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Coordination with agencies and organizations in the Lake Erie-Lake Saint Clair Drainages was integral to the success of this water-quality assessment. We thank those who served as members of our liaison committee.

Federal Agencies

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Department of Agriculture Environment Canada, Great Lakes Division

State Agencies

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Ohio Lake Erie Commission
Michigan Department of Agriculture
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Indiana Department of Natural Resources
New York Department of Environmental Conservation

Local Agencies

City of Fort Wayne
City of Toledo
Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
Washtenaw County, Michigan, Health Department
Oakland County, Michigan, Health Department
Allen County, Indiana, Soil and Water Conservation District

Local Agencies

City of Fort Wayne
City of Toledo
Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
Washtenaw County, Michigan, Health Department
Oakland County, Michigan, Health Department
Allen County, Indiana, Soil and Water Conservation District

Other public and private organizations

Rouge River Program Office, Michigan
The Nature Conservancy
Great Lakes Commission
International Association of Great Lakes Researchers
Michigan State University
University of Michigan, Dearborn

We thank the following individuals for contributing to this effort.

Robert Pigg, Michigan Department of Agriculture
John Estenik, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Charles Staudt, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Terry Keiser, Ohio Northern University

Special thanks to U.S. Geological Survey employees for their contributions:
Kevin Metzker, lead technician, Erin Lynch, Bill Yost, Dennis Finnegan, Stephanie Brubeck, Alex Covert, Rick Hubbell, Craig Oberst, David Eckhardt, George Casey, and Michael Wieczorek. Richard Frehs and C. Michael Eberle for production of the report, including editing, layout, and illustrations.

Appreciation also is extended to those individuals and agencies that reviewed this report: Mark Ayers, Charles Peters, and Patrick Phillips, and others at the U.S. Geological Survey; Tom Crane, Great Lakes Commission, and Jeffrey Busch, Ohio Lake Erie Commission.

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U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1203

Suggested citation:

Myers, D.N., Thomas, M.A., Frey, J.W., Rheaume, S.J., and Button, D.T., 2000, Water Quality in the Lake Erie-Lake Saint Clair Drainages Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, New York, and Pennsylvania, 1996–98: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1203, 35 p., on-line at

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Last modified: Thursday, September 01 2005, 04:41:24 PM
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