
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Friday, June 26, 2009



There were several significant events this week that I wanted to share with you. I will be posting on each over the next several days.

1. On Tuesday evening I hosted a reception for former Commandants and Vice Commandants followed by a series of briefings and discussions on Wednesday on current events including Modernization, the transition of Administrations, Coast Guard Acquisition, Current Operations, and the FY 2009 and 2010 budgets.

2. On Wednesday evening I traveled to Charleston, SC and attended the reunion of the USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN (WHEC 68), my first unit.

3. On Thursday morning I rode a Station Charleston 41-foot UTB out to USCGC EAGLE in Charleston Harbor near Fort Sumter. I held an All Hands with the crew and cadets and met local dignitaries who were embarked for Charleston's Harbor Fest.

4. Later that day I toured both GALLATIN and DALLAS undergoing repairs in the same dry dock. I met with both COs and addessed both crews. I also met with the management of Detyens shipyard.

5. We departed Charleston and proceeded to Quebec, Canada for the 5th US/Canada Coast Guard Summit where we discussed a wide range of mutual issues.

As we continue to face our daily challenges we continue to grieve the loss of our shipmate, Jim Sloan, and think of his family.



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Last Modified 6/27/2009