
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Coast Guard Diversity Roundtable

On May 29th, we held a Diversity Roundtable at CG Headquarters. The theme for this first of its kind event was "Championing Leadership Diversity". We brought together national leaders from the private sector, including Chief Executives and members of corporate Boards of Directors, to share their insights on their own diversity initiatives. We successfully gathered their best practices and discussed how we could implement similar procedures in the Coast Guard.

The attendees included from left to right: Workforce Policy Advisor Ms. Portia Davidson (CG-12), Mr. Curtis Odom (CG-12), RADM Jody Breckenridge (CG-1), CAPT Robert Stohlman (CG-12B), Ms. Maria Morukian (Executive Director of National Multicultural Institute), Ms. Grace Rivera-Oven (Host of Maryland Cable TV Show "Week in Review"), Ms. Harriet Mayor Fulbright (President of Fulbright Center), Ms. Catherine Smith (President of National Diversity Best Practices), Mr. John Palguta (National Partnerships for Public Service), Ms. Lynn Gardner-Heffron (President of Diversity Spectrum Corporation), Ms. Cristina Caballero (President of Dialogue on Diversity), VADM Crea, and RADM Ronald Hewitt (incoming CG-1).

The roundtable participants emphasized diversity as part of recruiting and retention programs. That validated some of our previous efforts and we are starting to see positive results. The Coast Guard Academy's Class of 2013 is close to being finalized with 285 applicants having accepted appointment offers out of a total entering class size of 290. As of June 9, the Class of 2013 reflects a total minority population of 15.4 percent, more than a 35 percent increase over last year. We're continuing to show a very strong female enrollment rate as the class of 2013 is projected to contain 29 percent women, higher than any other service academy by a wide margin.

I am committed to developing a diverse workforce because it will help our Service become more flexible, adaptable and prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Diversity - in terms of different ethnicities, genders, cultures, experiences, professional backgrounds, and specialties - is an operational necessity and a critical component of our future organizational success.


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Last Modified 6/27/2009