
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Understanding Civilian Recruiting Opportunities


Below is a guest blog by Cindy Nelson-Possinger (CG-121), Chief, Office of Civilian Personnel. I was briefed by the USCG Civilian Recruiting Team today. We discussed the diversity of the civilian workforce and the need for greater awareness by our field commanders and better focus in our recruiting effort.


The FY 2008 Management Directive 715 Report, a mandated yearly Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Report, shows a declining trend of diversity in the civilian workforce. The Civilian Recruiting Team in CG-121 can assist program managers and supervisors in finding qualified and diverse applicants. The team markets the Coast Guard as an ?employer of choice? by building broad public awareness of the attributes of becoming a Civilian Guardian. The recruiters use national and regional outreach events, electronic recruiting sources, and publications to build diverse high quality applicant pools to meet current and future workforce needs. The civilian recruiters participate in more than 70 diversity career fairs and conferences per year. In addition, the team fosters partnerships with professionals associations and organizations supporting the employment of: Hispanics, African Americans, American Indians, Women, Asian/Pacific Islander, Persons With Disabilities (PWD), and Veterans

In partnership with Command Staff Advisors and Human Resource Specialists, the recruiters have developed and implemented specific marketing strategies for Marine Inspectors, Medical Occupations, Criminal Investigators, Contract Specialists, Engineers, Naval Architects, Senior Executive Service Members, and Economists. These strategies utilize electronic recruiting sources, university/college alumni networks, and diversity publications.

The recruiters also manage special programs that have strong ties to affinity groups and diversity associations and universities. These programs include: Career-Entry Level Opportunity (CEO) Program, Minority Serving Institution Internship Program (MSIIP), Operation WarFighter Program (OWF), Persons With Disabilities (PWD) and Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP).

HOW YOU CAN HELP: Senior leaders and hiring officials should identify a certain percentage of their workforce vacancies as entry level/career ladder positions starting at GS-5 through GS-9. Identifying entry level positions creates a stronger linkage to the diversity programs listed above. Entry level positions also provide opportunities for professional growth and may provide some personnel stability as employees progress to the journeyman grade. Senior leaders, program managers, and individual supervisors can work directly with servicing CSA/HR Specialists and the civilian recruiters to fill journeyman positions as an entry level/career ladder hire or to designate a group of positions to be filled as entry level/career ladder positions.

For additional information please visit our web-site.


Blogger Amver Maritime Relations said...

The Amver program lost a billet during a previous reorganization. This billet restructure, coupled with our success recruiting more ships, has created a workload issue we have dealt with, but could be more managable with a return to our original staffing level of three FTE.

We would relish the opportunity to reprogram the vacancy, a GS-11 position, to a GS 5/7/9 position to create an entry level position for an aspiring government employee.

Our office stands ready to work closely with CG-121 to quickly implement any program that would give an entry level employee the opportunity to work in a challenging Coast Guard program that has a direct impact on saving lives.

May 27, 2009 8:53 AM  

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Last Modified 6/27/2009