Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 719.04 Index of Claims [R-3] - 700 Examination of Applications

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719.04 Index of Claims [R-3] - 700 Examination of Applications

719.04 Index of Claims [R-3]

Constant reference is made to the "Index of Claims" found in the inside of the file wrapper of all applications >maintained in paper<. It should be kept up to date so as to be a reliable index of all claims standing in an application, and of the amendment in which the claims are to be found.

The preprinted series of claim num- bers appearing on the file wrapper refer to the claim numbers as originally filed while the adjacent column should be used for the entry of the final numbering of the allowed claims.

Independent claims should be designated in the Index of Claims by encircling the claim number in red ink.

A line in red ink should be drawn below the number corresponding to the number of claims originally presented.

Thereafter, a line in red ink should be drawn below the number corresponding to the highest numbered claim added by each amendment. Just outside the Index of Claims form opposite the number corresponding to the first claim of each amendment there should be placed the letter designating the amendment.

If the claims are amended in rewritten form under 37 CFR 1.121(c), the original claim number should not be stricken from the Index of Claims but a notation should be made in red ink in the margin to the left of the original claim number, i.e., "Amend. 1"; if the claim is rewritten a second time, "Amend. 1" should be changed by striking out "1" and inserting "2" above it.

As any claim is canceled, a line in red ink should be drawn through its number.

A space is provided for completion by the examiner to indicate the date and type of each Office action together with the resulting status of each claim. A list of codes for identifying each type of Office action appears below the Index. At the time of allowance, the examiner places the final patent claim numbers in the column marked "Final." >For Image File Wrapper (IFW) processing, see IFW Manual.<

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