Related Links

CWPPRA Task Force Members

Louisiana Department of Natural Resources

State of Louisiana Governor's Office

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - New Orleans District

U.S. Department of Agriculture

U.S. Department of Commerce

U.S. Department of the Interior

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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Louisiana Environmental Web Sites

America's WETLAND: Campaign to Save Coastal Louisiana

BTNEP - Barataria Terrebonne National Estuary Program

Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana - Addresses and advocates the restoration and preservation of the Mississippi River Delta.

Coast 2050 - Learn more about how the Coast 2050 Plan is being used to guide ecosystem restoration in Barataria Basin, Louisiana.

CREST - Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology

GORP-Louisiana Resource Listings - Great Outdoor Recreation Pages

Gulf Coast Soil and Water Conservation District

Gulf Of Mexico Program

LCA (Louisiana Coastal Area, Louisiana Ecosystem Restoration - Comprehensive Coastwide Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study)

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality

Louisiana Statewide Geographic Information System - Atlas Louisiana Statewide GIS

The Louisiana Chaper of The Nature Conservancy

Marsh Mission - Two artists working to save Louisiana's wetlands - Information about nutria and the Coastwide Nutria Control Program

USGS Fact Sheet - The Lake Pontchartrain Basin: Louisiana's Troubled Urban Estuary

USGS Fact Sheet : Barrier Islands: A Vanishing Resource

USGS Fact Sheet - Louisiana Coastal Wetlands: A Resource At Risk

USGS Fact Sheet - Hurricane Impacts on the Coastal Environment

Save Louisiana Wetlands - A Vanishing American Treasure - Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Office of Coastal Restoration and Management

Save Our Lake - The Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation

WETMAAP - Wetland Education Through Maps and Aerial Photography

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U.S. Environmental Web Sites

Bridge - Ocean Sciences Education Teacher Resource Center.

Dynamics of the Salt Marsh - South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

Environmental Working Group (EWG)

National Wildlife Federation - The Florida Everglades

National Wildlife Refuge Association

National Audubon Society - Organization whose focus is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems

National Wetlands Inventory - established to generate information about the characteristics, extent and status of the Nation's wetlands and deepwater habitats.

North Carolina State University - Wetlands Information

NRCS Watershed Projects - Working to conserve natural resources on private lands

Restore America's Estuaries - working together . . . saving our coastal heritage

South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force

The Wetlands Regulatory Center - List of federal and state regulations as well as pending legislation.

WETMAAP - Wetland Education Through Maps and Aerial Photography

USGS Fact Sheet - Hurricane Impacts on the Coastal Environment

USGS Water Science for Schools

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International Environmental Web Sites

Stop Disasters! A disaster simulation game from the UN/ISDR. Learn how to keep natural hazards from becoming disasters.

White Water To Blue Water Initiative- Partnerships for the Wider Caribbean Region

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands - The Convention's mission is the conservation and wise use of wetlands by national action and international cooperation as a means to achieving sustainable development throughout the world.

World Environmental Organization - a nonprofit organization devoted to the preservation of Earth's limited and threatened natural resources

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Estuary Program Web Sites

National Estuary Program

BTNEP - Barataria Terrebonne National Estuary Program - Louisiana

Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program - Massachusetts

CALFED Bay-Delta Program - California Bay-Delta Estuary

Center for the Inland Bays - Protecting and Preserving Delaware's Inland Bays

Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program

Chesapeake Bay Program - Maryland

The Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology at the University of New Hampshire

The Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program - Texas

Galveston Bay Estuary Program - Texas

Long Island Sound Study

Maryland Coastal Bays Program

Massachusetts Bays Program

Narragansett Bay Estuary Program

National Estuary Program

Partnership for the Delaware Estuary

Puget Sound Action Team

San Francisco Estuary Project

Santa Monica Bay Restoration

Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program

Tampa Bay Estuary Program

Tillamook Estuaries Partnership

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Wetland and Environmental Publications

USGS Studies of Louisiana Coastal Erosion and Wetland Loss (DDS-79)
An assortment of USGS scientific reports, atlases, and maps of Louisiana detailing the rates and processes of barrier erosion, geologic framework, storm effects, and wetland loss over the past century.

USGS Bibliography of References Pertaining to Offshore Sand Resources (OFR 03-300)
A summary of important scientific references to US offshore sand and gravel resource studies.

Cowardin, Lewis M., Virginia Carter, Francis C. Golet, and Edward T. La Roe. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States.1985.

National Wetlands Inventory Center Publications. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The Impact of Federal Programs on Wetlands, Volume II: Introduction. United States Fish and Wildlife Service/ Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance (OEPC). July 9, 1996.

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Wetland and Environmental Articles

Mr. Bill Tapped to Help Save La. Swamps
By Cain Burdeau Associated Press Writer January 21, 2004

Breaux GOES
U.S. Senate centrist hasn’t disclosed future plans
The Advertiser December 16, 2003

Home Is Where the Flood Is
1 in 3 stay put in big hurricane
The Times-Picayune November 22, 2003

Plan For Saving Our Coast
KPLC August 15, 2003

Losing Ground: Wetland’s demise ripples across nation
Louisiana’s vanishing coast hurting economy
The Advertiser

Houston oil giant backs research project on Louisiana wetlands
Houston Business Journal July 14, 2003

Delta Danger
Southern Louisiana Keeps Sinking; in Some Cases, Below Sea Level
ABCNews July 13, 2003. Copy hosted by

Louisiana's Coastal Marshes are Melting Away
Drowning the delta.

Trappers Take Aim At a Marsh Menace
Ever-Pregnant Nutrias Threaten Bay
Washington Post

Bills aim to hold oyster suits in check
Large awards hurt coastal erosion fight
The Times-Picayune

Oil industry pumps up oyster farms
Leaseholders find a golden goose
The Times-Picayune

Oyster farmers initially backed project
Fresh water seen as saving grace
The Times-Picayune

Affixing value to beds a slippery affair
Worth is murky under water
The Times-Picayune

Shell Games
The Times-Picayune

Coastal Louisiana gets that sinking feeling
The Christian Science Monitor

La.'s "national treasure" needs federal help
The Advocate Aug 24, 2001 (Abstract)

The Big Easy on the Brink by Adam Cohen

Meet the New Huck by Walter Kirn

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