process of being converted to the Universal Licensing System beginning mid- September 2000 through the end of the calendar year. The information that follows is applicable if the radio service in which you are filing has been converted to ULS. Information on ULS is released periodically by public notice. For the most current information, visit WTB’s website at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls or call the FCC’s Consumer Center at 1-888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). To apply for a license for Low Power or Remote Pickup in the Broadcast Auxiliary Service, select the type of license and follow the instructions below. In addition to the fees indicated, licensees will be assessed an annual regulatory fee. A Public Notice will be sent out indicating the regulatory fee payment required. Further information can be found in Part C of this guide. NEW; RENEW/MOD OR MODIFIED LICENSE o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: MEA - $115.00 FEE (per call sign) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: MGA - $135 FEE (per request) SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICES AUTHORIZATION (Form 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: MAA - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE FOR PURPOSE OF RENEWAL (ONLY) WITH PAYMENT TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P.O. Box 358245 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5245 FEE EXEMPT? Eligibles filing as Governmental Entities or as stations used in connection with non-commercial educational broadcast stations are exempt from fees. Additionally, no fee is required for a Duplicate/Replacement license, Administrative Update, Request for Withdrawal of a Pending Application, Request to Cancel a License, Notification of Assignment of Authorization or Transfer of Control, Rule Waiver request, Amendment to a Pending Application, Notification of Consummation, Request for Extension of Time for Consummation, Notification of Construction/Coverage Requirements, or Request for Extension of Time for Construction/Coverage Requirements. Send these applications to: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 NOTE: 1. Auxiliary licenses held by licensees of full service broadcast stations do not require a separate application when renewed in conjunction with the full service station. -22- PAGING AND RADIOTELEPHONE STATIONS (PART 22) NOTICE REGARDING ULS. This radio service was converted to ULS in June 1998. All applications, notifications, and requests (excluding requests for special temporary authority and waivers of the requirement to file electronically) must be filed electronically via ULS beginning July 1, 1999. FCC Forms 409, 601 and 603 are the only acceptable forms for this radio service. To apply for a Base, Dispatch, Control or Repeater Station, use the types of applications, forms and fees described below. (Note: Air-Ground – General (454 MHz) is included under this fee category.) In addition to the fees indicated below, licensees will be assessed an annual regulatory fee. A Public Notice will be sent out indicating the regulatory fee payment required. Further information regarding regulatory fees may be found in Part C of this Guide. NEW FACILITY, ADDITIONAL FACILITY, MAJOR MODIFICATION, MAJOR RENEW/MOD, FILL-IN TRANSMITTER, OR MAJOR AMENDMENT TO A PENDING APPLICATION o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CMD - $310.00 FEE (per transmitter) MINOR RENEW/MOD o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAD - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE OR TRANSFER OF CONTROL (FULL OR PARTIAL) o FCC 603 - FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (FCC 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o FIRST CALL SIGN ON APPLICATION - PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CMD - $310.00 FEE o EACH ADDITIONAL CALL SIGN ON SAME APPLICATION - PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAD - $50.00 FEE RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAD - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) MINOR MODIFICATION o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAD - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o CORRESPONDENCE OR FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CLD - $270.00 FEE (per location/per frequency) NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OR REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO CONSTRUCT o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAD - $50.00 FEE (per application) AUXILIARY TEST STATION o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CLD - $270.00 FEE (per transmitter) -23- PAGING AND RADIOTELEPHONE (cont’d) SUBSIDIARY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CFD - $135.00 FEE (per request) CONSOLIDATE CALL SIGNS (License will retain expiration date of next expiring call sign) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CLD - $270.00 FEE (per call sign) 900 MHZ NATIONWIDE PAGING RENEWAL - NETWORK ORGANIZER OR NETWORK OPERATOR: o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAD - $50.00 FEE (per operator/per city) SEND YOUR FEE AND REMITTANCE ADVICE (FCC 159) TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau ELT P.O. Box 358994 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5994 AIR-GROUND INDIVIDUAL LICENSE (NOT YET CONVERTED TO ULS) INITIAL LICENSE, RENEWAL, MODIFICATION: o FCC 409 - APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL AIRBORNE MOBILE RADIO TELEPHONE LICENSE IN THE PUBLIC MOBILE RADIO SERVICE (FCC 409 - Current edition date is 9/98) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAD - $50.00 FEE (per station) When FILING AIR-GROUND RADIOTELEPHONE APPLICATION, SEND YOUR FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau Applications P. O. Box 358130 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5130 When FILING AIR-GROUND RADIOTELEPHONE APPLICATION, SEND YOUR NON-FEEABLE APPLICATION PACKAGE TO: Federal Communications Commission 1270 Fairfield Road Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 NOTE: 1) No fee or application is required for a Duplicate/Replacement license, Administrative Update, Request for Withdrawal of a Pending Application, Rule Waiver Request, Request to Cancel a license, Notification of Consummation, or Extension or Time for Consummation. (If other than Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service, you must submit your request electronically.) CELLULAR SYSTEMS (PART 22) NOTICE REGARDING ULS. This radio service was converted to ULS in December 1998. All applications, notifications, and requests (excluding requests for special temporary authority and waivers of the requirement to file electronically) must be filed electronically via ULS beginning July 1, 1999. FCC Forms 601 and 603 are the only acceptable forms for this radio service. To apply in Cellular, use the types of applications, forms, and fee described below. In addition to the fees indicated below, licensees will be assessed an annual regulatory fee. A Public Notice will be sent out indicating the regulatory fee payment required. Further information regarding regulatory fees may be found in Part C of this Guide. -24- CELLULAR SYSTEMS (cont’d) NEW, ADDITIONAL FACILITY, MAJOR MODIFICATION, MAJOR RENEW/MOD o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CMC - $310.00 FEE (per call sign) ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE OR TRANSFER OF CONTROL (FULL OR PARTIAL) o FCC 603 - FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (FCC 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CMC - $310.00 FEE (per call sign) RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAC - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) MINOR MODIFICATIONS, MINOR RENEW/MOD o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CDC - $85.00 FEE (per call sign) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o CORRESPONDENCE OR FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CLC - $270.00 FEE (per request) REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAC - $50.00 FEE (per request) COMBINING CELLULAR GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREAS o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CBC - $70.00 FEE (per area) SEND YOUR FEE AND REMITTANCE ADVICE (FCC 159) TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau ELT P.O. Box 358994 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5994 FEE EXEMPTIONS: 1) No fee is required for a Duplicate/Replacement License, Amendment to a Pending Application, Administrative Update, Request for Withdrawal of a Pending Application, Request to Cancel a License, Rule Waiver Request, Notification of Consummation, Request for Extension of Time for Consummation, or Notification of Construction/Coverage Requirements. (You must submit your request electronically.) RURAL RADIO (PART 22) NOTICE REGARDING ULS. This radio service was converted to ULS in November 1999. All applications, notifications, and requests (excluding requests for special temporary authority and waivers of the requirement to file electronically) must be filed electronically via ULS beginning May 28, 2000. FCC Forms 601 and 603 are the only acceptable forms for this radio service. To apply for a Central Office, Interoffice or Relay Facility, select the type of license and follow the instructions below. (Note: BETRS is included in this fee category.) Regulatory fees must be paid for the entire license term at the time of application filing. The fee amounts indicated below include any required regulatory fees. -25- RURAL RADIO SERVICE (cont’d) NEW or ADDITIONAL FACILITY, MAJOR RENEW/MOD o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CGRR - $215.00 FEE (per transmitter) MAJOR MODIFICATION, MAJOR AMENDMENT TO A PENDING APPLICATION o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (Fcc 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CGRM - $145.00 FEE (per transmitter) MINOR MODIFICATION o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 – Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CARM - $50.00 FEE (per transmitter) MINOR RENEW/MOD o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CARR - $120.00 FEE (per transmitter) ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE OR TRANSFER OF CONTROL (FULL OR PARTIAL) o FCC 603 – FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (FCC 603 – Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o FIRST CALL SIGN ON APPLICATION - PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CGRM - $145.00 FEE o NOTE: EACH ADDITIONAL CALL SIGN ON APPLICATION - PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CARM - $50.00 FEE RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CARR - $120.00 FEE (per call sign) NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OR REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CARM - $50.00 FEE (per application) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o CORRESPONDENCE OR FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 – Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CLRM - $270.00 FEE (per transmitter) COMBINING CALL SIGNS o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CLRM - $270.00 FEE (per call sign) AUXILIARY TEST STATION o FCC 601 – FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CLRM - $270.00 FEE (per transmitter) SEND YOUR FEE AND FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FCC 159) TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau ELT P.O. Box 358994 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5994 -26- RURAL RADIO SERVICE (cont’d) FEE EXEMPTIONS: 1) No fee is required for a Duplicate/Replacement license, Administrative Update, Request for Withdrawal of a Pending Application, Request to Cancel a license, Rule Waiver request, Notification of Consummation, or Request for Extension of Time for Consummation. OFFSHORE RADIO SERVICE NOTICE REGARDING ULS. This radio service was converted to ULS in August 1998. All applications, notifications, and requests (excluding requests for special temporary authority and waivers of the requirement to file electronically) must be filed electronically via ULS beginning July 1, 1999. FCC Forms 601 and 603 are the only acceptable forms for this radio service. To apply for a Mobile, Subscriber, or Central Station, use the types of applications, forms, and fee described below. Note: Fees are required for radio services operating in any of the coastal waters of the United States. In addition to the fees indicated below, licensees will be assessed an annual regulatory fee. A Public Notice will be sent out indicating the regulatory fee payment required. Further information regarding regulatory fees may be found in Part C of this Guide. NEW FACILITY, ADDITIONAL FACILITY, MAJOR MODIFICATION, MAJOR RENEW/MOD, FILL-IN TRANSMITTER, OR MAJOR AMENDMENT TO A PENDING APPLICATION o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CGF - $145.00 FEE (per transmitter) ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE OR TRANSFER OF CONTROL (FULL OR PARTIAL) o FCC 603 - FCC WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPLICATION FOR ASSIGNMENTS OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFERS OF CONTROL (FCC 603 - Current edition date is 2/99) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o FIRST CALL SIGN ON APPLICATION - PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CGF - $145.00 FEE o EACH ADDITIONAL CALL SIGN ON APPLICATION - PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAF - $50.00 FEE RENEWAL OF LICENSE (Renewal only) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAF - $50.00 FEE (per call sign) MINOR MODIFICATIONS o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAF - $50.00 FEE (per transmitter) SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY o CORRESPONDENCE OR FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CLF - $270.00 FEE (per transmitter) NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OR REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO CONSTRUCT o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CAF - $50.00 FEE (per application) -27- OFFSHORE RADIO SERVICE (cont’d) CONSOLIDATE CALL SIGNS (License will retain expiration date of next expiring call sign) o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CLF - $270.00 FEE (per call sign) AUXILIARY TEST STATION o FCC 601 - FCC APPLICATION FOR WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU RADIO SERVICE AUTHORIZATION (FCC 601 - Current edition date is 6/00) o FCC 159 - FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FEBRUARY 2000 EDITION) o PAYMENT/FEE TYPE CODE: CLF - $270.00 FEE (per transmitter) SEND YOUR FEE AND FEE REMITTANCE ADVICE (FCC 159) TO: Federal Communications Commission Wireless Bureau ELT P.O. Box 358994 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5994 NOTE: 1) No fee or application is required for a Duplicate/Replacement license, Administrative Update, Request to Withdraw a Pending Application, Request to Cancel a license, Rule Waiver Request, Notification of Consummation, or Request for Extension of Time for Consummation. -28- PART C - INFORMATION ABOUT REGULATORY FEES The Federal Communications Commission, by Congressional mandate, implemented a regulatory fee schedule to recover costs incurred by the Commission relative to policy and rulemaking actions, as well as its enforcement, user information and international activities. The regulatory fees do not currently apply to Amateur Radio Services (except Vanity call signs), governmental entities, Civil Air Patrol, Commercial Radio Operator Permits and Licenses, Non- commercial Educational Broadcast stations, Special Emergency & Public Safety Radio Services, modifications of existing authorizations unless that modification results in a renewal or reinstatement for which a regulatory fee is required, and non-profit entities. Non-profit entities must provide a current Determination Letter from the Internal Revenue Service when filing documentation for non-profit status under IRS Code Section 501. These regulatory fees will be assessed annually and will apply to those licensees and entities which benefit from the Commission's regulatory activities, other than licensing or application processing functions. Among the services affected by these fees are the Mass Media Services and Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS). The regulatory fees for Mass Media and Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS) are paid on a predetermined date established by Public Notice (See Public Notices issued August 2, 1999 regarding FY 1999 payments). The regulatory fees for other Wireless Telecommunications Services are paid in advance to cover the term of the license and are submitted along with the application fee at the time the application is filed. See Part B of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Fee Filing Guide for additional information on the Wireless Telecommunications Services regulatory fees. Regulatory fees may be adjusted annually by the Commission pursuant to Section 9 of the Communications Act 47 U.S.C. 159. MASS MEDIA REGULATORY FEES When paying a regulatory fee for the Mass Media Service, the payor must submit FCC Form 159 (FCC Remittance Advice), along with the appropriate fee. FCC Form 159C (FCC Remittance Advice Continuation Sheet), may be used for any additional requests within the same lockbox. You may use a single Form 159 to pay multiple regulatory fees and to pay for more than one service in the Mass Media Service. Instructions for completing both forms are included in this guide. PLEASE NOTE: The last character in the payment type codes that follow represents the year the user is paying regulatory fees for. This last character will change for subsequent years. Broadcast Auxiliary – Payment Type Code: 0069 $12.00 per call sign Local Multipoint Distribution – Payment Type Code: 0014 $275.00 per call sign COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE (CMRS) REGULATORY FEES REQUIRING ANNUAL PAYMENT When paying a regulatory fee for Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS), the payor must submit FCC Form 159 (FCC Remittance Advice), along with the appropriate fee. FCC Form 159C (Fee Remittance Advice Continuation Sheet), may be used for any additional requests within the same lockbox. Instructions for completing both forms are included in this guide. Licensees whose fee payments are based upon a telephone number or unit count should use the number of telephone numbers or units as of December 31, 1999. CMRS Mobile Services (Specialized Mobile Radio Services (Part 90); Broadband Personal Communications Services (Part 24), Public Coast Stations (Part 80), Public Mobile Radio (Cellular, 800 MHz Air-Ground Radiotelephone, and Offshore Radio Services)(Part 22); and Wireless Communications Service (Part 27)) The regulatory Payment Type Code and regulatory fee for CMRS Mobile Services is: Payment Type Code: 0012 - $0.30 per unit (CMRS Mobile Services Parts 22, 24, 27, 80 and 90) Payment Type Code: 0011 - $0.30 per telephone number/unit (CMRS Cellular Radio Part 22) CMRS Messaging Services (Paging and Radiotelephone, Narrowband Personal Communications, 220 -222 MHz Band, Interconnected Business Radio, small SMR systems authorized for use of less than 10 MHz of bandwidth) The CMRS Messaging Services category includes all one-way paging (Parts 20,22,24 and 90), two-way paging, qualifying interconnected business radio services, 220-222 MHz land mobile systems (Part 90), PCS narrowband services, and small SMR systems authorized for use of less than 10 MHz of bandwidth. The regulatory Payment Type Code and regulatory fee for CMRS Messaging Services is: Payment Type Code: 0013 - $0.04 per unit (CMRS Messaging Services Parts 22, 24 and 90) Regulatory fees should be mailed to: FCC, Regulatory Fees P. O. Box 358835 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5835 -1-