
Web Journal of Admiral Thad Allen

Friday, May 8, 2009

Two Cutters at a Crossroads and the HEC/NSC-type Mission Demand

WMSL meets the WHEC
Originally uploaded by uscgpress
Today we formally accepted U.S. Coast Guard Cutter BERTHOLF into the operating fleet. This is a historic juncture in Coast Guard history with the intersection of the proud legacy of the Hamilton-Class High Endurance Cutter (HEC) and promising future of the National Security Cutter (NSC). This is a time that has been long in coming and one that has taken tireless effort from literally thousands of members of Team Coast Guard.

While we acknowledge this significant milestone, we still have years of work ahead to transition from the venerable HEC -- with 40+ years of noble service; to the NSC -- the most capable platform the Coast Guard has ever built. All the while, we expect the demand for HEC/NSC-type missions to increase. These missions call for a globally deployable offshore platform that is simultaneously interoperable with U.S. and allied navies; and independently operable, with the range and endurance to maintain an offshore presence. Recent examples of this mission demand include:

* Counter-drug operations, like those that reduce the flow across Mexico?s southern border and ultimately into the United States, as shown by USCGC SHERMAN.
* Counter-piracy operations like those being conducted by CTF-151, including USCGC BOUTWELL.
* Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported fishing activity that threatens the sustainability of global fish stocks, like those disrupted by USCGC RUSH working with the Republic of Kiribati.
* Search and Rescue operations offshore and in high-latitudes, like those by the USCGC MUNRO that saved 42 crew members of the F/V Alaska Ranger.
* Defense operations and international engagement like those conducted routinely in support of U.S. Combatant Commanders, including PACOM, CENTCOM, AFRICOM, EUCOM and SOUTHCOM.
* Marine Environmental Protection offshore and in high-latitudes, like USCGC RUSH in the case of the M/V Cougar Ace.

In many cases, the Coast Guard is the sole U.S. Government entity with legal authority, operational competencies and resource capability to conduct these missions. Over the next few years the replacement, or more accurately the enhancement, from the HEC to the NSC will ensure our ability to execute these critical missions for continued safety, security and prosperity of our Nation.



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Last Modified 6/27/2009